Killing animals

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Awesome Friend
Feb 17, 2013
Barnegat, NJ
About a month ago I tried to kill and gut a squirrel and I failed miserably. I just have this connection with animals where I totally lose it if I have to put it down or kill it. It didn't help that what I had to kill/gut looked just like my Miss Lily. I can admit that I cried like a baby and walked away. My hubs wasn't very pleased and I get why.

Tonight, I'm going to try at it again. A person is far different than an animal (in my eyes) and I really hope that I can get past that moment of connection.

Wish me luck and I'll keep ya'll posted. :/
I've been told that multiple times. LOL @ squirrel burger. My husband is ex military and he thinks that I should just be able to do what he does. I'm still a city girl living in the suburbs. I need a lil bit of time to acclimate! :)
Squirrel's too lean to make a good burger without a little added fat to it.

In all seriousness, I know people that have this problem. We ended up with a hog that a couple raised to butcher and they couldn't do it. My advice to those who can't get the animal's face/personality/ whatever out of their head when the meat is on the table, is to wait a week or longer before you eat it and it helps to have someone else cook it the first couple of times.

Hopefully that will help. Once you have it and it's been cooked right, you'll be tossing peanuts out for the little buggers to fatten up the next one.
I like em grilled!! WHole in fact. Skin, gut, grill... That simple

What is MS Lily? Who is that?
I like em grilled!! WHole in fact. Skin, gut, grill... That simple

What is MS Lily? Who is that?

A friend of mine did young groundhogs that way. I would catch them for him and he would freeze them and grill at his leisure. I have not got that far yet but good to know if your hungry enough.
I am also a big animal lover and haven't ever killed one myself. Normally hubby takes care of that and cleans. All I have to do is prep the meat or make into whatever. When we got our steers, a few months ago, I knew that they were going in for slaughter. We named then Ribeye and T-bone. I was able to love on, but I knew the ultimate outcome.
Now when my dog Ike caught a rabbit in the backyard, I was able to get him. The poor little rabbit died in my arms. I think my dog broke his neck. My hubby was going to bury him, but I spoke up and said no your not, that is food!
Danil54grl, that sounds like something I would say as well! I'd give the dog a piece for a good job done.
I haven't caught anything yet! The weather has been so horrible here that everything went into hiding (including me). Maybe I'll get something today as the weather is decent.
It takes practice. I come from a family of hunters. Its hard at first ...the concept of killin a animal. But survival makes s all things possible. Try goin hunting. That may help.besides u can learn the propper way to feild dress animals.
Maybe you should start with something with less fur and cut eyes like a chicken. Don't know, I havn't killed an animal yet because my first deer hunt was a dud.
That last post is great advice. Start small. Go to.a farm and. Just ask. Or raise your own.
I cannot kill anything either. If I had to kill animals for food, I'd become a vegetarian. Squirrels and rabbits and deer are too cute and too precious for us to kill if we can afford to buy meat.
I have never eaten or even thought about eating squirrel. Of course I have never gone several days with out food either. I am sure my culinary preferences will change with the onset of starvation, and a lack of Del Taco!
I have never eaten or even thought about eating squirrel. Of course I have never gone several days with out food either. I am sure my culinary preferences will change with the onset of starvation, and a lack of Del Taco!

What do you think is in that mystery meat at del squirrel taco. just ruined del taco for you huh.
Clydesdale my friend, I would be more than happy to fix you a supper of young, tender fried squirrel, mashed new potatoes, cream gravy, corn on the cob, fresh biscuits, green beans with bacon, and a peach cobbler for dessert.
I don't think I'd recommend a chicken for the first animal to kill. Some people aren't ready for all the jitterbugging that the bird does after it's killed.

jitterbugging is a nice way to put it. I still laugh when I think of my brother chasing one around that got away after the deed. If that doesnt get ya the scalding water and feather plucking was never a big turn-on to most.
Yep, I know about ol' Mike. Have no idea how he kept going as long as he did, it's an odd story for sure.

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