Klaus Schwab and the WEF (WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM)

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@Helen Back You mentioned that you spent some time homeless in your youth. I have a friend who did the same; he was not mentally ill, a drug addict or a criminal, he was just a kid with a bad family life (the foster system is as bad if not worse). Eventually, he did get into trouble with the law and was a mess through his 20's. He was about to become homeless again when we offered to have him come live with us.

I am interested on your thoughts on this. What do you see as a remedy for it? What can the average citizen do to help?

The first thing people can do is STOP giving money to homeless people, and DEMAND accountability. When these people stop getting money from strangers, and the police start prosecuting their crimes, many will have to actually work to live. We waste billions a year on the homeless, with ZERO results. On top of wasted taxpayer dollars, many have their insurance premiums skyrocketing from the vandalism and theft. Then, we pay more at the store to compensate for the theft from stores. In Portland, we spend a million a year on people to clean graffiti (maybe a job for someone homeless wanting to be better). I know San Fran spends about the same for people to go around and clean up poop.

I have always said, we need to have buildings for homeless people. The Salvation Army, and Goodwill can donate clothes (they make billions a year selling things donated to them and pay no taxes for it). Once a month we can pay someone to come in and cut hair. The most important thing homeless people need is safety, a toilet, a shower, and an address/phone number from which they can look for work. I would have breathalyzers and drug tests for everyone, every night. We can create jobs for them too.

We also need to differentiate the mentally ill, from the worthless. The ill should get care if they want it. Things have changed so much since I was on the street. It is insane now, and the working people are paying through the nose for it.

There is so much more, but I only have a minute.

I think many people need to go to hell, to realize they want out. Sometimes i think we should send drug addicts to an island, and let them fend for themselves. Can you imagine the hell that island would be? People would do anything to avoid going. It's prison, that keeps me from killing some people. There has to be consequences for our actions. For some reason the liberlas give these animals a free pass on everything.
It appears to me that what is happening around the world is going to put a huge dent in the population and end the lazy train freebies. The “free” money is gone. The crash is coming.
I'm OK if we quit sending tax dollars around the world. And if we quit trying to feed the world. I'm fine if we ended tax payer funded welfare here at home too. Every country, and person, should be allowed to succeed or fail on their own.
I believe that the responsibility for the poor rests on he church, not the government. Throughout history, that was the case. Those who felt led to do something, did it knowing that their reward was not on this side of eternity because we live in a fallen world. There will never be an end to suffering here. Governments do not have the responsibility for preventing every tragedy.
I believe that the responsibility for the poor rests on he church, not the government. Throughout history, that was the case. Those who felt led to do something, did it knowing that their reward was not on this side of eternity because we live in a fallen world. There will never be an end to suffering here. Governments do not have the responsibility for preventing every tragedy.

I believe the responsibility for the poor rests with the individual, not the church or the government; because it is the right thing to do. I don't want or expect anything from it (even salvation). It is just right.

Every Christmas and Easter it was my mother's Polish tradition to set an extra plate at the table. One year I asked her why. She said "because you don't know if someone might knock on your door today, hungry. You never know who that someone might be...it could be Jesus in disguise."

That has always stuck with me. Who is that beggar on the corner, that prostitute or the woman living under the bridge or, even that flaming, misguided liberal you met on line? They are the least of my brothers.

That door, could be your home's door or the door of the journey that is your life.

I believe the people that come into our lives for better or worse, are put there for a reason. It is not an accident. We are to learn from them. Grow from knowing them and try to become more than we are today for having them touch our lives, however briefly.

In that way, even those we do not like or believe are evil incarnate, are a gift to us.
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I believe the people that come into our lives for better or worse, are put there for a reason. It is not an accident. We are to learn from them. Grow from knowing them and try to become more than we are today for having them touch our lives, however briefly.

In that way, even those we do not like or believe are evil incarnate, are a gift to us.
My life in a nutshell, sis. There are no coincidences in my life. Everything that has ever happened, turned out to be a helping hand for me or the other person and a learning experience.
A wise chinese saying: every problem you solve brings you a gift of wisdom and experience. Accept your problems, find the answers and get wiser doing so...don't just bitch and moan because you have problems: WHO DOES NOT HAVE ANY PROBLEMS??
My life in a nutshell, sis. There are no coincidences in my life. Everything that has ever happened, turned out to be a helping hand for me or the other person and a learning experience.
A wise chinese saying: every problem you solve brings you a gift of wisdom and experience. Accept your problems, find the answers and get wiser doing so...don't just bitch and moan because you have problems: WHO DOES NOT HAVE ANY PROBLEMS??

Yep. I don't believe in coincidences! Everyone needs to vent sometimes but, if you have problems...do something about them where you can. What is out of your hands, do the best you can and ask for help to guide you in solving your own problem.
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I believe the responsibility for the poor rests with the individual, not the church or the government; because it is the right thing to do. I don't want or expect anything from it (even salvation). It is just right.

Every Christmas and Easter it was my mother's Polish tradition to set an extra plate at the table. One year I asked her why. She said "because you don't know if someone might knock on your door today, hungry. You never know who that someone might be...it could be Jesus in disguise."

That has always stuck with me. Who is that beggar on the corner, that prostitute or the woman living under the bridge or, even that flaming, misguided liberal you met on line? They are the least of my brothers.

That door, could be your home's door or the door of the journey that is your life.

I believe the people that come into our lives for better or worse, are put there for a reason. It is not an accident. We are to learn from them. Grow from knowing them and try to become more than we are today for having them touch our lives, however briefly.

In that way, even those we do not like or believe are evil incarnate, are a gift to us.
When I say church, I mean church as in the Biblical definition- the family of believers of the world- not necessarily the institutions. ...though the institutions generally do a great job at caring for the poor.

I personally don't believe in salvation by acts.
Every Christmas and Easter it was my mother's Polish tradition to set an extra plate at the table. One year I asked her why. She said "because you don't know if someone might knock on your door today, hungry. You never know who that someone might be...it could be Jesus in disguise."

My Grandmother taught the same thing! I have witnessed her take people in and feed them. It left a deep message to me as a child.

I personally don't believe in salvation by acts.

Agree. The Bible tells us clearly that our acts are like rags before the throne of God.
My Grandmother taught the same thing! I have witnessed her take people in and feed them. It left a deep message to me as a child.

An older Romanian friend (she was a gymnast in her youth in Romania) and I were talking to a 30 something acquaintance who had asked us about our holiday plans. We both telling her that no matter the crowd (until a couple of years ago I was cooking Christmas for 30-35), you lay out your best china, crystal, silverware, tablecloths, candles etc for everyone.

Anyone is welcome, even last minute and it is not rude. I said "food is how you say I love you" and my friend's face lit up. She said "YES!!! Exactly!".

Was your grandmother by chance East European?

“MUST SEE: Bolsonaro to FIGHT ON! Speaks to Massive Sea of Supporters After 41 Days of Silence: “I Will Give My Life for My Country! We Will Win!” (Video)​

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro emerged from the Alvorada Palace in Brasilía Friday and spoke to protestors for the first time since mass protests against the stolen election began 41 days ago, promising to “fight to the death” for Brazil. ‘Load up on cash, food and gas’, the military is advising.

President Jair Bolsonaro said:

I am here to listen to the people. My loyalty belongs to the people of Brazil.

I am the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces. The Armed Forces are the last bastion against communism. They are loyal to the Brazilian people. Their duty is to defend our freedom.

We are facing difficult and painful decisions. If it goes wrong, it is because we as leaders have failed. So do not criticize without being absolutely sure of what is happening.

Everyone knows what happened over the last 4 years and what the Supreme Electoral Court has said. What is happening in our country is absurd. It would be easy to install a dictatorship in Brazil.

40 days of silence pained me in my soul. I’ve never seen people take to the streets, demanding that a president stay. Usually, they want him to leave. I’ve never seen anything like this!

Nothing is lost yet. I believe that victory will come, within the law and the Constitution.

I will give my life for my country! Let’s dedicate ourselves, unite and seek a way out. Let us each do what we can to save our country! Onward to victory!

Protesting is a democratic right! You are the citizens of this country! No more being treated the way they have been treating you!


So do not ask what I can do for you, but what you can do for your country. It is you, the people, who will decide my future and what the Armed Forces will do.

I can only be happy if you are. I will do what I can. But I can’t authorize anything by myself. This isn’t a decision for only one person alone.”


“MUST SEE: Bolsonaro to FIGHT ON! Speaks to Massive Sea of Supporters After 41 Days of Silence: “I Will Give My Life for My Country! We Will Win!” (Video)​

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro emerged from the Alvorada Palace in Brasilía Friday and spoke to protestors for the first time since mass protests against the stolen election began 41 days ago, promising to “fight to the death” for Brazil. ‘Load up on cash, food and gas’, the military is advising.

President Jair Bolsonaro said:

I am here to listen to the people. My loyalty belongs to the people of Brazil.

I am the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces. The Armed Forces are the last bastion against communism. They are loyal to the Brazilian people. Their duty is to defend our freedom.

We are facing difficult and painful decisions. If it goes wrong, it is because we as leaders have failed. So do not criticize without being absolutely sure of what is happening.

Everyone knows what happened over the last 4 years and what the Supreme Electoral Court has said. What is happening in our country is absurd. It would be easy to install a dictatorship in Brazil.

40 days of silence pained me in my soul. I’ve never seen people take to the streets, demanding that a president stay. Usually, they want him to leave. I’ve never seen anything like this!

Nothing is lost yet. I believe that victory will come, within the law and the Constitution.

I will give my life for my country! Let’s dedicate ourselves, unite and seek a way out. Let us each do what we can to save our country! Onward to victory!

Protesting is a democratic right! You are the citizens of this country! No more being treated the way they have been treating you!

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So do not ask what I can do for you, but what you can do for your country. It is you, the people, who will decide my future and what the Armed Forces will do.

I can only be happy if you are. I will do what I can. But I can’t authorize anything by myself. This isn’t a decision for only one person alone.”

I loved his speech.
Feels familiar what happened there! If we are waiting on the courts and politicians to change things here, ain't happening! We certainly don't have a President like that and I think about half our citizens think what's happening in our country is ok! And have no clue what's coming for us.

God help these people and their president they will succeed!
Ever wonder what the real reason is for the WEFers to want you not to eat meat? Anyone with half a brain knows CO2 is plant food!!! We MUST HAVE IT in abundance to have FOOD!


Study: Global plant growth surging alongside carbon dioxide​


A trace gas present in the atmosphere in miniscule amounts is helping scientists answer one of the biggest questions out there: Has plant growth increased alongside rising levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?

It turns out the answer is Yes – in a big way. A new study published in the April 6 edition of the journal Nature concludes that as emissions of carbon dioxide from burning fossil fuels have increased since the start of the 20th century, plants around the world are utilizing 30 percent more carbon dioxide (CO2), spurring plant growth.”

Turns out they did a study and did not allow children, babies and adults to eat meat or dairy, just greens and bugs.. The result was a horrific reduction in HEALTH!!! Just another way to kill you.
I don't eat much meat. I don't care for poultry much and I have to limit red meat.

But my B12 routinely gets a bit low. I can always tell when I am getting low because my body just craves a medium rare sirloin so much that I can't stand it. When that happens, I just eat one.

My doggos won't be on the menu, though. The climate can go up in smoke before I eat my pups.