Klaus Schwab and the WEF (WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM)

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Lids and jars will make good barter items.
I got a jar of persimmon jelly from a lady neighbor. After opening it and enjoying the flavor, I noticed that the original date on the jar of peach jelly was dated back in FEB 2011!! That tells me that if you open, use, clean and take care of your jars and especially the lids...you could and CAN use them over and over again.
You only need to check out that the rubber seal inside the commercially made and sealed jars is still soft and clean.
BTW: here in Hungary they also sell small sheets of plastic which are used in canning everything. You do your cooking, cleaning, steaming and such, then, before you close the lid on your food, you place one of these sheets over the jar and then place the lid on. This insures a good seal, keeps the lids clean and re-usable and also is much cheaper than buying new lids every year. I can buy a hundred sheets for canning for less than $.50 (fifty cents) and they work just fine.

Great Reset: Supermarket Chain Lidl to Cut Down on Meat Products to Serve Green Agenda​


Major European grocery chain Lidl will seek to reduce the amount of meat products sold in its stores in favour of “alternative” protein sources to promote the global green agenda.

Lidl’s purchasing director for the German market, Christoph Graf, said this week at a Berlin ‘Green Week’ event that the discount supermarket retailer will seek to move away from selling meat because “there is no second planet”.

In comments reported by the German newspaper Der Spiegel, the grocery executive said that in order to meet the demands of a global population, meat consumption in the West needs to be reduced.

The move from the German grocer comes less than a month after similar calls were made at the globalist World Economic Forum (WEF) summit in Davos, Switzerland, where the chairman of German manufacturing giant Siemens, Jim Hagemann Snabe, said that he hopes a significant percentage of the global population shifts away from eating meat in order to mitigate the supposed impact of humans on the global climate.”

Since when do these self appointed RULERS, tell ALL OF US what we can eat???

Make these businesses go bankrupt!

Great Reset: Supermarket Chain Lidl to Cut Down on Meat Products to Serve Green Agenda​

View attachment 18867

Major European grocery chain Lidl will seek to reduce the amount of meat products sold in its stores in favour of “alternative” protein sources to promote the global green agenda.

Lidl’s purchasing director for the German market, Christoph Graf, said this week at a Berlin ‘Green Week’ event that the discount supermarket retailer will seek to move away from selling meat because “there is no second planet”.

In comments reported by the German newspaper Der Spiegel, the grocery executive said that in order to meet the demands of a global population, meat consumption in the West needs to be reduced.

The move from the German grocer comes less than a month after similar calls were made at the globalist World Economic Forum (WEF) summit in Davos, Switzerland, where the chairman of German manufacturing giant Siemens, Jim Hagemann Snabe, said that he hopes a significant percentage of the global population shifts away from eating meat in order to mitigate the supposed impact of humans on the global climate.”

Since when do these self appointed RULERS, tell ALL OF US what we can eat???

Make these businesses go bankrupt!
Our local butchers will having a party then.
I will try, but, I only go there if I hear that there is something on special or sale. My german neighbors have sworn to never buy any foodstuffs there again after having to throw away so much that was bad or went bad fast, even chestnuts. I try to stay with the Tesco or the Spar here but more often than not, I prefer go to the little
"Aunt Emma" shops which are personally or family owned shops with less selection but better quality and nearby so I use less gas to get the shopping done also.
If we do not support these little shops, they will close and we HAVE to go to the ****-stores.
People think I'm ridiculous because of the size of my home library. "You can keep it on an ebook." "Why pay for a book when you can get the information online for free?"

Because the first way to take people out is to control the information. The internet won't be allowed forever.
Sorry if this is off topic/im late to the conversation. But I remember being a kid when the Nook and Kindle came out, and my grandmother shook her head and said along the lines of, "This is how Fahrenheit 451 will play out, instead of burning books." It took me a long time to understand but now I get it, the majority of my generation and especially younger are almost completely illiterate or void of critical thinking. I know several kids under the age of 12 who can barely read past a 1st grade level. But her and I often have had conversations about it since then, if you have digital versions of any book, you can change at any time the information, translation, etc to fit your current agenda. This is why I will always have physical versions of books.
How many billionairs are in prison? How many should be?
How many billionaires are involved in creating laws?
How many billionaires "support" politicans by elections?
How many billionaires are able to engage better and more laywers than "normal" peoples? (Btw - did you ever realize the close spelling by laywer and liar?)

Since beginning of humanship the stronger or powerfull persons created the laws for all others and toke special benefits for themselves. In this way the humanship didn't evolve - just the methods gone more clever.
Anybody who seriously thinks that Universal Basic Income (UBI) programs of the future won’t be full blown social credit systems need look no further than Brazil, where newly selected socialist / globalist Lula da Silva just decreed that the Bolsa Familia program will require family members to be vaccinated in order to continue receiving benefits.

“We can’t play, it’s a question of science. If I have 10 covid vaccines to take, I will take all that is necessary ”.
The news comes via The Rio Times, which describes the Bolsa program as “a social welfare program for the poorest families in Brazil” and “a kind of Universal Basic Income”.

UBI is considered by many to be beneficent and inevitable. I personally believe the latter but not the former.

However it shouldn’t surprise anyone that if you’re dependent on The Saviour State for your sustenance (as Charles Hugh Smith calls it), you are, in effect, their chattel.

CBDCs will be the rails for UBI programs​

The emergence of Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) initiatives in nearly every nation on earth clearly signals the direction this is going. Nearly every CBDC white paper or proposal I’ve come across have the following three characteristics spelled out in plain text, and I expect every CBDC to have these five capabilities baked-in, whether or not they are initially enabled (or documented).

#1) Expiry dates / use-by dates​

CBDCs will have expiry dates after which their value will evaporate or erode. What I’ve noticed is white papers coming out of central banks started framing it as a feature, not a bug, to facilitate “recovery of lost funds”.

An important feature of physical cash payments is resilience, which is due to their indifference to power outages or network coverage. Many central banks are exploring issuing digital cash substitutes with similar online payment functionality. Such substitutes could incorporate novel features, making them more desirable than physical cash. This paper considers introducing an expiry date for online digital currency balances to automate personal loss recovery. We show that this functionality could substantially increase consumer demand for digital cash, with the time to expiration playing an important role. Having more information available to the central bank improves accuracy of loss recovery but may decrease welfare.
— Best Before Expiry? Expiring Digital Currency and Loss Recovery, Bank of Canada Staff Paper, December 24, 2021
However the real reason CBDCs will have expiry dates is to stimulate money velocity and keep recipients dependent.

#2) “Anti-hoarding” features​

Saving for the future is being rebranded as “hoarding” and it is becoming officially unfashionable because personal savings reduces dependancy on the state. The easiest mechanism for achieving this will be through negative interest rates on savings accounts, as per this IMF white paper,

“A world with lower inflation (and even zero inflation) and no persistent recessions may sound like a pipe dream, but we argue that it is possible by transitioning to an “electronic money standard.” Such a transition requires eliminating the zero lower bound, which central banks can achieve using readily available tools. Breaking the zero lower bound implies that the optimal rate of inflation will be lower than in the presence of the lower bound. This will empower central banks to quickly restore full employment and, over the medium term, possibly move toward targeting full price stability with zero inflation.”
…which goes on to outline the challenges there would be in eliminating the “arbitrage” between digital and physical cash:

A zero lower bound can be broken through a combination of (1) adopting or strengthening an electronic money standard in which electronic money is the unit of account and (2) implementing a time-varying interest rate (or more generally, rate of return) on paper currency (cash). Then, as the interest rate on cash moves in line with the official policy rates, there is no arbitrage between cash and money in the bank. Operationally this can be done while remaining quite close to the current monetary system, but there are several legal, communication, and political challenges to a transition to such an electronic money standard (Agarwal, and Kimball 2019).
(Despite the current rise in rates, once the money printers fire back up, this is where we’re headed).

#3) Total Information Awareness​

Once it’s digitized in a centralized database (central banks) as opposed to being cryptographically secured on a decentralized blockchain (Bitcoin) – everything becomes known to central authorities instantly. Taxation can be applied per-transaction, but more interestingly – prices can also be modified on the fly.

If you’re behind on your property or income taxes – or have an unpaid fine (maybe because you’re fighting it), for example, they could simply enable a rolling garnishee on your wallet until it’s paid off.

While all transaction signatures are public on Bitcoin – they are pseudonymous and more importantly, unalterable. It’s true it may be known or discoverable that A sent sats to B, but there’s nothing any third-party can do about it. With Lightning on the ascent, combined with various privacy enhancements there – Bitcoin development is moving in the direction of more freedom and more privacy – which is the opposite direction of most CBDC initiatives.

Finally, whether CBDCs are launched with the noblest of intentions, there will at some point arise “an emergency” which will make it necessary for The People in Charge to “flip the switch” and turn them into:


#4) Social Credit Systems​

Imagine if “LoonCoin” was a thing last year when the #FreedomConvoy hit Ottawa (and signalled the beginning of a worldwide revolt against Covid tyranny). Instead of emailing a list of bank accounts to be frozen that were cribbed from a (hacked) spreadsheet, they could simply direct the Bank of Canada to turn off everybody’s digital wallets who were in the vicinity of the protest, or who contributed to their crowdfund, or who retweeted the #HonkHonk hashtag.

Do you think they wouldn’t have done it?

Covid vaxports have already been weaponized in China, Brazil is doing it with their UBI program and when this is all formaized into a CBDC, they will probably not launch it without the framework for widespread social credit and control systems being part of the plumbing.

We all know from our experience with the pandemic, emergencies tend to drag on in perpetuity. The “War on Terror” is still in effect, and there are still legions of collectivist automatons tweeting #CovidIsntOver.

So when “The Long Emergency” (to use James Kunstler’s term) becomes a never ending, rolling climate crisis, the social credit systems built into CBDCs will be used to enforce:

#5) Carbon footprint tracking​

Back in Carbon Rationing, CBDCs and Sound Money I wrote how this trajectory is more or less baked-in now, and that the state-run financial system is undergoing a shift from a debt-backed monetary system to one based on carbon quotas.

This is the ultimate end-game of CBDCs. There is no hidden agenda or conspiracy around this (there’s already a Mastercard that cuts off your spending when you exceed your carbon quota), and globalist elites are quite up front about it….

Why CBDCs will ultimately fail​

The developments of CBDCs is something we monitor in The Bitcoin Capitalist (formerly The Crypto Capitalist). Every month we put out our coverage of CBDCs in the “Eye On Evilcoin” section and it’s not always bad news:

There is still some time to stop CBDCs​

Despite all the jawboning about CBDCs, nobody has really deployed anything viable. It’s all still design and planning – with some test beds going on. The few projects that have launched formal, actual CBDC’s have largely stiffed: Nigeria’s Enaira, Venezuela (lol). Even China’s much vaunted Digital Yuan had an underwhelming reception at last year’s Olympics (my suspicion is that the global financial system is unraveling faster than CBDCs can be developed, so they may have to go with something already out there, like Ethereum).

Worth noting, is that Brazil plans to deploy its CBDC next year.

I should note one exception to all the proposals out there in former CFTC Commissioner Chris Giancarlo (a.k.a “CryptoDad”) and the Digital Dollar Project. So far it’s the one proposal I’ve seen bucking the trend among all CBDC specifications in that there is no talk of expiry dates, and an actual emphasis on tokenization, custody and privacy.

CBDCs will not be permanent​

It amuses me that when I read these plans around social credit flavoured CBDC’s, policy makers still continue to believe that by hobbling “cash”, making it impossible to save, eliminating privacy and layering on Orwellian levels of social control, they still get something that the public will prefer to cash, crypto or Bitcoin.

It’s delusional.

Incentives matter, and that’s why nobody in their right might isn’t going to hold any wealth in CBDCs and keep their transactions within it to the lowest practical level.

The overall global system of governance is in a Fourth Turning style restructuring. With institutional legitimacy in tatters and public trust plummeting, CBDCs are typical and symbolic of the last gasp of industrial era, centrally planned economies.

The transition period between where we are now (Late Stage Globalism) and where we are headed – decentralized Network States, is going to be rough, so I advise battening down the hatches and reducing one’s reliance on government entitlements as much as possible…

Pro Tip: Don’t be poor​

This is where we’re headed folks, so at the risk of sounding flippant, the solution is not to need financial aid.

Anybody depending on state entitlements or financial support will be CBDCerfs, their affairs fully regulated by the state, their carbon footprints metered, and rationed, while their lives are gamified through their smartphones.

Among the affluent G20 nations where woke-ism reigns supreme and neo-Marxism is still fashionable, a lot of them may even like it.

But for the rest of us, who would prefer not to “own nothing and be happy”, it’s imperative that you have zero reliance on government subsidies, entitlements or support payments.

If you haven’t already:

  1. Start a business. (Even a kitchen table business or an online venture)
  2. Start stacking sats (Bitcoin) – get off zero, today.
  3. Start taking sats at your business.
If you already own or run a business, buy, start or invest in another one.

It’s going to get a lot more expensive to be free. It’s not right or fair, but that doesn’t matter.

The good news is there’s never been a better time in history to learn, create, innovate and grow and these are the dynamics and incentives that will ultimately prevail. We’re in a period of Peak Collectivism and Peak Centralization now (for the next few years). This dominating ideology is ultimately an anti-human philosophy and this too shall pass.

Be ready for it, either way.
The Irish are fighting back! They have started burning down buildings where the government is putting Invaders!! (Language may be offensive to some)

Handsome Truth@HandsomeTruth

You have got to be joking, Irish government put leaflets in native Irish people's homes, girls/women are not allowed to leave their own house after 6pm because they've shipped in immigrants of fighting age men that like to rape... And don't worry they are all doctors and engineers...


This type of reaction is what will always eventually happen in these circumstances. It will get much worse.
The Irish are fighting back! They have started burning down buildings where the government is putting Invaders!! (Language may be offensive to some)

Handsome Truth@HandsomeTruth

You have got to be joking, Irish government put leaflets in native Irish people's homes, girls/women are not allowed to leave their own house after 6pm because they've shipped in immigrants of fighting age men that like to rape... And don't worry they are all doctors and engineers...

View attachment 18950

This type of reaction is what will always eventually happen in these circumstances. It will get much worse.

They need to do that to those in there government that is ordering this insanity.
"New arrivals to this area are not accustomed to Irish cultural norms at this transitionary time."

B.S. What they mean is that until the Irish become accustomed to, and ACCEPT the cultural norms of the new arrivals, we have to protect them.

The Irish REALLY don't like being pushed around. They took it for too long and won't stand for it anymore.
If the mullahs get their ***** kicked by the Irish, which is almost certain, they will go to Germany.
In Germany, young women received Tatoos from the government last year saying "NO".

This is not a joke but reality...


When you have no consequences for bad behavior; you will continue to get bad behavior. We have become to tolerant. The few of us that aren't are to few to win the fight.
When you have no consequences for bad behavior; you will continue to get bad behavior. We have become to tolerant. The few of us that aren't are to few to win the fight.
The problem with the Germans is simple: Before they start to fight they found an fighting group. And before they found this group they check out if it would be legal and they ask for permission to do. If their laywer and the government says no they stop with everything.
Proably a bit exaggerated but not very far from reality ;)
Yes, in Good ole Germany, you have to put in an application to get permission to be able to ask someone who is willing to listen to your request and inform you whether or not it is possible to get the right to build a work shed on your own property with your own money on your own time and not have to inform any neighbors who might be able to see the shed, the shed might disturb any nature, animals, insects, birds, lizards, bats or sleep walkers. After building the shed you need to insure it against fire, arson, earthquake, tornados, buzzard ****, graffiti, hurricane, deep snow or infestation of termites. Only then you still need to get the correct materials which are green, natural, not chemically treated so the bugs can eat it, it can be recycled and you cannot get permission to sleep in it because that would be against the law of mis-using the shed from its original purpose.......
Listen to what the WEF despot says in the last sentence, the WEF is now already in the process of bringing all media and internet under control, well advanced in Europe.

At the end you will have the sheep with chips and QR code under eternal control, these will be the willing sheep that the WEF dictatorship can liquidate at any time.
Other people like us who resist you for that you will also have your plans, you will probably somehow try to make us harmless with the next "exercise simulation".

Tragic is, that such a sick psychopath like Klaus Schwab may appear on such occasions, says probably everything about how our democracy is ******.
I say that our countries are no longer democratically governed, we were betrayed by the politicians and we have to vote the guys out and lock up.
Listen to what the WEF despot says in the last sentence, the WEF is now already in the process of bringing all media and internet under control, well advanced in Europe.

When they try that move, we must form small groups nationwide and bring down the internet, cells and electricity!!! See how far they can govern us then!
They are relying on technology to control us. If the infrastructure doesn't work than they can't control us. Bring it down!
I wonder what it would take to take them down? What did the folks in Europe use?

Seems like it would be quickly rectified unless done in a global effort.

(Don't come arrest me, FBI. I am just wondering. It's not like I'm praying in front of an abortion clinic or anything.)
Here on this site, we are relying on point A to get to point B. If point B is down we can’t communicate with directly anyone at point C.
There is a way built into windows to communicate with a station/computer but you have to know the IP address.
I know, I used to do it with people in my Cisco CCNA class 20 years ago.
This assuming you have a static IP address
Kinda the basics of messaging apps but they provide the search mechanism to find EW, RCD, PP etc. and those apps could be down like this site could be. They are a point B
Here on this site, we are relying on point A to get to point B. If point B is down we can’t communicate with directly anyone at point C.
There is a way built into windows to communicate with a station/computer but you have to know the IP address.
I know, I used to do it with people in my Cisco CCNA class 20 years ago.
This assuming you have a static IP address
Kinda the basics of messaging apps but they provide the search mechanism to find EW, RCD, PP etc. and those apps could be down like this site could be. They are a point B
That would never work for those of us who are too stupid to work technology!

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