Klaus Schwab and the WEF (WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM)

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Their plan is working. . . Good people are pollyannas and will never do anything. Most Americans really believe the greatest threat to America is the right; while they allow the country to be crushed. We are all alone.

African mobs turn Dutch city into a war zone: Cops are injured in The Hague as gangs torch cars and hurl bricks in political dispute sparked 3,000 miles away in Eritrea

The politicians were always warned about this, but they went ahead with it without any sense. As for the police here, who are beating women, children and old people without mercy during Corona, they are running away from the Africans, it's no joke.
As for the police here, who are beating women, children and old people without mercy during Corona, they are running away from the Africans, it's no joke.
It is always easy to beat up the innocent and weak...every criminal knows that and always tries to choose their softest target...thank God they are stupid enough to make mistakes and KARMA catches them often.
Stupid cops are no better...
Just as they do attack each other in Erithrea, they do it all over the world-wherever they meet, they fight.
Scoundrels and brutal bastards of hate. The only thing they have EVER INVENTED was hate and death.
They will soon learn that America and Rednecks have a surprise in store for them and their hatred for all things and people who are good. Good against Evil.......Good will reign, Good will prevail, live free, Gary
Wow! Just Wow! The mother WEFers are having dams destroyed to cause water shortages.


This is in a report recently done by Adapt 2030. In the video he shows maps where dams were already removed and the subsequent water shortages that are happening. Also gives maps of further dams being removed.

EDITED to add video link…

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Fearless German MEP, Christine Anderson, issues a stark warning to the unelected globalist totalitarians at the WHO:

"This will end if we simply say no. And that's what we're here to do today, because an unelected body like the WHO, [which] is controlled and run by multibillionaires, should never be allowed to act in place of a democratically elected government."

"We are millions, millions around the world. It is you that is the small fringe minority… We will bring you down, and we will not tire until we have done just that. So brace yourselves. We are here, and the fight is on."


“Tyson Foods Announces Partnership With BUG Company Protix to “Support Growth of Emerging Insect Ingredient Industry”​

by Ethan Huff | Natural News


If you purchase store-bought food items of the processed variety, beware: there could be insect ingredients hiding in the formula, thanks to a new agreement between processed chicken giant Tyson Foods and Protix, an insect ingredients company.

A twofold investment agreement forged between Tyson and Protix will allow the processed food industry to hide newfangled bug ingredients in their labels by creating an efficient and “sustainable” system of insect protein and lipids production for the entire global food system.

Using a direct equity investment, Tyson will acquire a minority stake in Protix to help fund its massive global expansion, creating a steady supply of insect and bug ingredients that will be forced on the entire planet – except for the food plates of the globalists, of course, who will still be fine-dining on steak and caviar to their empty-hearts’ content.

Tyson and Protix have entered a joint venture for the construction and operation of an insect ingredient manufacturing facility here in the United States
, which reports indicate will be the first of its kind “to upcycle food manufacturing byproducts into high-quality insect proteins and lipids which will primarily be used in the pet food, aquaculture and livestock industries.”

Wait for them to almost complete the factory here…then BURN IT TO THE GROUND!! Do it so many times they give up! We can play their games too!