L.A. Riots...a taste of the SHTF

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I actually used the korean shopkeepers as support in a research project to protect the 2nd amendment. I read about the riots in general, but its a whole new take to read a first hand account, thank you for sharing!
Stay out of L.A.............................and New York.............................and D.C.....................and Chicago.... and pretty much ANY inner city of ANY metropolis.
I love it when people try to downplay the LA Riots, and claim that in a SHTF scenario, it wouldn't be that bad...

Between fifty and fifty-six citizens are murdered in the riots; two thousand are seriously injured.
At last, the LAPD is deployed. Its officers make approximately 10,000 arrests.
Estimates of between 800 million and a billion dollars in property damage have been reported. Approximately 3,600 fires were deliberately set, destroying 1,100 buildings.

And this was just over a court verdict.
I wonder how many people know that after his lawsuit, and becoming a millionaire, he was found dead in his swimming pool...

he died of accidental drowning, and that alcohol, a lot of marijuana, cocaine and PCP were found in his blood and were contributing factors to his death
This is an interesting piece by Robert Avrech about his experiences during the L.A.Riots called "Jew Without a Gun".


About as close as you get in real life to a Zombie Apocalypse!
I remember the riots as I was living in the city of Orange in Orange County, CA at that time. The only 2 guns I had at the time was a Russian SKS and a MAK-90. The advantage was back then they sold steel core rounds at Turners for about $3.00 per box of 20. Thankfully the riots didn't come as far south as I live, but it was still an eye opener.
Yeah, that was over a court verdict. Imagine when people can no longer feed their children, or the government tries taking away the first and second amendment, or anything af that nature..... People will lose their minds!!!! Well i am ready. And those of you reading these threads are either ready too or getting ready. Good luck to you all.
Hehe, I live in the North East a few miles outside of NYC. I live in the city which was the epicenter of the Metro North commuter melt down. A powerline blew out for the train that carries like thousands upon thousands of commuters into NYC each day. Well people freaked out because it is taking close to three weeks to fix one stinking power line that powers one of the busiest commuter lines. Imagine this, the full force and manpower of Con Edison (the power company) and the state of CT can't make it happen faster than three weeks! This is top grade priority and they can't even get this simple thing done. Imagine a EMP scenario. Liberals and other people ha ha about it, assuring me that the government has emergency transformers ready to distribute in a moment's notice to magically fix everything. BS. Imagine how long this power line would take to fix if every single thing blew out at once.

Yes, I digress, I hope this government shutdown thing doesn't boil over into martial law or some sort of catastrophic melt down, but one never knows.

Recently had a melt down with my family over second amendment rights. I bend over and cater to them as much as I can, trying to remain civil, but it when comes down to it, protecting myself is my number one priority, and telling me not to own guns is like telling me I don't have a fundamental right and they can shove it at that point.

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