Latest news on the war against Russia (official)

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Militants Opened Fire Against ATO Positions More Than 70 Times Over Last Day
12.03 09:25
Yesterday, March 11, 75 militants' attacks were recorded in the ATO area, 59 of which took place in Donetsk direction, 15 - in Mariupol direction and one - in Luhansk direction.
The press center of the ATO Staff reported this in the morning.
“The terrorists carried out 12 sighting mortar attacks on the Ukrainian positions near Krasnohorivka, Opytne, Pisky, Avdiivka, Zaitseve and Nevelske (Donetsk direction) and Marinka with Chermalyk (Mariupol direction)”, – said the statement.
Reportedly, positions near Avdiivka were shelled with IFV and tanks twice and at about 18.00 – with 122-mm self-propelled guns.
Strongpoints near Novhorodske and Luhanske were shelled with IFV, grenade launchers and heavy machine guns.
Also the press center of the ATO Staff reported that the militants used grenade launchers of different systems, large-caliber machine guns and small arms to shell the positions in the areas of Pisky, Opytne, Zaitseve and Maiorsk.
In Mariupol direction, UAF positions came under fire from grenade launchers and machine guns near Marinka, Vodiane and Shyrokyne.
“In addition, militants conducted point-blank fire towards Ukrainian positions near Krasnohorivka, Opytne, Troitske, Hranitne and Novozvanivka”, – the Staff added.
It should be recalled that on March 11, militants from the territory uncontrolled by Ukrainian authorities attacked the repairmen who restored the Marinka-Krasnohorivka pipeline.

Two Ukrainian Servicemen Killed In ATO Area, – Lysenko
12.03 12:48
Yesterday, March 11, two Ukrainian servicemen were killed and one serviceman was injured as a result of combat actions in the ATO area. One of them was killed because of mortar attack near Avdiivka, and the other two soldiers came under fire from enemy infantry combat vehicles near the village of Novhorodske.
The spokesman of the Presidential Administration for ATO issues Colonel Andrii Lysenko reported this today, March 12.
According to him, in the Luhansk direction, militants carried out one armed provocation near the village of Novozvanivka, using small arms and grenade launchers.
In Donetsk directions, three areas became the epicenter of the confrontation: Donetsk Airport, Horlivka neighborhood and the village of Luhanske. “In particular, the militants shelled our positions near Avdiivka ranging from tank shelling at 5:50 am to aimed fire with 122-mm self-propelled guns at 18:20 pm”, – said Lysenko.
During the day, Avdiivka came under fire from 82-mm and 120-mm mortars, grenade launchers and small arms, In addition, militants used tanks twice and IFV once.
In Zaitseve and Maiorsk, militants fired with small arms, heavy machine guns and grenade launchers. Militants’ sniper also worked in Zaitseve.
Near the village of Luhanske, militants used small arms, heavy machine guns, grenade launchers and infantry fighting vehicles.
In Mariupol direction, militants concentrated their fire from 82-mm mortars near Marinka and the village of Chermalyk. In Marinka, sniper fire was also recorded, as well as numerous provocations with the use of small arms.
As the press center of the ATO Staff reported in the morning, 75 attacks by militants were recorded on March 11, including 59 in Donetsk direction, 15 in Mariupol direction and one in Luhansk direction.
Dmitry Tymchuk: Military update 03.11
12.03.2016 - 10:34

Operational data from Information Resistance:
Russian-terrorist troops in Donbas continue actively shelling the ATO forces’ positions and civilian targets, using small arms, grenade launchers of various types, as well as 82 mm and 120 mm mortars, 122 mm artillery, and armored vehicles, including tanks. Shelling is carried out on several sections of the demarcation line. At the same time, militants are observing and reconnoitering the combat positions of Ukrainian troops along almost the entire length of the contact line.
Militants have been the most active in the broad stretch between Pisky and the northern outskirts of Horlivka (especially near Avdiivka). Namely, in the vicinity of Avdiivka, terrorists deployed heavy armor – a pair of tanks left the forrested area near the 272.2 m high ground and opened fire in the direction of Ukrainian troop positions west of the Yasynuvata junction (up to 10 HE projectiles). Later, two “Gvozdika” 2S1 122 mm self-propelled guns fired on the ATO forces’ positions west of the “Gospodar” Market (eastern part of old Avdiivka). At the same time, heavy 120 mm mortar shellings by militants were recorded.


Militants attacked residential sector in Avdiivka (Donetsk region) morning of March 10, 2016
On the stretch between Pisky and Butovka [Mine], including Opytne, terrorists are carrying out heavy fire from mortars and stand-mounted grenade launchers, providing cover for their small (up to one platoon) infantry groups operating near Avdiivka and the DAP.
Southeast of this area, a terrorist group on board of armored vehicles (two BMP-2’s and one BTR-80) fired on the ATO forces’ observation points and strongholds southeast and east of Novhorodske. After firing, the armored group retreated in the direction of the Lenina Mine and Zalizna Balka. Near Rozsadky, militants fired from the on-board weapons of BMP-2 (at least one armored vehicle was identified here).
Regrouping of Russian-terrorist troop units continues east of Horlivka. A unit on board of BMP-1’s and BMP-2’s (up to 10 armored vehicles) was spotted on the march near Bairak, headed towards the northern direction of operations. This unit has been transferred to resupply the left flank units of the militant “7th separate motorized rifle brigade” that holds defensive positions in this area.
A “joint DNR-LNR brigade” is being created in the vicinity of Yenakijeve, headed by Russian officers serving in “LNR” armed gangs. The total planned headcount of the brigade is some 2,500 personnel. Militant selection is being coordinated by the terrorist with the call-sign “Sanych.”
The “DNR Ministry of Defense” is taking urgent measures to reinforce the gangs comprising the “1st DNR Army Corps.” At this time, its units are, on average, 30-35% understaffed (some, up to 60%). The “DNR MoD” has decided to address the “supervisors” in Moscow with a request for urgent additional financial aid for the DNR, in order to increase militants’ pay, in the hope of creating additional motivation for local residents to join the “military service” as “contract soldiers.”

Stuff left by the “local rebels” in Shyrokyne, Ukraine: Russian-made specialist silent ammo 4 Spetsnaz (SOF) Source: @AlexPanchenko2
A unit of the Russian Armed Forces, up to one company in strength, arrived in Debaltseve for subsequent return to Russia. The moral and psychological state of this unit’s personnel is strongly negative. Up to 10 coffins with destroyed Russian military servicemen from this unit will be returning to the Russian Federation with the personnel.
Twenty T-72 tanks, seven “Grad” BM-21 MLRS, and several 122 mm howitzers have been unloaded at Matveev Kurgan railway station in the Rostov Oblast of Russia (close to the state border of Ukraine).
The “LNR” military leadership issued an order on “preventing damage and disabling of military equipment and armaments during combat training exercises.” The order mentions large-scale cases of damage to military equipment done by militants during “training.” Due to lack of [military] equipment in many “LNR” units, “requisitioned” civilian transport is used to transport personnel, practically as a norm. The order instructs unit commanders to sharply increase disciplinary penalties for negligent handling of equipment and armaments.
Bodies Of 18 Killed Militants Brought To Hospital In Donetsk Yesterday
12.03 14:39
26 Wounded Militants And Bodies Of 18 Killed Militants Brought To Hospital In Donetsk Yesterday.
This was reported by the Main Directorate Of Intelligence Of Ukraine’s Defense Ministry.
In addition, according to the Intelligence, the militants were taken from Avdiivka direction.
It was also reported that the supply of additional weapons and military equipment, ammunition, fuel and lubricants from Russia to Avdiivka is taking place.
As the press center of the ATO Staff reported in the morning, militants shelled the Ukrainian positionsnear Avdiivka twice using tanks and infantry fighting vehicles, then at about 18.00, they used 122-mm self-propelled guns.
One Ukrainian Soldier Killed In ATO Zone, – Lysenko
14.03 12:48
Yesterday, on March 13, one Ukrainian soldier was killed and one serviceman wounded as a result of military hostilities in the ATO zone.
This was reported today, on March 14, by Col. Andriy Lysenko, Presidential Administration spokesperson on ATO related issues.
According to him, Ukrainian positions in Novotoshkivske (Luhansk sector) were shelled with mortar. The situation near Svitlodarsk was relatively calm – the enemy opened fire with grenade launchers and small arms several times.
“Mortar shellings in Zaitseve continue. Frequency of attacks increases in the evening. As a rule, terrorists open fire with 82-mm and 120-mm mortars. Our positions were shelled in Maiorsk, Verhnyotoretske, and Novhorodske”, the spokesperson reported.
Mortar shellings were recorded in Pisky and Krasnohorivka, and a sniper attack – in Opytne. Overall, militants carried out 38 attacks in Donetsk sector over the past 24 hours. Each second attack was carried out with the use of heavy weapon.
Finally, 5 attacks were recorded in Mariupol sector. In particular, terrorists opened fire in Marinka, Novotroitske and Starohnativka.
Interestingly enough, Putin appears to be pulling out of Syria.

Makes sense, as I'm pretty sure his objectives have been met (ensuring the rebels weren't going to oust Assad)...but my real suspicion is that we and NATO made a backdoor deal with Putin.

Amazing coincidence how Russia has ramped up oil production at the same
Interestingly enough, Putin appears to be pulling out of Syria.

Makes sense, as I'm pretty sure his objectives have been met (ensuring the rebels weren't going to oust Assad)...but my real suspicion is that we and NATO made a backdoor deal with Putin.

Amazing coincidence how Russia has ramped up oil production at the same
Details about the withdrawal of troops from Syria yet but apart from the agreements which are clearly present the main reason for the failure of Russian economic output contain large Significant Groupings of troops away from their territory. Also according to some sources the Syrians were MANPADS and Russian aviation over the past few days has suffered a loss.
Based on the fact that the writing on the Russian forums in Russia are serious problems with Iran which has refused to limit oil production.
Militants Shelled Zaitseve With Prohibited Mortars, – Staff
15.03 09:00
Yesterday, March 14, militants carried out 42 attacks on Ukrainian military positions, of which 29 - in Donetsk direction, 12 - in Mariupol direction, and 1 - in Luhansk direction.
The press center of the ATO Staff reported this in the morning.
Reportedly, the militants fired the strongpoints in Zaitseve six times using 82mm and 120-mm mortars, grenade launchers and machine guns. In Novhorodske and Maiorsk, they used grenade launchers, heavy machine guns and small arms.
“Positions near Luhanske, Pisky and Verkhnotoretske were attacked by Russian mercenaries from the automatic grenade launchers and large-caliber machine guns. A fortification near Avdiivka – with the auTomatic grenade launchers and mortars”, – the Staff added.
In Mariupol direction, in Novotroitske area, militants launched 18 tank shells and 25 mines of 82-mm mortar.
The defenders of Marinka, Krasnohorivka, Shyrokyne, Talakivka were shelled by the pro-Russian terrorists with grenade launchers, heavy machine guns and small arms.
As the Staff reported, in some cases, Ukrainian soldiers opened fire in response with small arms and grenade launchers.
It should be recalled that on March 13, militants fired Avdiivka with the prohibited mortars and howitzers that are kept in residential neighborhoods.

03.15.2016 Mr.
District locality Novoazovsk. When performing routine scheduled maintenance units 200th ARBR (* Artillery Brigade, Chita region) occurred blew himself up ammunition for rocket launcher rocket launchers. The circumstances of the incident and the loss of l \ with the specified.
Mariupol OH. In carrying out combat missions in the division / h 90091 (* 54 training center for intelligence units, Vladikavkaz) covered with mortar fire and fired from sniper weapons high power. Losses l \ with the specified.
CAS-3 (* urgent extraordinary importance, the report level 3) your request. Special events according to your defined cryptogram from 03.22.2015 of us performed in full. In terms of voluntary, documented consent decree 18 on the center of the FSB 496 accounts transferred to the \ c of the Russian armed forces present in the area of our responsibility. Just collect and transmit information about a 16543 contact phone numbers related to the in \ c of the Russian armed forces present in the area of our responsibility. Radio monitoring and tracking exercise osnaz unit 1020 RRC GRU outside the combat zone. You mentioned Events thoroughly investigated. The parallel investigation carried out by representatives in \ h 35690 (* Special Operations Center of the FSB). Due to the sharp increase in the presence of radio engineering APU in our area of responsibility, please give us additional capabilities.
District locality Gorlovka Adjusted consolidated loss of tank units of the 59th Hombre (* separate motorized rifle brigade of the Order of Kutuzov) "200" - 6 "300" -11 TMN - 1. Destroyed \ damaged units 5. armored vehicles.

14.03.2016 Mr.
Nothing to report

13.03.2016 Mr.
Nothing to report
Staff: About Hundred Russian Military Moved In Occupied Dokuchaievsk
15.03 09:51
In the area of the town of Dokuchaievsk (territory of the Donetsk region, which is currently controlled by the militants), a group of military of special purpose unit of the RF Armed Forces accounting for about 100 people appeared.
This was reported by the press center of the ATO Staff.
Reportedly, Russian military came from the direction of Styla village (Donetsk region) by four KAMAZ cars and two GAZ-2330 armored cars.
“Deployment of Russian military personnel on the territory of Ukraine or on the territory of the so-called “DPR” is a direct gross violation of the Minsk agreements and eloquent proof of the aggressive occupation policy of the Russian Federation towards Ukraine”, – stressed the Staff.
Yesterday, the Intelligence reported that Russian officer Vitalii Sukuiev headed one of the “DPR” battalions. Previously, the agency published a list and photos of Russian staff officers sent to Donbas.

Putin Sent Hundred Russian Special Sevices’ Officers to Makiivka, – Intelligence
15.03 13:46
A unit (about 100 servicemen) from the separate specialized motorized battalion (Orel, Russia) of Central Regional Command of Internal Troops of the RF Interior Ministry arrived to Makiivka in the Donetsk region.
This was reported by the Main Directorate of Intelligence of Ukraine’s Defense Ministry.
As the Intelligence stated, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, Russian President has the exclusive right to decide on the involvement of the Interior Ministry troops in carrying out tasks not by their intended purpose, including outside the country.
“The operational plans of the Russian command provide that the units of Interior Ministry troops on the temporarily occupied territories of East Ukraine should perform the task of prevention of unauthorized leaving of military positions and unorganized return to Russia with weapons and military equipment”, -the Intelligence added.

Intelligence: 19 Russian Servicemen Wounded Near Avdiivka
15.03 14:48
Ukrainian intelligence reports significant sanitary losses among servicemen of Russian-terrorist units which take part in military hostilities in Avdiivka sector.
This was reported by Main directorate of intelligence of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine.
“On March 14, 19 servicemen were brought to the city clinical hospital and hospital №4 in Donetsk”, the intelligence reports.
Due to presence of OSCE SMM monitors, the intensity of military hostilities near Avdiivka has decreased over the last 24 hours.
The enemy is currently regrouping its units and strengthening its positions. Terrorists continue to conduct air reconnaissance with the use of drones. As long as the OSCE SMM representatives are present in the area, militants hide heavy weapons prohibited under the Minsk Agreements.

Two Ukrainian Soldiers Wounded In Donetsk Region, – Motuzianyk
15.03 13:00
Yesterday, March 14, two Ukrainian soldiers suffered injuries – one due to the shelling in Maiorsk, another was blown up on the trip on Berezove.
The spokesman of the Presidential Administration for ATO issues Colonel Oleksandr Motuzianyk reported this today, March 15.
He said the militants used heavy weapons in the Lugansk direction again. “This time it was a tank, which carried out nearly two dozen shots at our positions. The incident occurred in the area of Bahmut highway, near the village of Novotoshkivske”, – said the spokesman for the PA.
In Donetsk direction, Zaitseve and Avdiivka were the two hottest points. Throughout the day, militants carried out eight mortar attacks. Illegal armed formations also violated the ceasefire regime in Luhanske, Donetsk Airport and Maiorsk.
In total, militants carried out 29 attacks over the past day in the Donetsk direction.
Reportedly, the situation in Mariupol direction worsened: militants repeatedly used 82-mm mortars and tank. “The enemy attacks were recorded across the whole front line – from Krasnohorivka and Marinka to the Sea of Azov”, – said Motuzianyk.
In total, militants violated the ceasefire in Mariupol direction 12 times over the past day.
Dmitry Tymchuk: Military update 03.14
15.03.2016 - 15:22
Operational data from Information Resistance:
During the past weekend (03.12-03.13.2016), Russian-terrorist troops in Donbas shelled the ATO forces’ positions using small arms, grenade launchers, mortars (82/120 mm), as well as 122 mm artillery (in at least 3 instances) and tanks (twice).
Terrorist shellings were observed along the entire western and northwestern section of the stretch between Donetsk (Mar’inka) and Horlivka (Mayorsk – Zaitseve).
The most tense situation is observed in the section near the Yasynuvata junction (the so-called “industrial area”) as well as sections adjacent to it from the north and the southeast. In this area, militants are actively using heavy machine guns, stand-mounted grenade launchers, and 82 mm and 120 mm mortars. The enemy fire comes from positions near the 251.2 m and 272.m m high grounds, the undergrowth near Yasynuvata rail station, positions near the [water treatment] filtering station, and the “Tornado” gas station. During the past 24 hours, terrorist forces in this area were considerably reinforced and supplied with various armaments. The ATO forces’ positions twice came under fire from 122 mm cannon artillery, fired from the direction of Mineralne and the Verkhnjekalmiuske [Upper Kalmius] reservoir. Three terrorist tanks were also operating from positions south of the “Parallel” gas station (from a forested area) and from the direction of a militant checkpoint near Yasynuvata rail station. At the same time, two militant tanks maneuvered between the 251.2 m high ground and the “Gospodar” market[old Avdiivka], making brief stops to fire (following the pattern: 2-3 shots, movement, up to 4 shots, more movement).
From the direction of Dachnyy passway and the northern outskirts of Spartak, militants are occasionally firing at Ukrainian troop positions at Butovka [Mine] and Zenith, using the guns aboard ACV’s (BMP-2) as well as mortars of both calibers.
Militant activity has notably increased in the vicinity of Novotoshkivske, where the ATO forces’ positions are being shelled from 120 mm mortars. Terrorist infantry groups and DRG’s also stepped up their activity in proximity to the ATO forces’ observation points and strongholds in the area of the 175.9 m high ground and Trokhizbenka, operating from the direction of Krasniy Lyman and Smile [Smileh], respectively.
A unit of Russian Spetsnaz arrived in the vicinity of Dokuchajevsk from the direction of Styla, transferred aboard 4 Kamaz trucks and two “Tiger” GAZ-2330 armored vehicles.
During the past few days, militants have been actively delivering ammunition (for small arms, mortars, and cannon artillery) to the area of Michurine, Telmanove district. Up to 10 vehicle loads arrived over the past weekend. Ammunition is being stacked in a hangar on the western outskirts of the village.
Nine new “Grad” BM-21 MLRS were identified at the premises of the Horlivka “Remmash” Works (2 Vavylova Street, Horlivka).
Some units of the “DNR 1st Army Corps” are starting to suffer from lack of ammunition for certain weapons. This is due to the fact that Russia is only partially fulfilling militants’ “requests” [for ammunition]. Namely, during the past two weeks, “DNR” units received only 50% of the requested amount of 120 mm mortar rounds, and some 30% of requested ammunition for ZU-23-2 from Russia.
Militants are using the grounds and equipment of “Tochmash” OJSC [precise machinery works] (1 Zhmury Street, Donetsk) to repair combat equipment (IFV’s, APC’s, etc.). A new welding line was delivered to this facility from Russia in early March, to be used for armored vehicle repair.
Reformation efforts continue in respect of the “Vostok” gang, which is planned for inclusion in the “DNR interior forces.” These include personnel checks, inventory-taking, and weapons survey. Discontent is spreading throughout the lower ranks of this gang due to its reformation, and some members have filed resignation notices. At the same time, after terrorists from this gang complained about the low levels of supplies and provisions, additional uniform items arrived for the needs of the “Vostok” gang from Russia, via the “Uspenka” checkpoint. These include 50 sets of winter uniforms, 300 pairs of tactical gloves, 50 pairs of combat boots, 30 ghillie suits, and more – provided by private individuals from the Rostov Oblast of Russia as “humanitarian aid.”

Post-apocalyptic images of the liberated Shyrokyne in the aftermath of the
About 6,000 Russian Soldiers Still Remain In Donbas, – SSU
15.03 16:17
Elite troops of the Russian Federation take part in military hostilities in Donbas.
This was reported today, on March 15, by the Chief of Staff of the Head of the Security Service of Ukraine (SSU), Oleksandr Tkachuk, during a briefing at the Ukrainian Crisis Media Center.
“At the moment, according to our sources, approximately 6,000 Russia career soldiers still remain in Donbas”, he said.
Besides, among them there are servicemen of Russia’s elite troops.
“There are units of GRU, air assault forces, marine infantry, mechanized infantry, tank troops, and gunnery departments”, Mr. Tkachuk explained.
Militants Again Shelled Zaitseve With Prohibited Mortars, – Staff
18.03 09:00
Yesterday, March 17, militants carried out 42 attacks on Ukrainian military positions, 27 of them took place in Donetsk direction and 15 more - in Mariupol direction.
The press center of the ATO Staff reported this in the morning .
“By reducing its military activity in the areas of Avdiivka and Donetsk airport, Russian mercenaries from 17.00, increased the number of attacks on the ATO forces’ fortifications near other settlements along the delimitation line”, – said the statement.
82-mm mortars were used by militants for intensive shelling of positions near Luhanske, where they launched about 200 mines, and in between mortar attacks, they fired from infantry combat vehicles, anti-aircraft installations, grenade launchers and heavy machine guns.
Strongholds in the area of Zaitseve were shelled with 82-mm and 120 mm mortars, machine guns and small arms. Near Maiorsk, terrorists opened fire from grenade launchers and machine guns.
In Mariupol, Ukrainian positions next to Novotroitske came under aimed fire from 120-mm mortars, infantry fighting vehicles, grenade launchers and heavy machine gun. Meanwhile, Shyrokyne and Vodiane were attacked with mortars, grenade launchers and small arms.
Single shelling of our positions with small arms were registered near Marinka.
“Since the midnight, the intensity of the shelling has not decreased, 10 shellings of ATO forces’ positions were registered”, – the Staff added.
It should be recalled that Minister of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania Linas Linkevicius witnessed the abuse of Minsk agreements by militants in Donbas.
Dmitry Tymchuk: Military update 03.16
18.03.2016 - 09:02

Operational data from Information Resistance:
Russian-terrorist forces in Donbas continue actively shelling the ATO forces’ positions, using, among other weaponry, 120 mm mortars and ACVs (including heavy armor, i.e. tanks). The most tense situation continues on the stretch between Pisky and Avdiivka, around the flank positions at the Svitlodarsk salient (Zaitseve and Troitske), and south of Donetsk.
Near Avdiivka (in the “industrial zone”), a tactical infantry group from the militant “Vostok Battalion” (up to a company of personnel reinforced with three BMP-2’s) was operating in the direction of the “industrial zone.” Small infantry groups from this terrorist tactical group are continuously engaging Ukrainian troop units in close combat near the 251.2 m high ground; this has been going on for three days already. During the past 24 hours, two small terrorist groups were operating from the forested area near the Yasynuvata junction, near the wholesale market, with fire support from the on-board weapons of a BMP-2. Following that, the command of the militant tactical group announced that “the industrial zone has been secured” (which is not true – in reality, clashes continue in this area; the distance between the parties’ initial positions is 600-700 m, shrinking to 300-400 m during clashes).
Several media camera crews, from Russian TV channels LifeNews and Rossiya, as well as from local, terrorist-controlled media, have been spotted in Yasynuvata and at militant positions beyond the railway (practically at the front line). The “DNR” chief Alexander Zakharchenko was present at the positions during the filming, allegedly personally directing combat against Ukrainian troops (he arrived and left the positions together with the camera crews).
In the vicinity of Zaitseve, 120 mm mortars were again identified at militant positions (four mortars operated by two mobile fire groups). Mortar fire came from positions located near Holmivskyi and in vegetation northeast of the Mayorsk automobile market.
Near Dokuchajevsk, a militant tank platoon (three tanks) was transferred to positions in the vicinity of Tsentralnyy Karyer [Central Quarry] (from the direction of the old colony). The ATO forces’ observation points and strongholds south of the quarry and on the southeastern outskirts of the settlement were fired on from the on-board weaponry of tanks. Namely, one tank fired while the other two provided cover. During the firing, the tank unit changed position several times; a total of 20-22 projectiles were fired. The tank positions had been equipped and camouflaged ahead of time.
Militants continue regrouping their forces in the coastal regions and south of Donetsk. A militant infantry group aboard two Ural trucks and one Kamaz (also including one MT-LB and one BTR-80) was transferred from Olenivka towards Luhanske. South of Kominternove, militants moved two tanks to the Sakhanka – Dzerzhynske line.
Terrorists are actively reinforcing their positions between Styla and Telmanove, tightening their combat lines in places. During nighttime, armored vehicles (some six units, mostly BMP-2) were seen transferring north of Staromarivka.
In Donetsk, in areas directly adjacent to the demarcation line (the Petrovskyi and Kyivskyi districts of the city), there has been a sharp increase in the number of organized marauding groups made up of militants. The main mission of these groups is to loot premises abandoned by local residents, and to collect scrap metal. These groups occasionally clash with local residents pursuing the same “trade.”
The “DNR” leadership issued an order to step up recruiting activities among the employees of inactive (mothballed) companies in occupied areas, in order to enlist them for “military service” in units of the “DNR 1st Army Corps” (as previously reported by the IR group, “DNR” units are understaffed, by 30-35% on average, in some units up to 60%).
The “DNR Ministry of State Security” is checking whether the medical personnel of the Donetsk Hospital N15 (Donetsk regional hospital for medical rehabilitation, 1 Rodnykova street, Donetsk) are loyal to the “DNR.” According to the data of the “ministry,” the staff includes many Ukraine sympathizers. Wounded “DNR” militants are undergoing rehabilitation in this medical facility.
No Casualties Among Ukrainian Military; 10 Militants Liquidated, – Lysenko
19.03 12:53

No Ukrainian soldiers were killed or wounded as a result of military hostilities in the ATO zone over the last 24 hours.
This was reported today, on March 19, by Col. Andriy Lysenko, Presidential Administration spokesperson on ATO related issues.
According to him, militants carried out only one attack in Luhansk sector.
At the same time, Avdiivka and Zaitseve remain epicenters of military hostilities in Donets sector, where militants continue firing with heavy weapons such as 82-mm and 120-mm mortars. “However, the attempts of terrorists to capture Avdiivka remain unsuccessful. Over the last several days, Ukrainian military, who have several times been forced to open fire in response, managed to liquidate over 10 militants”, Lysenko reports.
In Mariupol sector, Marinka remains the hottest point.
Two Ukrainian Servicemen Killed As Result of Undermining On Landmine, – Lysenko
21.03 12:40

Yesterday, March 20, a truck with two Ukrainian servicemen in hit the landmine resulting in the death of the soldiers. Two more servicemen were wounded during the shellings in the areas of Luhanske and Avdiivka.
The spokesman of the Presidential Administration for ATO issues Colonel Andrii Lysenko reported this today, March 21.
According to him, an hour firefight took place near the Trokhizbenka in Luhansk direction. There, militants used 82-mm mortar, so ATO forces opened fire in response.
Just like before, Avdiivka remained the epicenter of the hostilities (Donetsk direction). For the past day, militants have repeatedly used heavy weapons – mortars, tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, and 152-mm assault guns. Fire was led from the direction of Yasynuvata and its environs. Volatile situation was preserved in Svitlodarsk arc and Zaitseve as well – militants brought large forces and heavy weapons (mortars and infantry fighting vehicles) to the front. Snipers of illegal armed formations were also active.
In total, over the past day, militants carried out 28 attacks on Ukrainian positions in Donetsk direction.
In Mariupol direction, ATO forces repulsed an attack by sabotage and reconnaissance group of militants near Novotroitske. In addition, militants carried out two provocations nearby Marinka.
Dmitry Tymchuk: Military update 03.18
20.03.2016 - 18:38

Operational data from Information Resistance:
Due to the presence of the OSCE representatives in the vicinity of Avdiivka, militant activity notably decreased in that area. However, Russian-terrorist troops continue active shellings in other sections, using, among others, 82 mm and 120 mm mortars, and ACVs.

At the same time, at least two militant tank groups (2 tanks in each) are observed in the vicinity of Avdiivka, beyond the E50 highway from the side of Yasynuvata. The tanks are camouflaged at positions. Terrorist 122 mm artillery also remains in position near Yasynuvata; it is a battery of D-30 howitzers that had previously shelled the ATO forces’ positions near Avdiivka.

Near the northwestern outskirts of Spartak, terrorists opened fire from an SPG-9M stand-mounted grenade launcher (even though “OSCE observers” were present north of that area at the time). Fire was directed at the ventilation shaft of the Butovka mine and the “Zenith” stronghold.


Photo: Konstantin Bernatovich

Two new “hotspots” have emerged. One is the area of Dokuchajevsk, where the ATO forces’ strongholds to the east and southeast of Novotroitske are being shelled. The second one is in the coastal region: the stretch between Shyrokyne and Vodyane. In both cases, militants use 120 mm mortars, while near Dokuchajevsk they also deployed armored vehicles. The landscape of the area (rich in ravines and quarries) allows militants’ armored vehicles to covertly approach the ATO forces’ advanced observation points and strongholds, and carry out precision fire from their on-board guns.

In Donetsk, militant redeployment is apparent in the Petrovskyi district: at least one company of militants is being concentrated in the area of Oleksandrivka, arriving from the east along the Donetsk Bypass (including eight trucks, six BMP-2’s, and two MT-LB’s). Additionally, militants transferred two mobile fire groups (2-3 82 mm mortars and two ZU-23-2’s in each) towards the Zhylploshchadka and Trudovski estates.

Terrorist units south of Donetsk (beyond the Donetsk Bypass, on the stretch Luhanske – Olenivka – Dokuchajevsk) are being reinforced. A militant unit of up to one motorized rifle company in strength was spotted moving towards Dokuchajevskfrom the direction of Styla, on board of trucks. South of Olenivka, militants were observed transferring armored vehicles (2-3 MT-LB’s and two tanks), while one MT-LB and two BMP-1’s were transferred towards Olenivka itself. The movements were carried out during nighttime.

The “DNR anti-terrorist spetsnaz [special forces]” is being formed in Donetsk. “Specialists” of the Russian FSB are in charge of this initiative. All measures related to the creation of this unit are carried out in strict secrecy. At the same time, disputes arose among the “DNR” command as to the command chain of the newly-created militant “spetsnaz” – whether it will be subordinated to the commanders of the “DNR Ministry of State Security” or personally to the “DNR” chief Alexander Zakharchenko. For the time being, the unit is being formed under the control of the “ministry.”

Brigade and battalion commanders in the “DNR 1st Army Corps” were ordered to immediately resolve the “ghost problem” in their units, and organize for proper supply of personnel with all types of provisions. According to the information of the “DNR 1st AC,” the amount of supplies and allowances in many units does not correspond to the real number of personnel in them, with monetary and clothing allowance being issued for militants who do not exist. Allowance fraud is particularly rampant at the front line, where the real number of militants in units is hard to keep track of.

The “DNR Minister of Defense” Vladimir Kononov paid a visit to Moscow (Russia). The purpose of his visit was to negotiate on the financing of the “DNR” gangs and to receive funds to cover overdue payments. These payments include militants’ wages, outstanding utility debts of “DNR military units” (heat, power, gas, and water supply), and land tax, covering a period from 05.01.2015 until present day.


Mariinka apartment building destroyed by militants using Russian-supplied tank from 400 metres away. Photo Bryce Wilson.

In Donetsk, a commission was created to “mobilize real estate” (industrial buildings, facilities, etc.) for the needs of the “DNR Ministry of Defense.” The task of the commission, controlled by the heads of the “DNR MoD,” is to collect title documents for real estate objects. Each document package must include a written statement of the owner, allowing or refusing to station “DNR” military units within their property. If the owner of the real estate cannot be located within the “DNR,” and/or is not registered with the “DNR tax authorities,” the property is subject to automatic mobilization.

For instance, in Horlivka, the shareholders of “Stirol” CJSC (except for Dmitry Firtash) gave their consent for the mobilization of several buildings on the facilities of their [chemical] works. In Donetsk, several buildings of “DZSK” OJSC [Donetsk Heavy Machinery Works] are subject to mobilization. The latter is intended for the stationing of the 11th regiment of the “DNR 1st AC.” (Previously, the 10th regiment was stationed at this facility, and looted the occupied premises. On 03.11.2016, armed militants arrived at the facility, threatened civilian (female) security guards with fire arms, used a truck to break down the gate, and stole two semi-trailers. Representatives of the “DNR law enforcement authorities” are investigating this situation.)

Units of the “LNR 2nd Army Corps” received an order from the “2nd AC” command: to observe the regulations for camouflaging weapons and equipment, and to take measures to counteract “Ukrainian spies.” Strict punishments have been instituted for disclosure of secret information and exposure of “units and divisions,” both for rank and file militants, and for unit commanders.

Another “military specialist training” is planned for “LNR” gangs. Teams of instructors staffed by servicemen of Russian Armed Forces have already arrived in “Lutuhyne camps” and at the militant “training center” in Perevalsk.
Three Ukrainian Servicemen Wounded Near Avdiivka, – Motuzianyk
22.03 12:41

Yesterday, March 21, three Ukrainian servicemen were wounded due to the undermining of IFV-2 on the underground mine near Avdiivka that is in the Donetsk region.
A spokesman of the Presidential Administration for ATO issues Colonel Oleksandr Motuzianyk reported this today, March 22.
Reportedly, the situation was quiet in the Luhansk direction, meanwhile in the Donetsk direction, ATO forced’ positions were twice shelled with mortars in Luhanske and Avdiivka and three times attacked by enemy snipers in Maiorsk, Leninske and Nevelske.
“In general, across the front line, combat actions of low intensity go on. In total, 21 attacks by enemy took place in Donetsk direction over the past day”, – Motuzianyk said.
In addition, militants violated the ceasefire in Marinka and Shyrokyne. In total, 6 attacks by enemy on Ukrainian positions took place in Mariupol direction over the past day.
SBGS: Russian Helicopter Noticed On Administrative Border With Crimea
24.03 10:20
Yesterday, on March 23, Russian helicopter Mi-8 incurred into Ukrainian airspace. It was noticed at a height of 1000-1200 meters from the side of the Syvash lagoon.
This was reported by the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine (SBGS).
According to the report, in the afternoon the helicopter crossed the Arabat Arrow. After this, it was noticed over Ukrainian gas-generating station ‘Strilkova-5’ in the Sea of Azov. A few minutes later, the helicopter crossed the administrative border of Kherson region and started moving in the direction of the temporarily occupied peninsula.
Previously, the NSDC Secretary Oleksandr Turchynov stated that Ukrainian military will be ordered to hit Russian aircrafts down in case of violation of Ukrainian airspace.

Armed Clash Between Ukrainian Soldiers And Militants Near Novotroitske
24.03 11:05
Yesterday, on March 23, there was an armed clash between Ukrainian soldiers and militants near the village of Novotroitske, Donetsk region.
This was reported on the web site of the city of Mariupol.
According to the report, the attack was initiated by members of illegal armed formation ‘DPR’.
“Under the cover of 120-mm mortars, automatic grenade launchers, and heavy machine guns, a group of terrorists has approached Ukrainian positions at a distance of 300 meters”, the message states.
Terrorists started to fire and Ukrainian soldiers opened fire in response. Having suffered losses, the enemy was forced to retreat.
Also, it was reported that ‘DPR’ members opened fire with small arms, heavy machine guns and grenade launchers on the positons of ATO troops near Novotroitske (3 attacks), Hnutove (1 attack), and Shyrokyne (1 attack). Ukrainian soldiers opened fire in response 4 times.
In the course of the attacks, no Ukrainian soldiers have been wounded.

Six Ukrainian Soldiers Wounded In ATO Zone, – Motuzyanyk
24.03 12:47
Yesterday, on March 23, four Ukrainian soldiers were wounded as a result of military hostilities near Avdiivka (Donetsk region) and two – in a trip wire blast in Stanytsia Luhanska (Luhansk region).
This was reported today, on March 24, by Col. Oleksandr Motuzyanyk, Presidential Administration spokesperson on ATO related issues.
According to the report, military hostilities continue along the whole demarcation line – near Luhanske, Zaitseve, Avdiivka, Pisky, Opytne, and Krasnohorivka. Terrorists were firing with mortars and armored vehicles. The intensity of attacks increased in the evening.
Over the last 24 hours, terrorists carried out 48 attacks of Ukrainian positions and launched more than 100 mines of different calibers.
Besides, militants opened fire in Hnutove and Shyrokyne (Mariupol sector).
Overall, militants carried out four attacks against Ukrainian positions in Mariupol sector over the last 24 hours.

Six Russian Soldiers Killed In Donbas Recently, – Intelligence
24.03 14:04
During the attempts to attack the industrial zone in Avdiivka On March 22-23, six Russian soldiers were killed, five more were injured.
Main Directorate of Intelligence of Ukraine’s Defense Ministry reported this.
“There were losses in regular units of the 11th separate motorized infantry regiment (Makiivka) and the 3rd separate infantry brigade (Horlivka) of 1 AC (Donetsk) RF Armed Forces involved in military clashes near Avdiivka. On March 22-23, six Russian soldiers were killed and five more were seriously injured”, – said the statement.
In addition, the department said that militants carried rotation and increased divisions of task forces and replenished ammunition. Illegal armed formations mined the approaches to the positions near Donetsk filtration plant in the north-western outskirts of Yasynuvata.
It should be recalled that the UN identified 176 foreigners fighting in Donbas. A significant number of people from the Russian Federation is among them.

Last edited:
Dmitry Tymchuk: Military update 03.22
23.03.2016 - 11:18

Operational data from Information Resistance:
During the past few days in the ATO zone, after the recent slight decrease in the activity of Russian-terrorist troops, militants sharply increased the number of shellings. Terrorists continue shelling the positions of Ukrainian troops using small arms, grenade launchers of different types, 82 mm and 120 mm mortars, the on-board guns of armored vehicles, and cannon artillery. The most tense situation is observed in the area of Donetsk, Horlivka, and the Svitlodarsk bridgehead.

In the vicinity of the “industrial zone” (Avdiivka), where militants were particularly active during the past week, the intensity of militant shellings has decreased after the installation of the OSCE video camera. The direction of shellings in this area has shifted southwest of Avdiivka, in the direction of Butovka, the “Zenith” [position], and the ATO forces’ position near Pisky and Opytne. However, during the past 24 hours, terrorists were active in this area again – namely, heavy armor was used near Avdiivka (two tanks, one shelling, the other providing cover fire). Later, two terrorist BMP-2’s and one BTR-80 operated in the same area, carrying out precision fire on the ATO forces’ advanced positions with the cover provided by a mobile fire group employing ZU-23-2.

ATO soldiers and OSCE monitors near Avdiivka, where the filtering [water treatment] station has been damaged recently (screencaps by @GirkinGirkin from video by Ukrainian Military TV)
Militants continue reinforcing their units on the stretch between Donetsk and Horlivka. Militant groups from the reserve of the “DNR 1st Army Corps” were transferred to the vicinity of Stavky, Panteleimonivka, and Kruta Balka (3-4 pieces of armored equipment and 35-40 personnel in each group). Positions along the Spartak–Yakovlivka–Mineralne line also received reinforcements. Militant artillery groups (5-6-gun batteries of cannon artillery) are observed in the areas of Spartak and Yasynuvata. A “roaming” group of BM-21 “Grad” 122 mm MLRS was spotted beyond the slag heaps south of Yakovlivka. The total number of militants attempting to push the ATO forces back on the stretch between Kruta Balka and the northern outskirts of Spartak amounts to one reinforced battalion (plus at least one tank company distributed along the entire stretch).

Militants continue active ground reconnaissance of the ATO forces’ combat positions, mainly by surveillance from advanced observation points. On a number of stretches, terrorists employ DRGs, as well as use local [civilian] residents who travel across the demarcation line in the ATO zone for “agent intelligence.” Additionally, militant radiotechnical surveillance has become more active during the past 4 days; the IR group’s network spotted radio intelligence systems on the move in the northern part of Luhanskand in the direction of Stukalova Balka (a total of six, some escorted by ACVs).

North of Dokuchajevsk, we identified new positions of a militant motorized rifle unit, up to one company in strength and employing up to eight ACVs (some of them, on camouflaged positions). Tank positions (a tank platoon) and a battery of self-propelled artillery (5 guns) were identified further east.

In the vicinity of Starobesheve, militant units carried out a large-scale operation to detain a group of deserters from one of the “DNR’s” “motorized rifle brigades,” including 11 terrorists who left their “unit location” with their weapons.

Rumors keep circulating among the “DNR” and “LNR” militants about the planned “May offensive” of Russian-terrorist troops. A number of signs indicate that these rumors are being spread in an intentional, organized manner (the possibility of this being an information-psychological operation should not be excluded).

The “DNR” leaders instructed the “ministries and departments” subordinated to this terrorist organization to accelerate preparation of a document package about the “crimes of the Ukrainian government against the peaceful residents of the DNR.” The plan is to present these documents to international bodies. In connection with this, the “DNR Ministry of Justice” (headed by Elena Radomskaya) held a meeting to discuss the submission of numerous claims to the European Court of Human Rights about the “criminal actions of the Ukrainian authorities,” who, allegedly, are ignoring the Minsk Agreements and shelling the peaceful residents of the “DNR.” At the same time, the administration of Alexander Zakharchenko [head of the “DNR”] instructed the “DNR Ministry of Defense” (headed by Vladimir Kononov) and the “DNR Ministry of Information” (headed by Elena Nikitina) to prepare video materials about the “provocations and crimes by the Ukrainian military” to illustrate the claims.
24.03.2016 Mr.
District locality Avdeevka place the urgent deployment of units of the 33rd Hombre (* mountain Maikop, Adygea) is covered by a single artillery strikes of high density APU. The circumstances of the incident and the loss of l \ with the specified.
District locality Avdeevka Divisions 37th Hombre (* Buryatia) in combat missions, "300" TMN -7 - 2.
District locality Avdeevka 83rd Division Paratroops Brigade Russian Airborne Troops in combat missions, "200" -1 "to 300" -9 TMN - 1.
District locality Avdeevka. Urgently. State of emergency. Division 305th ARBR (* artillery Gumbinenskaya Red Banner Brigade, Ussuriisk) refused to perform the tasks. Please immediate removal of this unit to restore the manageability and retrofitting.
District locality Donetsk When moving to the area of small arms was fired units of sanitary and medical team UKS NC Emergency Situations Ministry (* mobile crematorium). "300" - 3 (1 hard)
District locality Avdeevka urgently. State of emergency. If you try to suppress unauthorized withdrawal of first-tier units (* militia) to combat positions, clash occurred between the above divisions and subdivisions ODON MVD RF. fence line ODON MVD of Russia was broken, but further retreat blocked by units of 33th Hombre (* mountain Maikop, Adygea). The circumstances of the incident and the loss of l \ with the specified.

23.03.2016 Mr.
Nothing to report

22.03.2016 Mr.
CAS-3 (* urgent extraordinary importance, the report level 3) your request. Please be advised that the movement of units of the 46th dropped (* Order of Zhukov separate brigade operative purpose Interior Troops of the Russian Federation, Mr. Gozny) was carried out in strict accordance with lime on your order. A \ to be transported in four tilts, closed vehicles. Thoroughfares along which the movement is examined in the normal mode, units of the 45th Guards. oisbr (* Guards separate engineering-sapper brigade, Moscow reg.). The latest survey, according to the journal entry LPP (* accounting fighting) №39 carried out, the Acting 16/03/2016 kommandira units dropped 46 minutes to move an hour before of incident on this transport route is not noted anything suspicious. Formed colonies headed by Acting nach.shtaba units 46th dropped. Please note that, in violation of the rules and requirements of the Charter of the group movement l \ with the included 2 units. heavy trucks loaded with artillery BC. Surveyed Acting kommandira units 46th dropped claims that the movement of vehicles as part of the art of the column. BC they did not agree. As part of the column 2 units. and armored vehicles were equipped reprf system (electronic countermeasures * radio-controlled land mine). Power landmine in te (* TNT) is 30-35 kg. Land mine was further ostaschen killer striking elements in the form of metal balls. After explosion and detonation of ammunition in two cars columns, survived only armored car which went ahead of the column, which was turned over and thrown into a ditch. Someone from the survivors managed to convey a message about the attack, and in the next 5-7 minutes armored car was shot out of the grenade. Preliminary examination of the bodies in the \ c shows that some of them were finished off shots at close range. We have taken all possible steps to prevent the disclosure of the fact of loss. I bring also to inform you that the Acting kommandira units dropped 46 minutes delayed
Six Ukrainian Soldiers Wounded In ATO Zone, – Lysenko
25.03 12:46
Yesterday, on March 24, five Ukrainian soldiers were wounded as a result of military hostilities near Avdiivka and one more serviceman – due to enemy attack in Novotroitske.
This was reported today, on March 25, by Col. Andriy Lysenko, Presidential Administration spokesperson on ATO related issues.
According to him, Ukrainian positions in Donetsk sector were shelled with 82-mm and 120-mm mortars 18 times.
Overall, more than 110 mines have been launched. Besides, several sniper attacks were recorded in the area. Luhanske, Zaitseve and Avdiivka remain epicenters of hostilities.
Over the last 24 hours, militants carried out 38 attacks in Donetsk sector.
In Mariupol sector, military hostilities were especially intensive in Marinka. Ukrainian soldiers were forced to open fire in response several times.
A series of attacks took place in Krasnohorivka, Novotroitske and Chermalyk. Overall, in Mariupol sector terrorists carried out 14 attacks over the last 24 hours.
Debaltseve: Documentary
30.03 10:56
The truth about one of the bloodiest and controversial episodes of the war in Ukraine. Incredible stories of feats, facts of heroism and betrayal. Little-known details and evidence of participants in the events. The dark and terrible truth, true story about modern heroes.
Avdiivka And Zaitseve Shelled With Mortars, – Staff
30.03 09:00
Yesterday, on March 29, militants carried out 68 attacks against Ukrainian positions along the whole demarcation line.
This was reported by the press center of the ATO Staff.
Military hostilities were especially intensive in Donetsk sector. Militants were firing at the positions of Ukrainian soldiers in Maiorsk, Opytne, Novhorodske, Luhanske, Leninske and Nevelske.
22 mortar shellings (caliber 82-mm and 120-mm) were recorded near Zaitseve and Avdiivka. Overall, more than 250 mortar mines have been launched.
Also, positions of Ukrainian troops near Zaitseve were shelled with 152-mm bombardment artillery.
In Mariupol sector, militants were firing with small arms, grenade launchers and heavy machine guns on ATO positions near Talakivka, Vodyane, Starohnativka, as well as with mortars – near Shyrokyne.
In Novozvanivka, Luhansk sector, the enemy opened fire with automatic grenade launchers. Sniper attack was recorded near Schastya.
Ukrainian soldiers opened fire in response with small arms and grenade launchers 20 times.
Four Ukrainian Soldiers Suffered Injuries In ATO Zone, – Lysenko
30.03 12:46

Yesterday, on March 29, four Ukrainian soldiers suffered injuries as a result of military hostilities in the ATO zone.
This was reported today, on March 30, by Col. Andriy Lysenko, Presidential Administration spokesperson on ATO related issues.
According to him, militants became more active in Luhansk sector. Two sniper attacks took place in Schastya. Near Popasna, militants were firing with grenade launchers and small arms.
The situation in Avdiivka and Zaitseve remains tense.
Over the past 24 hours, militants have launched almost 250 mortar mines. Besides, positions of Ukrainian troops near Zaitseve were shelled with 152-mm bombardment artillery (10 shells launched).
Sniper attacks were recorded in Novhorodske, Avdiivka and Opytne. Generally speaking, military hostilities continue along the whole demarcation line – from Svitlodarsk to the Donetsk airport.
In Mariupol sector, Shyrokyne was the epicenter of hostilities. Two mortar shellings and a series of small-scale provocations were recorded.
Finally, militants opened fire in Starohnativka, Vodyane and Talakivka.

Intelligence: Russian Military Keep Dying In Donbas, Russia Keeps Sending New Military
30.03 14:56

On March 29, three Russian soldiers died in the area of Avdiivka.
This was reported by the Main Directorate of Intelligence of Ukraine’s Defense Ministry.
“On March 29, three Russian servicemen were killed and five more were injured from Russian the intelligence units of 3d (Horlivka) and 5th (Donetsk) separate mechanized infantry brigades which were operating within sabotage and reconnaissance groups”, – said the statement.
Also, intelligence reported unit of 128th special motorized regiment of Interior Ministry of the Russian Federation came to Yasynuvata from Voronezh.
“Three sabotage and reconnaissance groups from the 331st airborne regiment (Kostroma) of the 98th Airborne Brigade (Ivanovo) of RF AF approached to the areas of Krasnohorivka, Marinka and Novotroitske”, – added the Intelligence.
Three trucks with personnel of 100 separate motorized rifle brigade (Donetsk) came to the western outskirts of Donetsk.
From Makiivka towards Donetsk, two engineering machine were transferred.
In the districts of Donetsk and Yasynuvata, the activity of units of separate squadron of electronic warfare (Donetsk) were recorded.
In addition, the intelligence reported on ammunition supplies from Russia.
According to the information of Intelligence, a railway train with ammunition, subsequently delivered to the warehouses of 1 AC of RF Armed Forces in Amvrosiivka and Khartsyzk, came to Ilovaisk.
Ukrainian side provided information to the Special monitoring mission of the OSCE on presence of 122-mm MLRS “Grad”, self-propelled guns and tanks in the areas of Stakhanov, Obozne, Donetsk and Mineralne .
30.03.2016 Mr.
District locality Granite in combat missions, 108 units of ASR (* Mining Airborne Assault Regiment, Novorossiysk) APU "200" 2, "300" - 1.
District locality Sands Units 573-a separate reconnaissance artillery battalion (* Adygea) when performing tasks potavlennyh single blow artilleriyky APU high density "200" - 1 "300" -12 (4 difficult) TMN - 1
District locality Sedov In carrying out the planned measures to control the waters exploded and sank diving boat units 311th DOS (* detachment of special purpose anti-submarine sabotage forces and means, g. Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky) utoyanyayutsya circumstances of the incident.
District locality Avdeevka Division 165th ARBR (artillery * The Prague Red Banner, Orders of Kutuzov and Bogdan Khmelnitsky Brigade, Amur region.) During the work on the deployment of a single positional artilleriyky kick APU high density. "200" - 2 "300" -9 (2 hard) TMN - 1.
District locality Avdeevka Reconnaissance group of units of the 38th Guards. Hombre (* Separate Motorized Rifle Guards Vitebsk Order of Lenin, Red Banner, Order of Suvorov grade 3 Brigade, Amur region.) in combat missions attacked mobile units APU. When withdrawing group got on an array and unmarked mine was covered with dense mortar fire. "200" - 6 "300" -3 (1 hard) TMN - 4.

29.03.2016 Mr.
District locality Debaltsevo Adjusted loss subdivision 59th Hombre "200" - 21 "300" -26 (6 hard) TMN - 11. The death kommandira confirm. We ask your permission to tap unit with skirmish line for further rotation.
Lysenko: One Ukrainian Soldier Killed, Eight Wounded
01.04 12:44

Yesterday, on March 31, one Ukrainian soldier was killed due to military hostilities in Zaitseve, while eight servicemen suffered injuries: three – in Zaitseve, five – in Avdiivka.
This was reported today, on April 1, by Col. Andriy Lysenko, Presidential Administration spokesperson on ATO related issues.
According to him, Ukrainian positions on the contact line were shelled with 122-mm D-30 and 152-mm MSTA-B howitzers. Over the past 24 hours, the enemy has launched over 100 artillery shells and over 370 mortar mines, the total weight of which is more than 6,5 ton.
In Luhansk sector, four attacks were recorded near Popasna. Militants were firing with mortars, AA mounts and other weapon.
In Donetsk sector, military hostilities continue along the whole demarcation line. In Avdiivka and Zaitseve, they continue without interruption.
Near the village of Luhanske, ATO forces were shelled with IFV. In the course of a half-hour attack, over 50 shells (caliber 73-mm) have been launched.
In Mariupol sector, positions of Ukrainian soldiers were shelled in Marinka, Novotroitske and on the Hnutove-Shyrokyne front line.

Staff: Militants Again Shelled Avdiivka’s Industrial Zone With Mortars
01.04 14:46

Ukrainian Military TV issued a video from the positions of the ATO forces in the industrial zone of Avdiivka.
This morning, pro-Russian mercenaries again shelled Ukrainian positions in the industrial zone of Avdiivka using mortars.
The press center of the ATO Staff reported this.
Reportedly, firing occurred around 9 am.
“Firing shots of prohibited weapons are used by militants for the sole purpose – to achieve opening of the fire in response, in particular, and generally to return Ukrainian artillery, tanks and mortars to the front”, – the Staff noted and recalled that following Minsk agreements, Ukrainian soldiers merely fight back using firepower of small calibers.
In other areas of Donetsk directions, namely in the areas of Ukrainian positions near Pisky, Luhanske, Novhorodske and Opytne, illegal armed formations use grenade launchers of different systems, small arms and snipers. This tactic is also typical for militants in Mariupol and Luhansk directions where they opened chaotic fire towards Novotroitske and Novozvanivka.
“As of 14.00 pm, 20 attacks on our forces took place”, – the Staff added.
Four Ukrainian Servicemen Wounded In ATO Area Over Last 24 Hours, – AP Spokesman
02.04 12:43

None of the Ukrainian servicemen was killed due to the combat actions in the ATO area over the past day, however, four soldiers were injured.
The spokesman of the Presidential Administration for ATO issues Colonel Andrii Lysenko reported this today, April 2.
According to him, two soldiers were wounded in Nevelske, one soldier was wounded in Zaitseve and one more – in Avdiivka.
In Luhansk direction, the enemy violated the ceasefire regime 8 times in the area of Popasna. Provocations were held throughout the day, but mostly in the daytime. In all the cases, the militants of illegal armed formations opened fire from the villages adjacent to the occupied Pervomaisk town.
In Donetsk direction, Zaitseve and Avdiivka remained the two “hottest spots”. In addition, the enemy intensified near Pisky and Nevelske as well. The other fronts were tense too. According to estimation, yesterday, about 90 mortar shells were fired against Ukrainian positions yesterday. In total, there were 46 enemy attacks over the past day in Donetsk direction.
In Mariupol direction, Marinka was the epicenter of confrontation yesterday. The invaders repeatedly opened sniper fire and used RPGs and small arms. In addition, the enemy made two shots with anti-tank missile weapons in Novotroitske. Near the village of Lebedynske, enemy UAV flight was recorded. In total, there were 11 enemy attacks over the past day in Mariupol direction.
No Casualties In ATO Zone Over Past 24 Hours, – Motuzyanyk
03.04 12:40

Yesterday, on April 2, no Ukrainian soldiers were killed or wounded in the ATO zone. The number of attacks has significantly decreased.
This was reported today, on April 3, by Col. Oleksandr Motuzyanyk, Presidential Administration spokesperson on ATO related issues.
Two enemy provocations took place on the Popasna-Svitlodarsk front line (Luhansk sector).
In Donetsk sector, militants were firing near Maiorsk and on the Avdiivka-Pisky front line. As before, the largest number of attacks was recorded near Avdiivka. In particular, positions of Ukrainian forces were shelled with mortars.
In Mariupol sector, militants opened fire nine times, three among which – with mortars. The largest number of attacks was recorded on the Hnutove-Shyrokyne front line.
Yesterday, on April 2, members of illegal armed formations carried out 25 attacks against Ukrainian positions, seven among which – with the use of heavy weapons prohibited by the Minsk Agreements.
Dmitry Tymchuk: Military update 04.01
04.04.2016 - 12:37

Operational data from Information Resistance:
As the number of shelling attacks by Russian-terrorist troops in the ATO zone has increased, the enemy is making active use of armored vehicles (including tanks) and 122 mm and 152 mm cannon artillery – in addition to the “traditional weapons set” (small arms, grenade launchers, mortars of both the main calibers). Militants are gradually switching from individual shelling raids to the mass utilization of their weapons. The activity of enemy DRGs has increased sharply, as has reconnaissance on all levels, with wide use of UAVs and ELINT [electronic intelligence].

Militant activity remains the most intense in the area of Avdiivka. The enemy there is actively using mortars in permanent mode [meaning self-propelled and vehicle mounted], grenade launchers and heavy machine guns. Several times, militant infantry groups attempted to leave the “industrial zone” area, drawing closer to the ATO forces’ positions to an effective firing range. At the same time, terrorists made fire strikes from 152 mm artillery (hitting areas beyond Yasynovskyi Lane and northwest of the “industrial zone”). Those strikes came from the positions of five militant 152-mm “Akatsiya” self-propelled guns spotted south of Yakovlivka.


Ukrainian soldiers repel attacks in Avdiivka, March 31, 2016. Photo: Military TV of Ukraine

In the Zaitseve and Zhovanka area, terrorists fired up to 300 mortars, shells and SPG-9 grenades at Ukrainian troop positions in the first half of the day [03.31] alone. Near Horlivka, the artillery group of the militant “3rd separate motorized rifle brigade,” after receiving extra ammunition, fired at the northwestern outskirts of Holmivskyi (where the terrorists’ own positions are located), following which hysteria broke out in the “DNR” media about the “shelling of civilians by a despicable Ukrainian punitive unit.”

In the coastal regions, the enemy is actively using 120-mm mortars in addition to other weaponry: firing on the northern outskirts of Vodyane, the ATO forces’ checkpoint on the motorway to Mariupol near Vodyane, as well as on Ukrainian troop strongholds and observation posts east of Talakivka and Hnutove.

South of Donetsk, well-trained groups of militant snipers have appeared in several sections at once (Hranitne, Pavlopil, Vodyane). Terrorist sniper groups are also active in the area of Opytne and Pisky, operating simultaneously with shelling from grenade launchers and heavy machine guns.

In the Avdiivka area, militants are using Russian POM-2 “Otyok” antipersonnel mines, set in place using remote mine laying methods. These landmines are prohibited by international convention.


March 31, 2016: Photo of Russian firing positions near Avdiivka, at Butovka mine. “Four trucks, four 152 mm howitzer 2A36 Giatsint-B. Butovska mine slag heaps inbetween the settlements of Yasynuvata and Makiivka. Photo: ATO Press Center

Due to the activities of “LNR” militants, the “Zolote” entry-exit checkpoint in Luhansk Oblast was closed immediately after being opened. When attempts were made to enter/exit the occupied territory through this checkpoint, terrorists would stop vehicles on their side [of the checkpoint] and beat the people travelling in them (several cases were noted). Commanders of the armed gangs operating in the area asserted that the Ukrainian side “did not coordinate” the opening of the checkpoint with them. Predictably, the local “LNR” population blames Ukraine for the checkpoint closure.

In Horlivka, following the casualties in the “3rd separate motorized rifle brigade” (the “Horlivka Brigade” – up to 10 terrorists were destroyed on 30.03.2016), the militants began to spread rumors about the “arrival of snipers from the US Marine Corps at the front.” These rumors are universally believed in militant circles.

An inspection committee from the “[DNR Army] Corps HQ” is starting work in the “100th Brigade” of the “DNR Army,” checking for fraud involving payments and allowance issued to “ghost employees.” Before the commission arrived, the brigade commanders seized so-called “military service cards” from the militants under their command.

The “1st Army Corps” is considering constructing its own military medical treatment center, since civilian hospitals are unable to meet militants’ needs (mainly due to a lack of medicines and medical equipment). A preliminary decision has been made to set up another “field hospital” in Yenakijeve.


Russian forces used D-30 and MSTA-B howitzers against Ukrainian positions yesterday, March 31, 2016. Photo source

In Sverdlovsk, the high command of the “2nd LNR Army Corps” is conducting an investigation into an incident where a militant from the “4th separate motorized rifle brigade” threw a grenade at civilians. As a result of the militant’s action, six persons were injured (two of them, gravely). The militant was under the influence of alcohol.

The “LNR Ministry of State Security” held a meeting to discuss combating the rumors currently being spread among the local population about an imminent “return of Ukraine.” According to these rumors, spreading particularly actively among officials of “LNR state structures,” severe punishment awaits all those who have collaborated with the terrorists, after the arrival of Ukrainian troops expected in the near future. The “Ministry of State Security” suggests that, in addition to identifying and “neutralizing” the disseminators of such rumors, “counter-rumors” should be spread: stating that in the case of Ukrainian forces’ arrival, all inhabitants, without exception, will pass through filtration camps and be forced to relocate to other regions.
At one of the checkpoints in the zone ATO Kurdyumіvke in living cat - "Separable". Battle Cat, arranges "battles" with foxes. By the way, after the occupation of the militants in the ATO area left a lot of the Quinta fend pets. Local residents have fled, but not all have taken care of the animals. Most cats and dogs find shelter was in the military.

Cat "Separable"

This story of the soldier shared on her page Vinnytsia volunteer Taisiya Gaida. In one of the military units of the soldiers picked up the cat. They called separable. Animal loved all men, but once the cat ran away.
Then they were told from a nearby checkpoint, taking the cat separable. The men went to the village shop, so we decided to take an expensive pet. Upon arrival, the two men went to the store, and the driver was near the car. The store was the turn. In men the local population looked with apprehension.
Children 15 minutes standing in line. Then he jumped into the store driver and the commander shouted: "Comrade Commander, separable woke up in the trunk now will shout or makes a mess!"
The store was a pause. And all instantly resolved - away from sin. Within a few minutes the store was empty. Soldiers bought separable milk, biscuits and tea himself and laughing, went to the place of deployment.
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