Latest news on the war against Russia (official)

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23.06.22 14:56
HIMARS systems are in Ukraine, summer will be hot for occupiers, - Reznikov
Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov said that US-supplied HIMARS systems had arrived in Ukraine.
He wrote about it on Twitter, informs Censor.NET.
Reznikov thanked his American "colleague and friend," Pentagon chief Lloyd Austin.
"Summer will be hot for the Russian occupiers. And for some of them - the last," the minister wrote.
HIMARS is an American artillery missile system. It can carry 6 shells or one operational-tactical ballistic missile. 60 Ukrainian servicemen were trained to work with this system.

this is what could get the US and NATO into a real pizzing war with the Ruskies >>> OFFICIALLY only the shorter range 50 mile missles will be supplied - but the larger ballistic missile (150 miles) is available in the theater to the other NATO slavic members .....

Ukraine promises not to abuse the trust - we'll see - they know where the Ruskie fat azz generals are hiding behind the lines >>> real tempting to shove a big ole' missile up their Volga ....
24.06.22 09:08

Total combat losses of Russian Federation since beginning of war - about 34,530 people, 216 aircraft, 183 helicopters, 1,507 tanks and 3,637 armored vehicles. INFOGRAPHICS

The Russian troops that invaded the territory of Ukraine continue to suffer losses. As of the morning of June 24, the losses of enemy personnel amounted to approximately 34,530 people.
This was reported by Censor.NET with reference to the press center of the General Staff of the Armed Forces.
As noted, the total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02 to 24.06 are approximately:
personnel - about 34530 (+100) persons were liquidated,
tanks - 1507 (+3) units,
armored combat vehicles - 3637 (+5) units,
artillery systems - 759 (+3) units,
MLRS - 241 (+1) units,
air defense means - 99 (+0) units,
aircraft - 216 (+0) units,
helicopters - 183 (+0) units,
UAV operational and tactical level - 622 (+2),
cruise missiles - 137 (+0),
ships / boats - 14 (+0) units,
automotive equipment and tank trucks- 2553 (+5) units,
special equipment - 60 (+0).
24.06.22 10:37

One of most famous collaborators Savluchenko was liquidated in Kherson.

Unknown people blew up the car in which Dmitry Savluchenko was. He died on the spot.
This was reported by local telegram channels. Also the information was confirmed by the Russian state mass media, informs Censor.NET.
The explosion took place around 8 am. The car caught fire. There was one person inside - Savluchenko himself. Local telegram channels write that the car contained ammunition that detonated.

Dmytro Savluchenko is known for his anti-Ukrainian activities. He was a member of Medvedchuk's and Sharia's parties, and organized scandalous "victory races." After the occupation of Kherson, he was appointed "Chairman of the Board of Family, Youth and Sports of the Kherson region."
HIMARS systems are already destroying Russian occupiers. VIDEO
HIMARS volley fire missile systems are already destroying the Russian occupiers
This was reported by Censor.NET.
The first footage of the combat use of the HIMARS high-mobility missile artillery system, which is mounted on a wheeled chassis, has appeared on the Internet.

24.06.22 12:18

US Senate Committee adopts resolution on recognizing Russia as sponsor of terrorism

The US Senate Foreign Relations Committee has adopted a resolution recognizing Russia as a sponsor of terrorism.
This was reported by Censor.NET with reference to Ukrinform.
As explained in the committee, the final decision on the recognition of Russia as such a state is made by the presidential administration, the committee's resolution only calls on the White House to do so.
"There is no doubt that Russia, led by Putin, is a sponsor of terrorism. What he did when he ordered Ukraine to go was a terrorist act. He is a war criminal and is responsible for every crime committed by in his name," Republican Senator James Rish was quoted as saying.
"I believe that the Secretary of State will be very careful in considering this issue," he added.
The State Department lists states that, according to the Secretary of State, have repeatedly supported terrorist acts around the world. Sanctions imposed on such states include restrictions on aid from the United States, a ban on the export and sale of defense products, controls on exports of dual-use goods, and various financial and other restrictions.
Currently, four countries are included in this list: Cuba, North Korea, Iran and Syria.
Putin has systematically taken Ukraine apart.
All the lies, all the propaganda about Ukraine winning the war was total BS! All the talk about Putin being sick, total BS!
All the talk about Putin causing our inflation here in the West, total BS!
All the talk about crippling Russia's economy, total BS!
All the talk about the EU not going to buy Russian oil, total BS!
All the talk about kicking Russia out of the Ukraine, total BS!
Tell me, did Baghdad Bob get a job as a White House spokesperson???
Operation Gladio: When NATO Supported Far-Right Terrorism Across Europe | by Claire L. | Jun, 2022 | Medium
A rather long article. Seems that right wingers were used throughout the world and not only with having to join the French Foreign legion. No doubt many happily obliged to thwart the threat of communism during and after the 2nd world war. But at the same time the NKDV or KGB from those times certainly had plenty of lefties throughout the world working for them and doing exactly the same thing.
From the viewpoint of the free Chinese media in Taiwan and the West...I cannot vouch for any of this, but this is what is being said in the Chinese language news that my wife listens to...

Xi backed Putin. There was a quid pro quo...Once Russia quickly rolled over Ukraine with China's support, China would roll over Taiwan with Russia's support.

Only Russia did not quickly roll over Ukraine. Now the CCP party members are blaming Xi for getting them committed to a seemingly never ending money pit which is dragging China's economy down. Plus, they are afraid of being hit by the sanctions that are crippling Russia's economy.

Now the writing is on the wall, so to speak, for Xi. Xi's days are numbered. China's support for Russia may go down with Xi.

And remember, I'm just the messenger. 😁
Europe and the U.S. are currently throwing billions of dollars in money and weapons out of the window in a senseless war. I would have nothing against help for civilians but with this money and weapons this **** war is only prolonged and that brings no one something.
Russia will win this **** war 99% and in the end the western weapons will be in Russian hands or in the hands of terrorist groups inside Europe or USA.

You throw here tax money with full hands abroad while the local industry and others who already have nothing more are destroyed, this is pure suicide what the U.S. and Europe are doing at the time, it will not change the outcome of the war but leave us in the same train completely impoverished.
Our leaders have a big salary and destroy without batting an eye our jobs and it interests you an old **** what the people think about it.
I don't know anyone who enjoys higher gasoline prices every day, higher heating costs and higher food prices and then is also happy when billions are burned in an unnecessary war with the risk that everything will get even worse if the Russian wins in the end.
If the Russian should win our governments have a more than big problem, they are then poor drann and can tell the people that the treasury is empty and that one must now pull through tax increases.

Time for active negotiations for peace without money and weapons deliveries, one should throw every politician in jail who still says this **** war can only be solved with weapons, these politicians have not understood that they are the main culprits for the current misery.
There is only one problem, which country can still offer a neutral negotiating table? Probably none at all since one has forced all under the hammer of the EU Uschi or Grandpa Joe.

As for China, I think China will take Taiwan in the next few days, China will find reasons to do so and it will do it for sure. What should China fear? Sanctions? Hardly, if the EU or USA sanctions China like Russia, our economy is completely broken after a few days and a two-front war is either not possible for the EU and USA or ends in a total loss.
The coming winter will be interesting for the EU, it will be a cold winter you can write off Europe forever, completely impossible to get through here as it is currently running, the EU would have to ban the complete mobility and probably also the heating of the apartment above 10 degrees.
24.06.22 20:09

Russia has already failed - Blinken

U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken has assured that Washington will continue to support Ukraine in opposing Russian aggression, and that Russia has already lost in the war it has waged.
According to Censor.NЕТ this was reported by "European pravda".
Blinken made the statement at a news conference in Berlin on Friday.
"Ukrainians are defending themselves with incredible courage, and Russia has already failed. Putin's goal, as he himself said, was to destroy Ukraine as an independent and sovereign country. This goal has failed. A sovereign and independent Ukraine will last longer than Putin will live", he said.
Blinken added that Russia, despite achieving some success in the Donbass, is far from a decisive victory, and the achievements it already has, cost it an extremely high price.

"Tens of thousands of Russian servicemen have reportedly been killed or wounded since the invasion. Russia continues to lose large numbers of tanks, aircraft and armored vehicles," he said.
He added that even in the event of a further offensive, Russia would occupy the cities it had completely destroyed, and the Ukrainian military would instead retreat to more fortified positions where it could defend itself effectively.
"Our intelligence reports that Russian troops continue to suffer from low morale, high mortality, equipment problems and leadership that refuses to inform them of the real state of affairs on the battlefield," Blinken said.

24.06.22 20:32

The Canadian parliament has approved a law confiscating Russian assets

The Canadian Senate has approved a bill proposed by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, which provides for the possibility of confiscation of Russian assets.
Censor.NЕТ reports with reference to Reuters.
It is reported that Bill C-19 proposes a number of measures, including a two-year ban on the purchase of housing by foreign nationals, as well as the right to confiscate and sell assets responsible for Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
It is also being reported that a 450-page document has passed the upper house of any changes and will become law after the formal royal consent.
The head of the Office of the President of Ukraine Andriy Yermak has already reacted to the news. According to him, the changes also provide for the transfer of confiscated property to another state.
"In the case of Ukraine, this means that Canada will be able to confiscate frozen Russian assets on its territory and transfer them to Ukraine. This is the first precedent for strengthening such a mechanism in the legislation after the start of the war," he added.
As for China, I think China will take Taiwan in the next few days, China will find reasons to do so and it will do it for sure. What should China fear?
They have to get across the Strait of Taiwan first. That is no easy feat, especially since they don't have much of a navy.
How many troops can they get across the strait with 8 amphibious transport docks, and 65 landing ships?

Taiwan is a technologically advanced country with advanced weapons technology. Troop transport ships will be sitting ducks.
Besides, one Hsiung Feng IIE cruise missile hitting the Three Gorges Dam could wipe out entire cities downstream.
They have to get across the Strait of Taiwan first. That is no easy feat, especially since they don't have much of a navy.
How many troops can they get across the strait with 8 amphibious transport docks, and 65 landing ships?

Taiwan is a technologically advanced country with advanced weapons technology. Troop transport ships will be sitting ducks.
Besides, one Hsiung Feng IIE cruise missile hitting the Three Gorges Dam could wipe out entire cities downstream.

China has the largest troop transport fleet in the world - between the troop and it's commercial fleet which is alllll State owned - China can bury Taiwan in invasion forces within a few days - those ships could make several trips a day across the Strait .....

until Prez Trump opened up the long standing arms embargo Taiwan didn't even have a missile that could hit China - they have managed to increase & upgrade but they could never withstand an extended attack without re-supply - and - China won't be allowing that .....

if Taiwan manages to give China a bloody nose like Ukraine has done to Russia >> China won't hesitate one second from using weapons of mass destruction - poison gas, bio weapons and maybe even tactical nukes >>> they want to end the independence - don't care about the people - don't care about the island - and lastly could care less about how the world feels about the whole thing .....
25.06.22 07:35

Ukrainian soldiers stopped attack of enemy infantry in Bakhmut direction, - General Staff
In the Bakhmut direction, the Ukrainian soldiers stopped the offensive in the direction of Volodymyrivka - Pokrovske, the Russians withdrew.
This is stated in the operational information of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the Russian invasion as of 6:00 on June 25 on Facebook, Censor.NET reports.
Thus began the one hundred and twenty-second day of the heroic opposition of the Ukrainian nation to the Russian military invasion.
The Russian occupiers continue to launch missile strikes on military and critical civilian infrastructure in Ukraine.
In the Volyn and Polissya areas, the situation regarding the activities of the armed forces of the Republic of Belarus has not changed significantly. The threat of using missile weapons from the territory of this country remains.
In the Seversky direction, to cover the Russian-Ukrainian border, in the Bryansk and Kursk regions, the enemy holds up to three battalion tactical groups from the 1st Panzer and 20th All-Army, as well as airborne units. The enemy fired artillery at the positions of the Defense Forces in the areas of the settlements of Buchka in the Chernihiv region and Boyaro-Lezhachi in the Sumy region. The occupiers continue the fortification equipment of defensive positions in the border areas of Bryansk region.

In the Kharkiv direction, the enemy focuses its main efforts on maintaining previously occupied positions. They carried out artillery shelling on elements of infrastructure in the areas of the city of Kharkiv and the Vyalovskyi Reservoir.
The actions of the enemy assault group in the area of the settlement of Uda were decisively suppressed by our soldiers. The enemy retreated. Inflicted an air strike from Ka-52 helicopters near the village of Yavirske.
In the Slavyansk direction, the enemy focused its efforts on conducting an offensive in the direction of the settlements of Dovgenke and Dolyna. The enemy fired on our positions near Nova Dmytrivka, Khrestyshche, Dibrovny and Bogorodichny. They are trying to storm Dovgenke - Mazanivka, the battle continues. They struck an air strike near Dibrovny.
In the Donetsk direction, the enemy focuses its main efforts on maintaining the occupied frontiers and regrouping the troops.
They did not take any active actions in the Kramatorsk direction. They carried out fire damage to our units with mortars and jet artillery in the areas of Raigorodok and Starodubivka.
In the Severodonetsk direction, the occupiers fired artillery shells at the areas of the settlements of Lysychansk, Spirne, and Vovchoyarivka. They struck an air strike near Lysychansk and tried to block the city from the south.
In order to displace our units, the enemy carried out assault operations in the areas of the settlements of Metolkine, Sirotyne and Voronovo.

In the Bakhmut direction, Ukrainian soldiers stopped the onslaught of enemy infantry in the direction of Volodymyrivka - Pokrovske. After the fire, the enemy withdrew. Units from the 5th All-Military Army are occupying the offensive in the direction of Pylypchatyne - Pokrovske, the fighting continues. In the direction of Rota - Vershina, the enemy advanced one kilometer.
In order to facilitate the actions of the group in the direction of concentrating the main efforts, the occupiers are trying to conduct restraining actions in the Avdiyivsky, Kurakhivsky and Novopavlovsky directions and keep the occupied frontiers. In the Zaporizhia direction - conduct defense.
The enemy tried to take control of the section of the road Yasynuvata - Kostiantynivka - fought in the direction of Vasylivka - Kamyanka. Our defenders rebuffed. The enemy retreated with losses.
In the South Bug direction, the occupiers are concentrating their main efforts on maintaining the occupied frontiers. They are conducting reconnaissance, improving the engineering equipment of the positions and trying to prevent the regrouping of our troops.
To restore the previously lost position, by forces to the company's tactical group, the enemy led an offensive in the direction of Potemkin - Vysokopillya, Kherson region, had no success, retreated.
Conducted aerial reconnaissance of UAVs near the village of Starosillya.

In the waters of the Black and Azov Seas, the enemy is holding four carriers of naval-based cruise missiles "Caliber" in readiness to launch missile strikes on objects on the territory of Ukraine.
Ukrainian defenders inflict losses on the Russian occupiers in all areas where active hostilities continue. The guerrilla movement is intensifying in the temporarily occupied territories.
25.06.22 10:17

Total combat losses of Russian Federation since beginning of war - about 34, 7 thousand people, 217 aircraft, 184 helicopters, 1511 tanks and 3645 armored vehicles. INFOGRAPHICS

The Russian troops that invaded the territory of Ukraine continue to suffer losses. As of the morning of June 25, the loss of enemy personnel amounted to approximately 34,700 people.
This was reported by Censor.NET with reference to the press center of the General Staff of the Armed Forces.
As noted, the total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02 to 25.06 are approximately:
personnel - about 34,700 (+170) people were liquidated,
tanks - 1511 (+4) units,
armored combat vehicles - 3645 (+8) units,
artillery systems - 764 (+5) units,
MLRS - 241 (+0) units,
air defense means - 99 (+0) units,
aircraft - 217 (+1) units,
helicopters - 184 (+1) units,
UAV operational and tactical level - 626 (+4),
cruise missiles - 137 (+0),
ships / boats - 14 (+0) units,
automotive equipment and tank trucks - 2560 (+7) units,
special equipment - 60 (+0).
until Prez Trump opened up the long standing arms embargo Taiwan didn't even have a missile that could hit China - Hsiung Feng IIE (HF-2E; Chinese: 雄風二E巡弋飛彈; lit. 'Brave Wind IIE Cruise Missile') is a surface-to-surface cruise missile system developed by the National Chung-Shan Institute of Science and Technology (NCSIST) in Taiwan.
According to Taiwan Defense Review (TDR), the HF-2E land attack cruise missile is not a derivative of the Hsiung Feng 2 HF-2 anti-ship missile as it is often incorrectly reported. The use of the "HF-2E" designation is the primary cause of this confusion and was intentional misinformation done to divert attention away from the true nature of the project, which is that of a long range offensive cruise missile. The HF-2E is actually a completely different design and is said to serve a similar function in Taiwan's military as the US Navy Tomahawk (RGM-109) cruise missile.[2] Its launch weight is reported to be in the 3,300–3,500 lb (1,500–1,600 kg) range, including its solid rocket booster.[3]

The improved variant has been designated the Hsiung Sheng. It is designed to be able to strike critical targets in distant Chinese cities like Wuhan and Qingdao.[11] Hsiung Feng II (HF-2) (雄風二型, "Brave Wind II") is an anti-ship missile system developed by the National Chung-Shan Institute of Science and Technology (NCSIST) in Taiwan. The HF-2 is designed to be deployed aboard ships or at facilities on land. An airborne version has also been developed which can be carried by the ROC Air Force's F-CK fighters. The HF-2 has ECCM capabilities and is deployed on the ROC Navy's Cheng Kung-class and La Fayette-class frigates, as well as at several land based sites. Hsiung Feng IIE (HF-2E; Chinese: 雄風二E巡弋飛彈; lit. 'Brave Wind IIE Cruise Missile') is a surface-to-surface cruise missile system developed by the National Chung-Shan Institute of Science and Technology (NCSIST) in Taiwan.
According to Taiwan Defense Review (TDR), the HF-2E land attack cruise missile is not a derivative of the Hsiung Feng 2 HF-2 anti-ship missile as it is often incorrectly reported. The use of the "HF-2E" designation is the primary cause of this confusion and was intentional misinformation done to divert attention away from the true nature of the project, which is that of a long range offensive cruise missile. The HF-2E is actually a completely different design and is said to serve a similar function in Taiwan's military as the US Navy Tomahawk (RGM-109) cruise missile.[2] Its launch weight is reported to be in the 3,300–3,500 lb (1,500–1,600 kg) range, including its solid rocket booster.[3]

The improved variant has been designated the Hsiung Sheng. It is designed to be able to strike critical targets in distant Chinese cities like Wuhan and Qingdao.[11]

Prez Trump - 2016 >> 2020 - if you posted a date for your article it's post 2020 - most likely 2021 >>> they copied US technology
26.06.22 09:00
Total combat losses of Russian Federation since beginning of war - about 34, 850 people, 217 aircraft, 184 helicopters, 1532 tanks and 3659 armored vehicles. INFOGRAPHICS
The Russian troops that invaded the territory of Ukraine continue to suffer losses. As of the morning of June 26, the loss of enemy personnel amounted to approximately 34,850 people.
This was reported by Censor.NET with reference to the press center of the General Staff of the Armed Forces.
As noted, the total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02 to 26.06 are approximately:
personnel - about 34,850 (+150) people were liquidated,
tanks - 1532 (+21) units,
armored combat vehicles - 3659 (+14) units,
artillery systems - 764 (+0) units,
MLRS - 243 (+2) units,
air defense means - 99 (+0) units,
aircraft - 217 (+0) units,
helicopters - 184 (+0) units,
UAV operational and tactical level - 630 (+4),
cruise missiles - 139 (+2),
ships / boats - 14 (+0) units,
automotive equipment and tank trucks - 2564 (+4) units,
special equipment - 60 (+0).
just checking in to see if Ukraine had nuked Red Square yet using one of their new NATO toys >> saw one of Putin's boyz wants to attack the US thru the Ukraine US Embassy .....

small wonder at Putin's insanity when he empties out the sanitariums for advice .....
27.06.22 09:02

Total combat losses of Russian Federation since beginning of war - about 35, 000 people, 217 aircraft, 184 helicopters, 1552 tanks and 3687 armored vehicles. INFOGRAPHICS

The Russian troops that invaded the territory of Ukraine continue to suffer losses. As of the morning of June 27, the loss of enemy personnel amounted to approximately 35,000 people.
As reported by Censor.NET with reference to the press center of the General Staff of the Armed Forces.
As noted, the total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02 to 26.07 are approximately:
personnel - about 35,000 (+150) people were liquidated,
tanks - 152 (+20) units,
armored combat vehicles - 3687 (+28) units,
artillery systems - 771 (+7) units,
MLRS - 243 (+0) units,
air defense means - 101 (+2) units,
aircraft - 217 (+0) units,
helicopters - 184 (+0) units,
UAV operational and tactical level - 636 (+6),
cruise missiles - 139 (+0),
ships / boats - 14 (+0) units,
automotive equipment and tank trucks - 2575 (+11) units,
special equipment - 60 (+0).

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