well i guess i am a laundry heathen....i dump it all in machine...pour some tide in and pull the button....get it out and dry it...easy peasey ! i dont care....lol
like mentioned before, I'm an ..everyone in the pool.. kind of laundry person.. I don't own anything that can't go together.. If something does become un-wearable I go to the thrift store for a replacement.. I use plain Tide liquid on sale.. Never have used a pod as I heard they were evil from the first day they appeared..
Back when I had garage, tractor, farm chore clothes to wash I used ...Elvis... to wash them.. Elvis was an old front loading washer that sat on the back porch, and got hooked to a garden hose to do extra dirty stuff.. He got the name because you could feel him shimmy across the porch during spin cycle through the whole house...