Left Behind Movie, should get bible bashers in a flap

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I wonder if this will have the same affect as The Day After Tomorrow did at pushing folks into prepping?

This is actually a remake or "reboot" as they are calling it. The original movie came out in 2000 and starred Kirk Cameron and you can watch it online - along with Tribulation Force and and World At War. It's a trilogy. The problem in this one with prepping is that you only need to prep if you aren't saved. Or, if you aren't saved, the best prep is to get that way.
The books were excellent, too.
I don't like what I know of Nicholas Cage's personal life, but I've never known him to do a bad movie. The original Left Behind was pretty good so I expect this one will be even better.
Yeah, I'm with QuietHeart on this one with not really like what I have heard on Nicholas Cage's private life. And I had mixed emotions about it. But the fact that this actor is in the remake and a lot of people do enjoy his movies, maybe this will bring some people into the theatres that didn't see the original and ones that have not heard the message.
I was.u del the impression that Cage was a poor actor - based on reviews.

I'll watch this eventually. I don't mind cage, myself.

I'm not sure if it'll get people prepping - more likely praying.
I was.u del the impression that Cage was a poor actor - based on reviews.

I'll watch this eventually. I don't mind cage, myself.

I'm not sure if it'll get people prepping - more likely praying.

Cage has been in 55 movies with 4 new ones coming out soon. That's quite a record. Some of his best, in my opinion, were "Knowing" "Ghost Rider" "National Treasure" "Lord of War" "City of Angels" and "Face Off." His "private" life, which is not so private, is a huge mess.
This is actually a remake or "reboot" as they are calling it. The original movie came out in 2000 and starred Kirk Cameron and you can watch it online - along with Tribulation Force and and World At War. It's a trilogy. The problem in this one with prepping is that you only need to prep if you aren't saved. Or, if you aren't saved, the best prep is to get that way.
The books were excellent, too.

I own all three and they are good movies!
I don't know about him being a good actor...he always plays, well...Nicholas Cage...lol.

The original movies were pretty decent though (better book of course), whether you are Christian or not. Of course, if you go by scripture, only 144000 are to be saved, and even then, it's virgin males descended from the original 12 tribes of Israel, but eh...who am I to bicker....lol.
Mine involves avoiding like the plague people who start spouting off about the Bible, Quoran, Torah etc :) I just try to be a good person who obeys the laws of my land and try to treat others how I like to be treated myself.

My wife is pagan and I am judah christian now lets just say we are unequally yoked on a grand scale though we give each other room without condemnation, as you said "treat others how I like to be treated myself" 'Respect' solves a lot of problems! ;)
The 144,000 are saved to serve the new timple from the reminant of the 12 tribes . Christians are saved by faith in Jesus Christ in the son of the living GOD . That He was crucified for our sins and stayed in the tomb 3 days the resurected as a sign then asended to be with the Father . Hince the sign of Jonah . Christ will call the Church to asend and meet him before the Anti Christ comes to power then that evil man makes a 7 year peace agreement with Isreal and breake it in 3 1/2 years then the tribulation then judgement . Atlast a new Heavan and a new Earth . You know 100% that you are saved by faith in Christ not by any good deeds or other work that will all become ashes and dust . No person is worthy to be saved its through the mercy of Christ .
On the last British census I like over 300,000 other Brits listed my religion as Jedi Knight , part in humour, part in protest and part because from I have seen of the big religions they are so completely and utterly corrupt and lead most people into wars over definitions of which god is right !!!

Jihad, Inquisition, Reformation,Crusades Civil wars, forced conversions.... naaaaa mainstream religion does nothing for me, heck only this week I have been reading about the discovery of over 800 babies remains being discovered in an abandoned cess pit in Eire, and apparently some of those lost souls were intered as late as the 60s and 70s BY NUNS !!!

Movie looks like fun though.
There will always be very bad things done by Mankind . But in the beginning was the Word and the Word became flesh and dwealt among us .
There will always be very bad things done by Mankind . But in the beginning was the Word and the Word became flesh and dwealt among us .

And " god" is evil as well: sacrificing the first born, killing a person who touched the ark, mass murder of thousands. Best to rely on ones self instead of some mythical boogyman. No one is there to answer your prayers or condemn you your actions but yourself.
All the Word to all the World everyone can decide for themselvs . In the end Every knee will bow Every tounge will confess .
even my dad who didn't express so much religious beliefs openly,told me that he didn't need a priest if he wanted to talk to the bigman upstairs,he said he usually did it when it was night and everything was quiet,said it was better that way..
Just as the opening post said Bible bashers . But sometimes the word gets into the bashers heart and then He becomes what he was bashing .
I may not be so good in how I express my self in english but it would be nice if we respected each others belifs..I still remember my grandfather saying,at the front, under heavy shelling he couldn't find a single atheist,they were all saying/praying God let me survive this hell...
I may not be so good in how I express my self in english but it would be nice if we respected each others belifs..I still remember my grandfather saying,at the front, under heavy shelling he couldn't find a single atheist,they were all saying/praying God let me survive this hell...

Ah Religion, its baffles me, EG in WW2 we fought for GOD , King and Country, the chaps we were fighting for had GOTT MIT US (God With Us) on their belt buckles, whilst religion has brought much comfort and support to millions, it has also led to millions more dying for following the wrong god.
religion is...well so personal, I can't say more than this..but back when I took my oath for my country, I took it for God and Country and it may not mean so much for some of my colleagues from work but it still means to me :)
You you fought fo your god, I fought for mine, the Russans / Germans/ Amerucans all fought for their god and its all the same god, like I said it baffles me,

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