Let's Dissect a Prepper Movie !!!!

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I think we may be trying to scare ourselves with the Boogie Man.
I thought the purpose of this exercise was to sharpen our decision making skills in a chaotic survival situation.

Learning to open a can by scraping it on concrete and then squeezing it is probably helpful. Spotting a holocaust is not.
Perhaps we need to follow the medical practicioners' motto of "When you hear hoof-beats think horses, not zebras."

Mat Gen has us on the right path - considering options that are most likely to happen.

In response to his question, our planned procedure if we encounter someone who has discovered us and means us ill intent is to capture that person.
We can then decide to disarm him, release him, break his trigger hand and/or take him (and buddies) and separate them one at a time miles away snipe hunt style. No urgent need for an execution.

If we help someone, we can take a picture of them and threaten them if they return.

This is not an exclusive right answer, just more options to consider.
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Judgement --- another situation.. Father leaves young son to watch their camp as he goes to investigate a nearby ship wreck. Upon the father's return, he discovers somebody has stolen all their equipment and supplies but his son has not been harmed. The father and son set off to recover their stuff. They catch up to the thief and due to the father being armed with a pistol, and the thief only has a knife, they are able to control the encounter and meet out justice / retribution. The question before us is what would be your response / course of action?

As paranoid and cautious as he was throughout the movie, Father made a couple of bad judgements at this point, because he knew he was ill and did not have long to live so, he felt hurried. Part of his bad decisions was the result of having reached their "destination", completed a goal. He left supplies and his son, in an open, unsecured area (the beach) with all of their supplies in one spot.

Things he could have done differently, cached their supplies in several different locations in buildings or other spots. Spent time exploring and clearing the area before leaving and put his son in a more discrete and defensible location.

My answer regarding how to respond, would be to do a better job of not getting into that situation in the first place.
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The movie was actually more accurate than I expected.
Thank God my Wife isnt prone to the vapors like his Wife.
Like was mentioned,heading towards a nuclear holocaust isnt such a bright idea but other than that it wasn't bad.
Of course some mistakes had to be made in order for the movie to be exciting.
One was invading the house with the a-holes in it. A better option would have been setting it ablaze and capping whoever came out.
As it was they should have stayed at the house and waited till the boss man came back and tied up that loose end.