Let's talk Supplements

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About four years ago, A hippie friend of my wife's introduced us to Egyptian licorice tea. I was instantly hooked. Forgot all about it until I seen it on Amazon, so I ordered a big box since I never see it at the regular grocery. And I started indulging with a tea a day for a little over a week.

This morning workout, it occurred to me that I haven't felt that usual "super pumped" for awhile. Started a mental search: haven't changed diet. Sleep about same. When was my last pumped morning? It was before I started the new tea routine.

Googled some about effect of licorice? There you have it: detrimental to testosterone. Dang it! Well, I suppose all them boxes I ordered will make nice gifts? I'm hoping I can still enjoy one tea a week, maybe?

About four years ago, A hippie friend of my wife's introduced us to Egyptian licorice tea. I was instantly hooked. Forgot all about it until I seen it on Amazon, so I ordered a big box since I never see it at the regular grocery. And I started indulging with a tea a day for a little over a week.

This morning workout, it occurred to me that I haven't felt that usual "super pumped" for awhile. Started a mental search: haven't changed diet. Sleep about same. When was my last pumped morning? It was before I started the new tea routine.

Googled some about effect of licorice? There you have it: detrimental to testosterone. Dang it! Well, I suppose all them boxes I ordered will make nice gifts? I'm hoping I can still enjoy one tea a week, maybe?
Licorice is really good for the liver too.
I'm asking how people organize their supplements for daily use?

Because of this thread, I have added more supplements. My challenge is that there are so many bottles to open and close each day. I have used the dispensers for each day of the week, but those do not hold all of the supplements.

I have a collection of Altoid tins that I used to use. I use a muffin tin. I open each bottle and distribute to each of the 12 cups. When I have distributed all of the supplements, I put them in an Altoid tin. I recently found one of these tins in my clean out of travel toiletries. The supplements went into the trash because they were old. I have my muffin tin out, ready to make up more daily supplement groups.
I'm asking how people organize their supplements for daily use?

Because of this thread, I have added more supplements. My challenge is that there are so many bottles to open and close each day. I have used the dispensers for each day of the week, but those do not hold all of the supplements.

I have a collection of Altoid tins that I used to use. I use a muffin tin. I open each bottle and distribute to each of the 12 cups. When I have distributed all of the supplements, I put them in an Altoid tin. I recently found one of these tins in my clean out of travel toiletries. The supplements went into the trash because they were old. I have my muffin tin out, ready to make up more daily supplement groups.
It's funny that you mention that. I got tired of getting them out every day for hubby and I. We also don't take all the supps every day. Hubby takes fish oil every other day and sometimes we forget to take anything at all. I bought the basic weekly pill boxes at WM for $1 each. Now I only have to fill them every week and it's so much easier to deal with. Plus I don't have all the supp bottles sitting on the counter all the time. When I brought the pill boxes home, hubby said "geez, are we that old now?" LOL! Neither of us take meds.

Weedy - search Amazon for 'large pill boxes'. They have a ton of them to choose from that would hold a lol of tablets. I was surprised at how big some of them are. :oops:
I agree with angie_nrs, large pill boxes. We take supplements daily, split them between AM and PM. So we each have four large size weekly pill boxes that have AM and PM compartments. I fill a month at a time, but leave one week each on the countertop lazy Susan. I have one shelf in a cabinet for the supplement bottles and the upcoming weeks pill containers! Bear has to take a daily probiotic with enzymes and he also takes turmeric and L-LYSINE, he too has four weekly smaller pill boxes!
From EpochTV on Gab:

Last time, we looked at how n-acetylcysteine (NAC) can help detox the body of harmful substances from mRNA vaccines.

This time we look at the potential breakthrough that NAC could offer to Parkinson’s Disease sufferers.
I started taking NAC recently for my Polycythemia vera, which extended the lifespan of JAK2V617F mice without impacting their blood counts or spleen enlargement.
Pearl.......you didn't try adding L-lysine to teecedx' list???

What's up with that? 😁

We took a week break from taking supplements just b/c we were lazy. I didn't really feel any difference except that I was starting to get a sore throat once last week. So, I took a double dose of L-lysine and some elderberry tabs, then gargled with colloidal silver. The CS took an almost immediate effect. That stuff does wonders for me!

I'll have to ask if hubby noticed any difference in how he felt without supplements. I'm thinking he was starting to feel his arthritis creep back in b/c he was a bit cranky. Although, I'm not sure if it was that or something else. Usually during the summertime I don't take much for supplements except ACV to keep the skeeters at bay. I start adding them in again when fall comes around.
I had not been as diligent about taking my supplements, herbs, and drinking my teas. I was feeling like I needed a break from work, then I got sick.
I had been taking zinc and Vitamin D regularly but the test results were from the Dr visit months ago. She said to be eating foods high in Vitamin D as well as any supplement.
@angie_nrs how are you taking the ACV for skeeters?
I just take a couple of the ACV gummies or tablets. I know they are not as effective as taking regular ACV with mother, but they taste a whole lot better so I'm not as likely to skip taking them. I've noticed that the skeeters don't seem to like me as much when I take it. I've also heard that vitamin B1 will repel the little biters too, although I have not tried that.
There is a whole book or two written on the benefits of Apple cider vinegar with the mother.

Ingesting it, diluted in a glass of water, or Acv cocktail is the most common. 12 oz glass of water with a cap ful of Acv added. A cap is about two teaspoons approximately? More or less?

It's also beneficial as a topical. Diluted in a 20 oz used squeeze bottle of dish soap with two tablespoons of Acv added to the water. It cures dry skin for farmers hands, cures dandruff and a whole lot of other benefits...

Not to be confused especially with white vinegar? That's more like paint thinner. If you're to ingest it, get the good and expensive stuff: apple cider vinegar, unprocessed and with the mother. Braggs is a good brand, but my favorite made locally is Fairchild...
When we lived in the Tampa, Texas area, we frequently drove by the Celenese chemical plant, one of their products was a chemical vinegar, white vinegar? Perhaps, unless otherwise labeled.
Here's one that might not have been mentioned yet: L-Glutamine

As described at link:

Glutamine is an amino acid produced by the body and found in food. It supports your body’s immune and digestive systems.

Glutamine is an important amino acid with many functions in the body.

It is a building block of protein and critical part of the immune system.

What’s more, glutamine has a special role in intestinal health.

Your body naturally produces this amino acid, and it is also found in many foods. Yet, you may be unsure if you need extra glutamine from supplements for optimal health.

This article explains why glutamine is important and discusses the benefits and safety of glutamine supplements.

While L-glutamine is used to make proteins and perform other functions, D-glutamine appears to be relatively unimportant in living organisms

One of the most important functions of glutamine is its role in the immune system.
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And if you think for just a minute, "why are electrolytes so important"?

Because the body is meant to have some conduction. Not unlike a battery. And so we must consider how are electrons supposed to move? And we open the door to consider " earthing" or "grounding".

I've never quite been able to explain why it feels so good to walk around bare foot, like a hippie? Even on the freezing winter days-for brief periods?
And if you think for just a minute, "why are electrolytes so important"?

Because the body is meant to have some conduction. Not unlike a battery. And so we must consider how are electrons supposed to move? And we open the door to consider " earthing" or "grounding".

I've never quite been able to explain why it feels so good to walk around bare foot, like a hippie? Even on the freezing winter days-for brief periods?
I drink pickle juice for the electrolytes, drink lots of water.

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