Life and death choices: 35 Excuses that will doom the non prepper

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there's some great points in that topic..learning what one can, stocking up on whats needed,and learning new skills of difrent type is everyones best route.. me a economy collapses ='s no stores for what ever.and im talking more then stock market collapse in 08 or when other words.another dust bowl type collapse..but much longer to recover,if at all..
I've seen and read this article previously, but I reread it just in case I might have missed something. In my opinion it is a 'must read' at least once. Unfortunately ... the people who 'need' to read it ... are not. I am at a loss on how to wake those people up. I know some who are in complete denial ... some are to afraid of the truth and refuse to face reality ... while others will admit the truth, but still do nothing to prepare for tomorrow. The most common excuse that I hear (or similar statements) when discussing SHTF:

"It's never gotten that bad before (meaning a 100% SHTF sceneiro) so why should I prepare. Things will work out."

I've pretty much stopped preaching to the deaf.

How do you guys here on DP deal with the non-believers? Do as I do and give them all the rope they need, and they will eventually hang themselves as the old saying goes?
i've ben trying to come up with ways to convince my mom on how things are liable to turn out.but to a deaf ear.but im still trying to think of a way to convince her of how things are now compared to how things were when she was growing up
I really don't see a 100% SHTF scenario happening in my lifetime. However, I've benefited from my preps enough to know that as much as I can do, when I'm able to, just makes me that much more self-sufficient (and comfortable) when something localized or short-term happens it just makes good common sense.
I find your statement ... "I really don't see a 100% SHTF scenario happening in my lifetime", quite interesting. Gazrok. I've read most of your posts ... and from what I've read, you appeared to be readily prepped and 'not' just for a few days of hardship. I get the impression that you are a full-blown-prepper in all aspects ... yet ... you say you don't see a 100% SHTF scenario in the future. I'm confused. You have even disclosed that your garden can not be seen from any roadways (good idea by the way). If SHTF ain't going to happen ... why hide the garden? Maybe just a 30% SHTF and only a handful of people will be looking for easy pickings? Or even a 10% ... no big deal.

I am not attacking you ... just darn curious.

I am just the opposite ... I am expecting a 100% SHTF scenario ... if not ... I wouldn't be prepping. I base my thinking on the U.S.A.'s heavy debt ... greedy bankers/corporations ... and the moral decay of American society.

You even said it yourself ... "You are prepping for end of modern civilization from any number of sources."

That's why I'm confused. :confused:
Im expecting a 100% SHTF scenario to happen,when it comes to life as we know it right now.but it wont be 100% stone age shtf situation..on account each of us here are prepareing for any and all shtf situations that we can prepare for..
I find your statement ... "I really don't see a 100% SHTF scenario happening in my lifetime", quite interesting. Gazrok. I've read most of your posts ... and from what I've read, you appeared to be readily prepped and 'not' just for a few days of hardship

No offense taken, I completely understand the curiosity, so I have no problem explaining it. I can see how it may be seen as a contradictory stance. Simply put, I'd rather be prepared and NOT ever need it, than need it and NOT be prepared. In addition, as I've benefited from prepping in the past, I have realized a "now" benefit to it, which to me, fully justifies the effort, even if I don't believe a major civilization ending event will happen in my lifetime. If nothing else, my kids can benefit not only from my preps, but from the prepper mindset and outlook, so they too can be prepared, but while still enjoying life. After all, when we're pushing up daisies, the ranch will be theirs.

I enjoy it as a hobby and lifestyle, but I also like to have fun, get out there and enjoy life. I don't let this color my outlook on life. We're only here for a speck of time, so to spend it all brooding just isn't my idea of fun.

That said, I DO foresee some kind of temporary (i.e. 2 weeks to 3 months) localized event being likely in my lifetime, so I'd rather be prepared for it. Unless a SHTF event is global though, I just don't see how the powers that be could abhor a vacuum for much longer than that. But, even that short period would see things like roving gangs, etc.

Just because I prep for the end of the world, doesn't mean I expect or wish for it. I really hope that all of it is for naught. I like AC, I like new movies, I like being able to go to a store and get things, etc. Would suck to see that all end. But, if it does, I'd rather be able to maintain a comfortable life, than try and pick through the garbage.

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