Looking for European Survivalist Groups / Campers

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Can someone please advise on any existing network of European based survivalists?
I am planning to leave Berlin permanently to live by camping etc. in the next few months.
Thank you

Stop and think a second, Survivalists rarely advertise their whereabouts, google search for Eco communities or full time RVers many preppers / survivalists live among those communities
Thank you for your reply. I'm looking for pointers / advice rather than exact locations. :)

Same response you are not a survivalist or prepper you are an off gridder / homsteader/ seasonal worker ( who happens to be a prepper) learn to read between the lines. Pointers are easy Grape picking season in France, Olive picking season in Spain and Portugal, Potato and Strawberry picking season in the Channel islands and the Communes are all places where gray man preppers can often be found.

Also APPEARANCE can have an effect, Many prepper communities are still rather conservative, so give some consideration to your dress, manners and behaviour , as often the community may have a religeous leaning.



You have to think outside the box or think laterally to find kindred spirits, almost no one is going to say they are a PREPPER because its not PC, so they are Homesteaders / Off gridders etc



Can someone please advise on any existing network of European based survivalists?
I am planning to leave Berlin permanently to live by camping etc. in the next few months.
Thank you

not prepping - try vagabonding or bumming >> any preppers that would be associated together are in association for mutual benefit during a SHTF - they don't deal with what you are doing
Thank you everyone for your replies.
I'm not looking for hippy-dippy, soy drinking clubs.
I'm looking for an anti-vax, off grid group or collective, willing to do what it takes to stay 100% Human. (ie. not Leftist, LibTard.)