It is not just the prepping community. The first ambulance call I had where I was the medic in charge, and the patient was clearly dead, was because of a Coleman stove.Funny how millions and millions cook with Natural Gas stoves in their kitchens an entire lifetime. Yet mention cooking with a propane camp stove indoors "TOTALLY" freaks people with fear and need to open all the door and windows in the dwelling to avoid certain death.
The prepping community is "FULL" of bogus information.
You lived in a 12’X20’ cabin. His stateroom was big enough to lay down a couple of sleeping bags. You could walk around comfortably. His headroom allowed him to crawl around on his hands and knees. Your cabin had adequate leaks. He had one small hatch that he closed as tightly as he could and no window. The problem was that the man wasn’t cooking he was trying to heat. It requires a lot more energy to heat a room than a meal. It was a very small stateroom an a boat, and he had closed it up as tight as he could. Most people don’t know all the science nor the specifics of deaths like these. All they know is this man would be alive if he had proper ventilation.
The press fills the pages, or the airwaves, everyday writing stories about things they don’t fully understand. Their job is to entertain you so that they can sell adds. That is when they are at their best not when they are intentionally lying and misleading.