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Awesome Friend
Mar 11, 2014
as that day of May the 1 is coming soon,the tradition (one of several) is to do mead, for me
it's the non-alchoholic version,once it's ready it goes very well to drink for just quench your thirst.
I made roughly 10 liters of it and used
500g of brown sugar (taste and color)
700g white sugar
3 sliced lemons
3/4 teaspoon of dry yeast

first I warmed up some of the water to melt the sugars,then I put in the lemon slices,poured rest of the water in and last the dry yeast,let it be over night,bottle it the next day,place some raisins in the bottle and when the raisins so to speak float its ready to drink, you can also add some rhubarb,in the bucket when making it, gives some nice flavor to the drink.
this I drink on May the 1 and eat "healthy" doughnuts too :)

p.s you store it in the fridge and there it will be made ready.
as that day of May the 1 is coming soon,the tradition (one of several) is to do mead, for me
it's the non-alchoholic version,once it's ready it goes very well to drink for just quench your thirst.
I made roughly 10 liters of it and used
500g of brown sugar (taste and color)
700g white sugar
3 sliced lemons
3/4 teaspoon of dry yeast

first I warmed up some of the water to melt the sugars,then I put in the lemon slices,poured rest of the water in and last the dry yeast,let it be over night,bottle it the next day,place some raisins in the bottle and when the raisins so to speak float its ready to drink, you can also add some rhubarb,in the bucket when making it, gives some nice flavor to the drink.
this I drink on May the 1 and eat "healthy" doughnuts too :)

p.s you store it in the fridge and there it will be made ready.
Ive made it before, and it was interesting. Mine turned out a little reminescent of drinking cough syrup, but with a high alcohol content! How do you make it non alcohol? I also used honey, as that's what it originaly started with. The honey has enough sugar that you don't need to add any more. It is so thick though that you need to add a fair amount of water.
use only a little yeast and let it be 'till next day,then bottle it,doing this prevents the alcohol to come. haven't tried with honey (mainly 'cause honey is so damn expensive here).
it's those basics I use ,sugar,lemon,water and yeast,but I think the trick is to let it simmer 'till next day in a dry,warm place,kitchen is excellent.
and let it mature in a dry,cold place for 3-4 days.
Peasant and Barbarian :) (1) NON ALCOHIC MEAD you should be horse whipped !!!
(2) its not REAL MEAD unless its made on Holy Island ( Lindesfarne ) about 40 miles north of me.

Sheesh I knew you Finns and Americans cannot brew real beer, but abusing Mead is a crime against humanity, the world is truly doomed when someone makes non alcoholic mead, and a bloody Norseman to boot !!! I need a drink now where is my REAL Mead.

as that day of May the 1 is coming soon,the tradition (one of several) is to do mead, for me
it's the non-alchoholic version,once it's ready it goes very well to drink for just quench your thirst.
I made roughly 10 liters of it and used
500g of brown sugar (taste and color)
700g white sugar
3 sliced lemons
3/4 teaspoon of dry yeast

first I warmed up some of the water to melt the sugars,then I put in the lemon slices,poured rest of the water in and last the dry yeast,let it be over night,bottle it the next day,place some raisins in the bottle and when the raisins so to speak float its ready to drink, you can also add some rhubarb,in the bucket when making it, gives some nice flavor to the drink.
this I drink on May the 1 and eat "healthy" doughnuts too :)

p.s you store it in the fridge and there it will be made ready.
Peasant and Barbarian :) (1) NON ALCOHIC MEAD you should be horse whipped !!!
(2) its not REAL MEAD unless its made on Holy Island ( Lindesfarne ) about 40 miles north of me.

Sheesh I knew you Finns and Americans cannot brew real beer, but abusing Mead is a crime against humanity, the world is truly doomed when someone makes non alcoholic mead, and a bloody Norseman to boot !!! I need a drink now where is my REAL Mead.
I have to admit, loosing the alcohol is kind of missing the point! I hate to break it to you though, I believe the Chinese beat you to the recipe by a thousand or two years. They were brewing way before anyone else, sneaky little beggars!
The gals love their mead. Each Renaissance Festival, my wife and the girls put away quite a bit of the stuff.
All I know is I would trade what I'm drinking right now for some mead in a heartbeat. I'm having my first colonoscopy tomorrow morning, and this **** they want you to drink is horrible! Not to mention they want you to drink a gallon of it!.
All I know is I would trade what I'm drinking right now for some mead in a heartbeat. I'm having my first colonoscopy tomorrow morning, and this **** they want you to drink is horrible! Not to mention they want you to drink a gallon of it!.
The only good part of this prep I'm doing is it said after you drink the 200 gallons of crap they give you, you can follow it up with 16oz of clear liquid. I figured 16oz of beer was close to clear:). I've always liked Star Trek, and most sci fi, so I'm tempted to tell the doc this morning that he is 'boldly going where no man has gone before'!
The gals love their mead. Each Renaissance Festival, my wife and the girls put away quite a bit of the stuff.
We have the festival over on the west side of Atlanta right now. I've never been, but it looks pretty cool. Where do they have it down there?
well,just to satisfy your barbaric needs,I make the next batch incl alcohol ;)
I guess the only difference is how long you let the yeast sit before bottling and chilling. I don't have an alcohol content gauge, but would say the honey mead was 15%. Definately the kind of stuff you sip, not gulp.
use only a little yeast and let it be 'till next day,then bottle it,doing this prevents the alcohol to come. haven't tried with honey (mainly 'cause honey is so damn expensive here).
it's those basics I use ,sugar,lemon,water and yeast,but I think the trick is to let it simmer 'till next day in a dry,warm place,kitchen is excellent.
and let it mature in a dry,cold place for 3-4 days.
I just saw a gallon of honey at Walmart for 50.00! It's getting close to time to raise some bees.
Where do they have it down there?

Around me, we have one in Tampa in the spring, and one in Sarasota in the winter. Of course, they are all over Florida, but the one in Tampa is the same organization as the one in Michigan. The movie "All's Faire in Love" (2009) with Christina Ricci used footage from both festivals for the film, so it was kind of cool seeing folks I know on the big screen (for those who ever saw the movie, hehe).

Give's the wife and I a fun place to don our full suits of studded leather dragon armor, so we have a lot of fun during them.
Around me, we have one in Tampa in the spring, and one in Sarasota in the winter. Of course, they are all over Florida, but the one in Tampa is the same organization as the one in Michigan. The movie "All's Faire in Love" (2009) with Christina Ricci used footage from both festivals for the film, so it was kind of cool seeing folks I know on the big screen (for those who ever saw the movie, hehe).

Give's the wife and I a fun place to don our full suits of studded leather dragon armor, so we have a lot of fun during them.
I assumed they had one that traveled around each year, but it may be multiple groups? Either way it looks like fun. It's about a three hour drive each way from here to the west side of Atlanta, which is probably why I haven't made it yet. One of these days. There are lots of people here that go all out for dragon con each year. I haven't been but love to see how creative some of the outfits are on the news!
I assumed they had one that traveled around each year, but it may be multiple groups?

Many of the different vendors and performers do travel around to different faires all over the country. Others are more local.

There are lots of people here that go all out for dragon con each year. I haven't been but love to see how creative some of the outfits are on the news!

Yep, my family among them. Each year, that's our one big trip. It's a lot of fun, and we typically have a different cosplay each day, and often a family theme. For example, last year, I was Two-Face, my wife Catwoman, my daughter Harley Quinn, my son the Joker, and our ranchhand as Poison Ivy (all Batman villains). We also did Guardians of the Galaxy, with me as Starlord, my wife as the green chick (can't remember the name), my daughter as Rocket, and our ranchhand as Baby Groot (in the pot).

It's a great convention for meeting celebs in the sci-fi and fantasy genre too. I've met and got pics with a lot of celebs there, like William Shatner (Kirk), Anthony Daniels (C-3PO), pretty much everyone from STNG, and tons of other sci-fi shows, both current, and the ones I grew up with.
Many of the different vendors and performers do travel around to different faires all over the country. Others are more local.

Yep, my family among them. Each year, that's our one big trip. It's a lot of fun, and we typically have a different cosplay each day, and often a family theme. For example, last year, I was Two-Face, my wife Catwoman, my daughter Harley Quinn, my son the Joker, and our ranchhand as Poison Ivy (all Batman villains). We also did Guardians of the Galaxy, with me as Starlord, my wife as the green chick (can't remember the name), my daughter as Rocket, and our ranchhand as Baby Groot (in the pot).

It's a great convention for meeting celebs in the sci-fi and fantasy genre too. I've met and got pics with a lot of celebs there, like William Shatner (Kirk), Anthony Daniels (C-3PO), pretty much everyone from STNG, and tons of other sci-fi shows, both current, and the ones I grew up with.
Impressive! Most only do one outfit. Do you make them or buy them? I'm sure lots do a little of both. Funny that you mentioned Anthony Daniels. I saw a show once that talked about him, so know who he is. It would kind of suck to be famous but no one know who you are! In all reality though, I can't imagine why anyone would want fame. Financial riches, sure, but to be noticed everywhere you go, no way.
Combo of both. Our armor we paid for. Other outfits, we made. (and of course buy components for).

For example, my Starlord jacket was a thrift store find. I painted on the symbols, and we sewed on some leather pieces to mimic the actual jacket. For my rocket boots, I used some cheap binoculars that I painted to look like rockets, etc. I bought the Nerf Starlord guns, but then painted them to be movie accurate.
Combo of both. Our armor we paid for. Other outfits, we made. (and of course buy components for).

For example, my Starlord jacket was a thrift store find. I painted on the symbols, and we sewed on some leather pieces to mimic the actual jacket. For my rocket boots, I used some cheap binoculars that I painted to look like rockets, etc. I bought the Nerf Starlord guns, but then painted them to be movie accurate.
Post some pictures!
Yeah, I checked but don't have them on this new phone, so have to pull them up by checking through digital photos. Will definitely do so though.

EDIT. Here we go.

Us as Batman Villains (my wife as Catwoman, me as Two-Face, son as Joker, daughter as Harley Quinn)

Our usual Ren Fest armor


Us as Ebola Zombies


A buddy and me as Captain Hammer and Dr. Horrible (have to be pretty geeky to get this one)


My wife and I in our Ren Fest (non-armor) garb (our wedding outfits...and a bit more years ago)


I need to find the StarLord pics. Must never have uploaded those, so still on laptop.
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