@DrHenley Great article and a welcome update as to what is happening there. I sometimes wonder when folks talk about bugging out when it hits the fan, if they think there will be an announcement that it is about to hit the fan? --- Hello Ladies and Gentlemen and what ever else, this coming Monday the S is going to Hit the Fan. Please load up all your prepping supplies and bug out no later that this coming Sunday. Thank you, this has been a public service announcement. --- I just don't see it happening that way, I see it happening over a long period of time and a death by a 1,000 cuts. I don't see WW3 or EMP attack but I do see an economic collapse. The slow death. The only people not starving to death will be the (( very remote)) farmers and the fishermen. The government will attempt to take over the big farms and local fisheries. Only those isolated (too far to be cost effective for government to steal and operate) will have a fighting chance. First the cats and dogs, then all the zoo animals , then any critter that can be caught and eaten, including long pork. We almost wiped out all the buffalo, what makes anybody think they will be able to head for the woods and live off the wild life. The wild hog population problem will be solved the first year. The gator and croc problem will be solved by the second year. All the deer, elk, antelope, bear and every other wild creature will be hunted to near if not complete extinction by the end of the third year. If you plan to eat, you better be able to grow and protect your food source. The farmers and ranchers in Venezuela have learned this the hard way, their guard dogs were killed and in some case eaten. They are having to stand guard over their fields and animals. That wonderful little family garden in the back yard will get somebody killed, you, a family member or the thief trying to steal your meager crop. Venezuela is our fate if we do not take back our country. JM2C