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HCL Supporter
Mar 9, 2024
I'm going to assume this may be true all over many parts of the country, but ...

Why does it take 60+ days to get an appointment with a doctor ... any doctor?!

It's beginning to look like Canada, where wait times for medical care are ridiculous.

What the hell happened to this country? And who is in charge of all this? What entity oversees the state of the medical community?

Am I the only one who is experiencing this?

And seeing a specialist is even worse.

What are you all experiencing?
I'm going to assume this may be true all over many parts of the country, but ...

Why does it take 60+ days to get an appointment with a doctor ... any doctor?!

It's beginning to look like Canada, where wait times for medical care are ridiculous.

What the hell happened to this country? And who is in charge of all this? What entity oversees the state of the medical community?

Am I the only one who is experiencing this?

And seeing a specialist is even worse.

What are you all experiencing?
I've never had to wait very long to see a doctor, granted I don't go very often. Could the longer waits in some areas be because more people go to the doctor, many times, for trivial things?
Why does it take 60+ days to get an appointment with a doctor ... any doctor?!
This is a byproduct of socialized medicine, and of government getting their hands into the mix with mandates, requirements, cost limits, etc. A direction in which the USA has been moving since the Obama days. There may be some benefits of socialized medicine. This is one of the drawbacks.
My stepdaughter and her husband are both physicians at Baylor, Scott & White in Texas. Part of the problem is an expanding immigration population into Texas (both illegal and from other states such as California). Another part of the problem is the grey tsunami (ie, the huge, aged baby boomer population). And, if you haven't noticed, many Americans are overweight and don't exercise compared to a few decades ago, hence rising case numbers of high BP, cholesterol, and Type 2 diabetes. Still another part of the problem is medical schools and their student selection process. They seems go have a preference (or quota) to select and educate foreign students who go back to their countries after graduation instead of graduating American students.
I'm going to assume this may be true all over many parts of the country, but ...

Why does it take 60+ days to get an appointment with a doctor ... any doctor?!

It's beginning to look like Canada, where wait times for medical care are ridiculous.

What the hell happened to this country? And who is in charge of all this? What entity oversees the state of the medical community?

Am I the only one who is experiencing this?

And seeing a specialist is even worse.

What are you all experiencing?
I’m not satisfied with my “general” P.A. I’ve never been set up to see a regular M.D. at that location. She’s just okay, but better than driving into the big city when I don’t feel well. Usually see her within the week. Now I can also do telehealth if I’m really really sick and that is with a doctor from anywhere. There isn’t much wait time, couple hours. I don’t care for that either.
I prefer to do self care if I can. 🧐
Specialists, up to 2 months for a first time visit. Most recent was gastrointestinal doc and she was great, she’s from India. I really like my cardiologist, he’s from the Middle East.
No real problems here. Same or next day if you need it. Routine stuff may be a couple weeks or a month (things you're in no hurry for).
Non-emergency surgery may be a few weeks or a month out.
Come to Arizona... I have the Blue Cross Medicare Advantage or whatever it is, and (techinally) VA. When I had cancer the VA was worthless and I would have died, and their plan was cut out my bladder and give me a drain hose. Thankfully I had regular Blue Cross ins through my company. I got fast tracked and they saved my bladder - which I can assure you is a very handy organ to have. I learned why my Dad kept Kaiser and never used the VA either.

Lately I've developed neuropathy in my feet. My primary screwed up my referral the first time a year ago, and the Dr left the area. That happens constantly here - ZREO continuity of care. Finally last October I got a new referral, to a neurologist 60 miles away. I went LAST WEEK. A very nice foreign lady, I couldn't understand a ******* word she said. She gave me gabapetin and scoffed when I expressed concerns about side affects. I am not taking it. I STILL don't know what the **** is going on. But I'm not going back. The only option is Phoenix 5 hours away.

Last Wed I started having heart arrythemias. I have a Kardia EKG reader and took print outs to my cardiologist on Thurs. The arrythemias stopped by Saturday. Yesterday, Tues, they called me in to wear a monitor for a week. It's gonna be a waste. Damn thing has already fallen off twice.

Health care in America is barely functional for most of us, and is about to probably get worse. I understand why my ex-buddy from my Key West days, Hunter Thompson finally just said "**** it," and pulled the trigger.

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