Perhaps this post does not qualify as Pepper Talk, but I am in such a pickle I am to the point of being a really dill pill. I am going to change my supplemental Medicare insurance this year. The insurance I have had for years has been excellent, but I cannot afford it anymore. So now I am what to do who do I choose. I have spoke with my agent and was not the happiest of my choices. I made the mistake of filling out a Medicare Enrollment inquiry. Well my phone has not stopped ringing. Besides all of that I cannot understand Medicare and all the rest of the hullabaloo dealing with Medicare Insurance and Medicare Supplement. Now when it comes to Medicare Rx I never have heard so much double talk in all my life regarding a bottle of pills. The cost of prescriptions and having to dicker with the cost of the medicine listening to a pharmacy clerk who knows nothing about the drug you have been prescribed to take by your physician you start thinking, there is something wrong very wrong with all this medical stuff.