My wife is a retired RN with lots of experience in the field, small towns, native americans (massive diabetes on the res) and mentaly ill with type one. We have propane and 12 volt refrigeration if the grid goes down. The 12 volt will run off my panels and deep cycle batteries. We have two duplicate test machines as well as numerous batteries (the same CR2032 work in my several scopes) we are stocking heavy on test strips.If I were laying in a SHTF stockpile, it would probably be R and N, and a supply of literature on how to use it. Insulin has a shelf life, and will degrade over time. It also must be kept refrigerated for long term storage. Manufacturer's warnings are that it will degrade after 28 days at room temp. In reality, it will last a little longer before starting to lose effectiveness. It will degrade if it gets too hot - don't use any that has been left in the car in the summer. It's generally OK if it's in your pocket on a hot summer day though. It degrades if frozen.
The reason I'd stock Walmart insulin is that it's the only kind available w/o a prescription, and it's the only one that's cost effective. It doesn't work that well and you would ABSOLUTELY need a huge supply of glucose testing strips and meters. R an N are too unpredictable to just wing it. But it can keep a diabetic alive until SHTF is over...
Kind of depressing but when the times up the times up. We have talked thru the possibilities and are ready for whatever will come.
On the brighter side she just pulished her second photo book and we finally got a offical guide permit to take clients into the woods to see megaliths.