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I have a dumb question. The attached photo is the ribbons/medal I was awarded in the ArmyView attachment 128593. The green and white ribbon reflects the Army Commendation Medal. For the life of me, I can't remember what the red and white ribbon represents. I can't find it on the internet. I would have received it in 1978. Anyone know what it represents??
It should be written on your DD214.
I have a dumb question. The attached photo is the ribbons/medal I was awarded in the ArmyView attachment 128593. The green and white ribbon reflects the Army Commendation Medal. For the life of me, I can't remember what the red and white ribbon represents. I can't find it on the internet. I would have received it in 1978. Anyone know what it represents??
The Mississippi Magnolia Medal Ribbon is officially hallmarked by the U.S. Institute of Heraldry. This award is for outstanding service or extraordinary achievement on behalf of the Mississippi National Guard by any member or former member of the Mississippi National Guard; the NG of any other US states, territories, or possessions; or any US Armed Forces. Awards should be restricted to the recognition of achievements and service clearly outstanding and unmistakably exceptional when compared to similar achievements of personnel of like rank and responsibilities. On March 24th, 1936 this award was proposed in SB 426, as recorded in Ch 217, and approved by the state legislature. The ribbon has red ends with a white middle and is ready to be worn. Mississippi Magnolia Medal Ribbons are made with the highest government standards and are US Military approved. All ribbons of the US Military are made in the USA by US Veterans. Ribbons are unmounted and do not come with a holding bar. To purchase this ribbon for yourself or a family member's shadow box, or display case, we require a DD-214 or other valid proof that this medal was honorably awarded.
Saw the movie 'Full Metal Jacket' last night. That movie always takes me back to boot camp. The barracks scenes are so familiar. I looked it up tonight, those movie scenes were shot at a sound studio in England. Yet boot camp in Orlando looked the same, I guess they all did, no matter where you went to boot.

I can definitely relate to the character ‘Joker’ in the movie. During boot camp he got promoted to squad leader, in navy parlance ‘section leader’. He was given ‘Leonard’, the guy who shot the Di then killed himself.

I was made a section leader on day 1! One of 6 section leaders, not only did I have to get myself through boot camp I had 20 guys to worry about also. I’m just glad I didn’t have a Leonard… but I had more than my share of idiots. Every time one of them screwed up I got punished with them!!!! It seemed every screw up in the company got assigned to me!!! I hated that job!!!!

True story, after boot I went to basic electronics school in Orlando. One night I saw one of my drill instructors at the club on base. I asked him about the guys they kept assigning me. He said “You had a knack for teaching idiots to tie their shoes”! (or make their bed or dress themselves). Gee, thanks for the vote of confidence! :rolleyes:

I got the worst of the worst!!!! I’d finally get someone doing things correctly and they’d move them to another section and give me another idiot in exchange!!!!

I had 5 or 6 great guys the entire 8 weeks and recruited them to help me. But for them I wouldn’t have survived.

I’ll never forget two of my dummies. Everyone called them ‘Yogi and Boo boo’. They joined on the ‘buddy program’, childhood friends from an inner city, detriot I think. Where one went the other was right behind! The small one, ‘Boo Boo’ wasn’t very bright. The tall one ‘Yogi’ was even dumber!!! Neither of them could do anything right.

They didn’t get a true ‘blanket party’ but the last night before everyone shipped out each of the section leaders got our revenge!!! Every moron who’d made our lives hell for 8 weeks got some measure of recompense! More than just section leaders had to do push ups, half the company was up at 2 am in the dark!:waiting:

The next morning Yogi was found tied up naked in about 1000yrds of dental floss to the Di’s office chair. Oh, his lips and cheeks were painted rosy red, painted with red dental dye used to check for cavities. The kind that doesn’t wash off. He had to get on a bus to california painted that way!

I voted for bars of soap in towels!!! Thankfully I was out voted by the other section leaders. They all had problem children too…. But they didn’t have yogi and boo boo!!!! 🤣

Online tonight I found a pic of RTC Orlando the year I was there... a walk down memory lane!

RTC Orland 1980s.jpg
Screenshot from 2024-10-15 20-30-54.png
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I do. We are in in a line to get multiple shots. Some guys passed out.

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