Military warns EMP attack could wipe out America, 'democracy, world order'

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Awesome Friend
Mar 8, 2013
Washington State - between 2 mountains and a river
In an extraordinary and sobering report meant to educate the nation on a growing threat, a new military study warns that an electromagnetic pulse weapon attack such as those developed by North Korea, Russia, and Iran could essentially challenge the United States and displace millions.
The book ‘one second after’. Was one of my all time favorites. Not only a good read but you can learn a few things about how hard life would be without electricity.
Don’t forget, the sun is a potential player there too. It throws off flares all the time. With us constantly circling it we are kind of playing Russian roulette all the time.
I think the sun poses a bigger threat than an EMP from NK, Russia or Iran. The government always has to come up with potential threats in order to keep justifying the enormous cost to the tax payer for the military industry.
I think the sun poses a bigger threat than an EMP from NK, Russia or Iran. The government always has to come up with potential threats in order to keep justifying the enormous cost to the tax payer for the military industry.
Agreed. With one boogeyman after another they guarantee their own financial ticket.
the EMP could come from a solar flare or it could be man made, I don't think it matters which its still an EMP. and the result will be the same. total blackout.
I hope it doesn’t happen. I am stuck in suburbia, so it will be rough at best. I can’t even get my garage door open when the electricity goes out.

Ah, yes you can, there is a release handle on all brands of residential type garage door openers. Just for those types of event or when folks forget to change the battery and fail to check the push button on the wall. In my youth, I installed and repaired garage door openers. By the way, garage door openers are horrible security risks. They are easy for robbers to open by hand, due to these disconnect releases. If you have garage doors with window panels, black them out, this also speeds up entry as it makes tripping th release that mush easier. NOTE: You can block the release by simply putting a pin / bolt/ nail, through the release point. The operator still works but can't be disconnect until th pin is removed. Never, ever use a key switch mounted on the outside of the garage, It takes less than 1 minute to pry out the switch and jumper the wires and open your garage door. Been there and done that, saved owner from having to call a locksmith to get back in her house --- she was my neighbor at the time --- no doubt of identity.
I could function without electricity, I just really don’t want to. Life is so much easier with it, and a lot more comfortable. Right now I heat mostly with wood in the wood stove. If I had to cook and heat water daily with it I would use 4 times the amount of wood. Just keeping up with that would be tough. Luckily I have a root cellar and a cold water creek that would help keep food fresh longer than most, but the fridge is a really nice thing to have. I will enjoy the benefits of having the grid as long as I can. I do plan to have enough solar to at least keep the fridge and freezer going in the next few months. Getting comp
I could function without electricity, I just really don’t want to. Life is so much easier with it, and a lot more comfortable. Right now I heat mostly with wood in the wood stove. If I had to cook and heat water daily with it I would use 4 times the amount of wood. Just keeping up with that would be tough. Luckily I have a root cellar and a cold water creek that would help keep food fresh longer than most, but the fridge is a really nice thing to have. I will enjoy the benefits of having the grid as long as I can. I do plan to have enough solar to at least keep the fridge and freezer going in the next few months. Getting comp

my iPad froze... first time that’s happened. I was saying that getting completely off grid is a pretty big investment, not to mention that it would probably be affected by a pulse as well. Here’s to hoping it dosent happen in our lifetimes.
I just reckon when the power goes off we will just live a different sort of life, one much closer to a more natural life, closer to the earth as some would say, of course a lot of the UK population wont make it- the ones that cant live without electricity, central heating, the internet, and all the gimmicks and gizmo's.
I just reckon when the power goes off we will just live a different sort of life, one much closer to a more natural life, closer to the earth as some would say, of course a lot of the UK population wont make it- the ones that cant live without electricity, central heating, the internet, and all the gimmicks and gizmo's.
But how long will you make it an acute appendicitis, or some other easy curable illness .. as long as doctors have electricity?
But how long will you make it an acute appendicitis, or some other easy curable illness .. as long as doctors have electricity?
don't you mean when they DONT have electricity? you expecting to have some horrible illness are you?:D
will doctors make it WTSHTF? if the ones I've spoken to are a sample they probably wont.
But how long will you make it an acute appendicitis, or some other easy curable illness .. as long as doctors have electricity?

Human have dealt with those issues for thousands of years, of course life expectancy wasn’t as high as today for most. We are medically smarter today and a lot of issues that plagued earlier times can be managed easier with today’s knowledge.

A lot of people survive by artificial means and by that I mean pills, oxygen, pacemakers etc... unfortunately life expectancies are going to be far less. Let’s just hope we won’t be around if and when the grid goes down for an indefinite period of time.
Yes, I meant don’t have
thought so.
without electric even IF there are any doctors I don't think they can do much, they need all their machines and monitors to do the operations you mentioned. to say nothing of nurses to assist.
I expect to be back to good old natural medicines once the power shuts down, I don't see any stocks of pharmaceuticals lasting long once the druggies start rioting in the cities.
Having the grid go down for an extended period concerns me more than any other SHTF possibility. I guess because it is so likely because if nature (the sun) doesn't do it, some enemy might. So likely also because these enemies could do so in various ways... from an EMP weapon to computer malware. Some folks think it will be no big deal because human society has done just fine without electricity for most of history. Problem is, thru all this history we gradually adapted as a society over many centuries so that there was an infrastructure to deal with life without electricity. There was know how, tools, supplies, manufacturers, etc. spread all over the country/world to make life without electricity bearable... if not downright pleasant. If we lose electricity instantaneously, 99.9% wont be going back to the 1880's... we will be going much further back in time to similar to when the native Americans came here where most everything was done by hand.

For that reason, a big part of my prepper stores are hand tools... and lots of them. For example, one hoe ain't gonna do much good if all of our gardens are expanded greatly and will be tended by hand, so I store many. I have all sorts of saws, axes & hatchets for harvesting wood. To help with the transition, I do have some basic solar capability. I keep around a dozen 280w solar panels in storage that will power up 2 solar generators, a flex well pump and some dc water heaters. I also have multiple hand operated grain mills to handle the grains/corn from the gardens. Point is, I give this grid down possibility a lot of thought and am somewhat prepared but am terrified of this coming to reality. What the heck will most folks, even preppers, do that aren't as prepared as me?
I’m able to do most things I need without electricity where I live. One of the areas I would struggle with is storing meat from hunting as when power goes down now I have a generator to power the freezers. Most likely I’d be eating the larger game in the winter months and relying on the smaller game and fish in the summer months. I’d increase the root cellar capacity and utilize a lot more natural foods.
Heating would be easy with wood stoves but the smoke could also be a beacon for people to find my location. Any sort of electronics would have to be kept hidden as they would make you a target to anyone you come across.
if your talking about going back to a date without electricity, in the UK it'll be more like before 1750 the year the Industrial Revolution took off in Britain.
look on youtube at "tales from the green valley" this will give you an idea of how I see the survivors living day to day in a post SHTF environment. it makes interesting viewing.
99.9% wont be going back to the 1980s they'll be dead! modern civilisations will collapse without electricity as all our technology and supply systems rely on it.
Meant to say 99.9% of the survivors. :) My point is even among most preppers, we will be going back to a time of hand tools and no animals to pull our wagons or work the gardens. Heck how many preppers would survive a year after an instantaneous loss of all electricity?