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Wow! There's a lot of other 'autoimmune' things playing out there. Did anyone else read it?
: seizures, aseptic cavernous sinus thrombosis, asthma, thyrodidits,epilepsy, peneumonia, anaemia, arthritis, cholangitis, colitis, dermatitis, endocrine disorder, hepatitis,.........whaaaaaaaat?

Just some of the side effects of the mrna jabs..

CDC Reports First Two Cases of Monkeypox in Children, Both ‘Adjacent’ to the Gay Community​

“The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) confirmed on Friday the first two U.S. cases of monkeypox in children, both adjacent to the gay community.

In a statement, the agency said that both cases are “likely the result of household transmission” and “had no contact with each other.”

So…these gay men are sexually abusing their adopted or paid for via a woman, children?!!!
I've already seen photos on-line of folks lining up for the Monkeypox vaccines. And they're already saying anyone that gets them is once again, participating in 'clinical trials'. They are not tested yet at all. Another science experiment as well as another avenue to get evil nanoparticles and spike protiens into your arm. Déjà vu, folks. I wonder how many times will people fall for this? Maybe Gruber was right after all.

copy/pasted from Newsmax article: In appearances in Philadelphia and St. Louis in 2013, Gruber was caught on video admitting Obamacare passed because its architects deliberately made its funding mechanism confusing and took advantage of the "stupid" American public.
And there is that push on taking a “vaxx” again!! And HOW IN THE HECK are babies and kids getting this if it’s normally spread by men having sex with other men!! I have one idea and that’s sick and illegal.
"How the heck are babies and kid getting this....."
Now now Danil54grl, don't be thinking'll ruin all their plans.

CDC Reports First Two Cases of Monkeypox in Children, Both ‘Adjacent’ to the Gay Community​

“The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) confirmed on Friday the first two U.S. cases of monkeypox in children, both adjacent to the gay community.

In a statement, the agency said that both cases are “likely the result of household transmission” and “had no contact with each other.”

So…these gay men are sexually abusing their adopted or paid for via a woman, children?!!!
Shockingly, a lot of married men are gay, but hide it very well behind the wall of married to a woman and had kids too.
But, don't just take this info at it's word.
Who runs the CDC?
Is there a reason they want to blame gay men?
Maybe just another ruse to divide our country further.
Divided we fall, together they can't fight us all!!!
(I just made that up, but it sounds good)
If it's not religion, or culture, or some other racsist thing, they will surely think of as many things as they can to get us fighting each other, so they don't have to.
Saves them the cost of bullets.
They are going full bore "Chicken Little" in the EU over Monkey Pox
I'm glad my kids are all big.
Or I might have fallen for this with the societal pressure from all sides to get all vaccines into my kids. Especially schools enforcing vaccine being updated, with the threat of the kids being banned from school if not fully vaccinated. -Not sure if you guys have that down there, but here in ....Ontario anyway-not sure about the rest of Canada, they did that to me a few times. I wasn't allowed to send my kids to school without a special signed paper from the doctor that they did indeed get the vaccine they wanted them to have at the time.
Canada is like a cheap bakery. Fancy and nice looking on the outside, but nasty tasting on the inside.

Soo, it appears we are seeing their new plan to attempt to FORCE us all into another death vax!
I’m guessing they will use the fraudulent PCR test to say it is in all water supplies! After all, you have to scare the people to make them panic!

Everyone be sure to have a great water purification system and enough filters for the long haul!

Also, saw where LA or San Fran, can’t remember which is touting their “Not Tap to Sewer” coming water plan. They had to put the not in there because word has gotten out that that is exactly what they are going to put in your water!! Sewage, filtered directly into the water system! Who trusts them to filter poop, drugs, dead bodies etc, correctly?

Next item on the agenda for Cali is TAXING WELL WATER. Yep, they passed a bill to do just that!
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I’m guessing they will use the fraudulent PCR test to say it is in all water supplies! After all, you have to scare the people to make them panic!

Everyone be sure to have a great water purification system and enough filters for the long haul!

Also, saw where LA or San Fran, can’t remember which is touting their “Not Tap to Sewer” coming water plan. They had to put the not in there because word has gotten out that that is exactly what they are going to put in your water!! Sewage, filtered directly into the water system! Who trusts them to filter poop, drugs, dead bodies etc, correctly?

Next item on the agenda for Cali is TAXING WELL WATER. Yep, they passed a bill to do just that!
I dont remember if it was California or some other communist state that planed to tax people on solar too. And to tax people for the rain water that came off their property.
WHO Despot calls on media to cooperate with you and delete information that does not comply with WHO.

We already had that **** with Corona, now it starts with the next crap. I am for the WHO to be abolished and these people, including politicians who only panic, locked up forever.
I've noticed the leaves of my fruit trees look like someone came along and sprayed acid on them. my poor trees. I need a green house to protect them from this too.
The spanish government has finally admitted to decades of planned and ordered spraying of pesticides from planes, we have know for decades that there are hundreds of patents extra for spraying ANYTHING from planes. I even spoke with an Iranian officer who stated that they were ready with antiaircraft guns for the American invasion of Desert Storm...but the two days before it started_ high flying airplanes sprayed something and the metal of the barrels of all the machineguns and AA cannons simply melted and fell apart. Some kind of acid which reacted with the air, metal, paint or whatever...decimated their protection systems.
Like many other "conspiracy theories" Chemtrails have had a long list of deniers and many people think still that it is only exhaust from the planes motors....SO, what the hell is all the technology and tanks doing inside the Fukking AIRPLANES?????
I heard of a guy in in remote Alaska that tied his dog to a tree outside of a bar. When he came out of the bar later, some drunk indian was going to town on his dog. It turns out that there were no laws on the books aginst humping a dog tied to a tree. Whoever thought that we'd even need a law aginst that? I think in this case frontier justice took care of the problem.