More Government intrusion forcing "Blade Stop" on all table saws

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Nov 24, 2017
somewhere between here and there
How many here have dabbled with woodworking? Do you own a table saw? The government is now trying to force you to purchase one of those "Blade Stop" machines, which cost about 4 times what a normal table saw would cost you. Just another forced government mandate for our dumbed down society.

Yeah, mine stops when I turn off the switch, The "blade guard"is buried in the local Rumpke landfill. Every shop tool I own will happily cut up body parts, there is a price for STUPID.
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I get it. The government is trying to stop stupid or carless people from cutting off their fingers. They did the same thing by putting those warnings on hair dryers telling us to not use those while in the shower. Does that stuff work, I really don't know. I do know that I had a table saw BEFORE I had been within 10 foot of one or saw a video on how to use one. And I still have 8 fingers & two thumbs but that's just me.

And I look at it a little different from the crowd, I guess. If you stand in the shower & try drying your hair with a hair dryer or cut 1, 2 or 3 fingers off with a table saw I think that's the natural order of things. It seems to me that as we try to protect people from doing dumb to themselves those people reproduce & the end result is even dumber people. Maybe if we had stopped doing that many years ago, we wouldn't be surrounded by so many morons today.
Yeah, mine stops when I turn off the switch, The "blade guard"is buried in the local Rumpke landfill. Every shop tool I own will happily cut up body parts, there is a price for STUPID.
I was going to say that almost every table saw I’ve seen and used has the guard removed.
But I did know a guy who had his first drink most days before breakfast who had previously been a carpenter and was missing a few fingers and parts of some.
I was going to say that almost every table saw I’ve seen and used has the guard removed.
But I did know a guy who had his first drink most days before breakfast who had previously been a carpenter and was missing a few fingers and parts of some.
Back in the railroad hay days someone applying for the job of hitching up rail cars and claiming experience with 10 intact digits was assumed to be a fraud.

One brand Saw Stop has been around a while. Really nice gear but not cheap. OTOH, no GOOD tools are cheap
Really nice tools are not cheap, but on the other hand, inexpensive tools have a place when you understand their limitations. The CNC guys cuss cheap chinese metal lathes that wont repeat to .0001 of an inch. The lathes and mills work fine if you know WTHeck you are doing.
Really nice tools are not cheap, but on the other hand, inexpensive tools have a place when you understand their limitations. The CNC guys cuss cheap chinese metal lathes that wont repeat to .0001 of an inch. The lathes and mills work fine if you know WTHeck you are doing.
And not every job require tolerances of .0001 of an inch. Just gotta know what you need
in the monkey see monkey do world, a video of someone plunge cutting with a chainsaw should probably come with a warning.
i knew a guy who made the power switch on his lathe and drill press use the chuck key to be able to turn on, it was an accidental safety feature, hie did it so as not to loose them when in thought 3 steps ahead
How are we supposed to cut our fingers off now? When my dad got old (90+) he went almost blind. He cut off a couple fingers on his table saw. That's when I took it away from him. He bought that heavy cast iron saw in the early 50's. Still works great. I just need to replace the bare wires before I electrocute myself on it.
How are we supposed to cut our fingers off now? When my dad got old (90+) he went almost blind. He cut off a couple fingers on his table saw. That's when I took it away from him. He bought that heavy cast iron saw in the early 50's. Still works great. I just need to replace the bare wires before I electrocute myself on it.
I think that's how Fido pruned a few of his off too :(.
If this is the worst govt regulation they can come up with, I don't think it is very bad.:)
It's like gas cans all over again...

I figure if you force everyone to make a bladestop whatll happen is people will become more careless, manufacturers will cut costs and well see some faulty stuff. Overall I figure the actual number if incidents will not change at all but the cost will be driven up. It'll probably change osha regs and increase the cost of carpentry overall.

The real question is, why is saw stop out there lobbying? Who did they buy?
Yeah I was working in the emergency room when a carpenter I had know for 30 years came in with the top of his thigh cut to the bone from putting a board across the top of a leg and crosscutting it.

It took five hours and three levels of stitching to sew it up, he was lucky that it was not over major vessel and not too many nerves were involved.
How are we supposed to cut our fingers off now? When my dad got old (90+) he went almost blind. He cut off a couple fingers on his table saw. That's when I took it away from him. He bought that heavy cast iron saw in the early 50's. Still works great. I just need to replace the bare wires before I electrocute myself on it.
it's easy, come to my shop:p.
My wife treats lots of patients who cut their fingers off. LOTS of them. And she says they are not all stupid as this thread implies. She says most are older men who have been using power tools forever. They are very comfortable with them. They don't believe they need safety devices - because they know what they're doing and have not injured themselves previously. But sometimes they get a little too comfortable, as people tend to do when that are habituated with something. And that's when the accident happens. This is so common that in the ortho department here they even have a name for it, "Old Man Syndrome". Most of us are at the age where this syndrome becomes much more common.

I don't have a strong opinion about government recommendations for safety devices. For some things yes, for other things no. In most cases, I don't think the government should mandate them. But I like for them to be available. Where failure to use accepted safety devices causes costs to be incurred by others - people not involved in the accident - I think there should be immunity for manufacturers of the device and I'm also OK with insurance companies setting maximum payout limits when faced with a cases of, "Well, what did you expect to happen when you did that???" Passing on those treatment costs to everyone else by way of blanket increased premiums doesn't cut it.
there isn't ANYTING to stop stupid on my shop tools. Pretty sure they won't do again :p. I have tourniquets, they probably won't die.
Do you own a grinder?
When I take a new grinder out of the box The blade guard. The handle go straight to the trash next I take a pair of players and pull the lock button off and toss it on the floor

When I let go I want this thing to stop eating me
The handle will beat your azz or break your arm
And the blade guard stops you from seeing what you are doing
Yeah, mine stops when I turn off the switch, The "blade guard"is buried in the local Rumpke landfill. Every shop tool I own will happily cut up body parts, there is a price for STUPID.
A-man. my grinders used to get the guard trashed before they even fired up! why can't they whine about something that's their business?

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