My brother calls me Grizzlyette Adams like it's a bad thing...

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Hermit on the mountain
Feb 1, 2018
My brother called me Grizzlyette Adams like it's a bad thing, but I take it as a compliment. (He still has not gotten over the fact that I moved hundreds of miles away from family to live like a hermit on the mountain.)

I escaped from the New Orleans / and Barataria area years ago and found out how good it was to live the "hermit on the mountain" lifestyle.

When I dropped out of so-called civilization and moved to my BOL, I think I must have gone feral somewhere along the way. Now, each time I visit the city, I feel a bit wild-eyed. Maybe it's culture shock, remembering how mindless the rat-race is. I hurry home, breathe in the clean country air and feel grateful that I am just a simple country mouse, not a city rat going after big cheese. They can keep every bit of it. I am privileged and blessed to wake up to birdsongs, not sirens; to watch fireflies and stars, not street lights and flashing signs; to sit on the porch shelling peas, not waiting in line for a can of peas...

I have always loved the outdoors, bow/gun hunting, fishing, foraging, gardening, teaching young people primitive living skills (flintknapping, making and using atlatls, etc.). Also an unapologetic bookaholic (70% of my collection is the how-to genre; 20% theology; 10% inspirational /biographies, etc.). No fluffy airy-fairy stuff, lol.

I also love to cook all kinds of cuisine and am one of those weird people who read cookbooks like some people read steamy novels. Also enjoy preserving foods (dehydration, fermentation, and some canning, too.), do tatting (lacemaking), plus a multitude of other artsy-fartsy stuff. I have also been an avid herbalist for almost 40 years.

I believe in preparing for hard times, and living in such a way that when hard times are upon me, I don't even notice them.

I am flat-out amazed how dynamic this board is, considering how young it is. Wow. I am looking forward to learning from you, contributing to the collective good, and meeting the folks that make this place rock!
Thank you for the welcome! Winds-of-Change, I see your signature line and suspect that we went to the same school (of Hard Knocks), lol.

I think Mr. T.E. was the principal of the school. I used to think he was an unfailing genius until he said, "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." - Thomas A. Edison
Thank you all for the welcomes. Looking around here, it seems like there is a giant magnet in here, drawing the best from various boards to make a "superboard" (as in the best of the best). I feel privileged to be here.

Welcome from north of the 49tI h. Some good folks here, you can expect a lot of perspectives, great wisdom, a little controversy and some leg pulling. Pull up a stump and sit a spell when you can

This is what enticed me to hang around!

Welcome from Southwest Mississippi! About 100 miles North of New Orleans and pretty much in the middle of Nowhere! I look forward to your posts!

Small world! I enjoyed many, many deer hunts in the DeSoto National Forest. There must be more deer in Mississippi than people, lol. I remember a time when every day was "doe day" during hunting season. (Is it still like that?) Most other places, doe days are only on certain designated days.
Small world! I enjoyed many, many deer hunts in the DeSoto National Forest. There must be more deer in Mississippi than people, lol. I remember a time when every day was "doe day" during hunting season. (Is it still like that?) Most other places, doe days are only on certain designated days.

Not sure about doe day. I have friends that hunt and they always seem to get some! Sure glad you're here!!!
Welcome from north of the 49th. Some good folks here, you can expect a lot of perspectives, great wisdom, a little controversy and some leg pulling. Pull up a stump and sit a spell when you can

As always, I have to bring the stump!

That's my favorite squirrel huntin stump.
Welcome to the forum from Clifton Tennessee. Enjoy yourself here and looking forward to hearing about your adventures! (We like pictures too!)