My own views on disaster

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I just read the best little blurb I've ever seen about why to prep:

Throughout our world’s history, man has always known how to survive: build fires, hunt, preserve food, find shelter, find water sources, etc. In just over the last 100 years, all those skills have been lost due to technology and our modern infrastructure. Now, don’t get me wrong, I love my Android smart phone as much as the next guy. However, as a society we are a lot more fragile than people think. Any interruption in the supply lines of our hugely dependent society is going to cause mass panic. Look at Hurricane Katrina. Better yet, look at the Congo. “Well, this is America, not the Congo!” some people will say. Consider this: Take away the American people’s access to food and water for more than a week or two and you will see atrocities just as bad or worse than the Congo. Desperate people are the most dangerous kind. When someone’s kid hasn’t eaten in two weeks and they are watching them die, do not think for one second that the average American will not turn into a killer to get food for their child. It’s just human nature.

This is one of many youtube videos talking about suppressed technology.

Youtube folks can make a conspiracy practically out of anything, I stopped watching the video at around the 7th claim...

1) gm ev1 wasn't profitable not suppressed
2) streetcar conspiracy of the late 30s and early 50s hardly a technological suppression
3) VW had no plans to sell the Lupo, again, wasn't profitable not suppression

4) energy by harnessing ionization static discharge was tested in the 70s conclusion, electrostatic energy was unreliable fluctuating in intensity
also the harnessing turned into a lightning rod, didn't work out to will

5) the Cloudbuster research, reich's involvement in snake-oil type schemes landed him in hot water not the cloudbuster though I do admit the judge was wrong to order the destruction of his lab but then again the judge didn't know what was real and what wasn't, reich was his worst own enemy!

6) the government hasn't suppressed overunity generator, people have been trying to build it though the problem was with friction not the government
7) cold fusion could not be replicated in other tests is why the project ended not from the government or the hot fusion crowd
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