my perpetual motion idea(s)

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The second law of thermodynamics basically explains that perpetual motion devices will not work.
Using a battery back up for the pump will work until the battery is exhausted as it will require more energy to pump the water than you will get back into the battery.

However not to be a party pooper lemme try to help.
I suggest forgoing an electric pump and attach this to your water wheel to pump water.


Here is a pick of a real one

Add that to the side of the water wheel (of smaller diameter than the pump), so that the turning of the wheel replaces that axle crank.
When you use one form of energy to do work.some of the energy is transformed to other types of energy such as heat, light, radiation, electrical and so on.. take a nuke, part of the kinetic energy is released as light, part as heat , part as radiation, part as electrical energy and so on and so forth. But to fuse the atoms back together will always take more energy than was created in the fission. Our sun is a near perfect design of a perpetual motion machine.but it is steadily dying due to light escaping. To find the secrets of perpetual motion one will have to eliminate all losses of energy to other forms. Your design will lose energy to heat . I can't say how much , it would depend on friction and bottlenecks and irregularities in the water loop.. even small bubbles cause friction. Try this ....take a pump like you thinking with a closed loop water system. Place it in a climate controlled environment. Turn it on and watch the water temp. rise. As the water heats up , it dissapates heat into the air. But my point being if the water warms any at all your loosing energy. It was in this case converted to heatdue to friction.
Not saying you're wrong about the rest but the sun energy is fusion not fission, just did a thesis on that at my university lol
Point being have to lift the water up. If it takes 1 HP to lift a gallon of water 10 ft high , it will pro ably only make 1/2 horsepower in return to power the pump to lift it. Water wheels work basically on the principle that God has already done the heavy lifting , you are just making use of the energy passing by you.
However the force of water pushing the fans would depend on the force of the water by gravity, not by pump. the pump would only be used to force water at a higher level not the force of water exiting the pump.
A perpetual motion machine that does not produce external power ("Perpetual Motion Machine of the Third Kind") violates the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics. (as entropy is generated, available energy is decreased and the PMM runs down)

A perpetual motion machine that produces external power ("Perpetual Motion Machine of the First Kind") violates both the 1st and 2nd Laws of Thermodynamics. The First Law says energy is neither created nor destroyed. Energy must be created out of nothing for this type of PMM to work.

The sun has a vast amount of fuel, hydrogen, which it converts to helium and energy in a nuclear fusion reaction. It has about 5.4 billion years worth of fuel left, after that it will begin to expand into a red giant, and then start collapsing.

A long time ago in a galaxy far far away I was a Thermodymanics Professor...