My Ultimate Alien Invasion Training & Preparation Bucket List!

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Whoa, you don't believe in life on other planets lol? It's always just seemed kinda obvious to me; with all the trillions of stars and trillions of planets in the Universe, it's just kinda impossible for me to think we Earthlings are the only living things in the whole Universe lol. To not believe in aliens just seems kinda...silly lol, no offense whatsoever lol.
@ Nora

There will be other living beings in our universe, I believe, but I do not think that they want to come by or visit us at this time with our (coming) and incompetent governments. I don't think aliens want to run around wearing masks and fight fights with the police or cheer Sleeping Jo ... At the moment, the risk of having the state as an enemy is much greater than running into any aliens that you don't know which side you are fighting for.
Buy an old carbine 31 to shoot at aliens, you will have a green or blue shoulder and if the aliens are insensitive to it you at least had a lot of fun with it.

If the aliens don't come then, you can still use the carbine for Jo's Gestapo henchmen if the SHTF comes and it goes bad.
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Yeah, I dunno about a carbine 31 lol; I'm kinda small and fragile and it sounds like that would knock me over lol.

I REALLY love the AR-15 my cousin's boyfriend has; I'm totally getting one of those lol. It's SUPER light; blew my mind how easy it was to carry, and it has a folding brace looking kinda stock on it that allows you to shoot it one handed, so I could be carrying my baby nephew in one arm while running for my life and mowing down aliens with my AR-15 on the other arm lol. It can also be easily concealed in a backpack by breaking it down a little. Love all the different attachments and mods you can do to AR-15s as well; super versatile, but much MORE importantly, I know that I can shoot it without falling over or bruising the crap outta my tiny shoulder lol; hardly any kick at all. Not too awfully loud either; would love to try a suppressor out on one of them. XD
Zombie baseball will be the new national pastime...

Lmao, firstly, you're kidding yourself if you think we have any real privacy in this day and age. There's cameras all over the cities, every online transaction is recorded whether it be manuals or weapons, all cell phones are monitored, and at any given moment there could be a satellite in space with it's camera aimed on you. Anything you might think is confidential probably isn't actually confidential.

Secondly, I really don't care; we're probably all on a list already as it is. Talking about explosives isn't illegal; physically making them is though, but there's no evidence I've done anything like that; the fact I know how to doesn't qualify as evidence, and even if it did, it's online and thus deemed circumstantial in a court of law; Nora Michels isn't even my real name, and I'm not even using my own computer, soooo yeah, NOT worried lol. XD

Ya can't live in fear.
@BillMasen : I seriously doubt anyone cares lol. Also, I'm pretty sure this forum is privately owned, so anyone trying to get it shut down would have no legal ground to stand on; oh the irony lol. (Dems defending social media fascists because they're "privately owned" lol.)

Also also, lmao, if on the slim chance this forum is attacked somehow, I sincerely doubt it would have anything to do with my comment about explosives and much more to do with the people talking about killing Democrats from 600m and starting Civil War II; those comments are FAR more treasonous and dangerous in the eyes of liberal extremists than my little chemistry projects in the pursuit of "higher education" heh heh heh. XD

PS: I just tried, and it turns out I can't delete my posts even if I wanted there! Lol. I SHALL NOT BE CENSORED! Lol. Plus the interactions after that post would make like, zero sense, if I just edited it and put a dot there instead of THE TRUTH! Lmao. 😂
Do whatever, Nora. You don't sound very normal when you described the items of annihilation and how you will build them, and then the alien warlord invasion thrown into that. Those items you want to build are illegal. Just saying.
Noted! Don't care! Lol. When SHTF legality is no longer an issue. =P

Oh, and I know I'm not normal; so does my therapist lol. #AbnormalAndProud
Ah, looks like someone deleted my free speech anyway lol; problem gone. Now we're talking about something that doesn't actually exist anymore and I feel VERY silly. I hope you are happy lmao. =P
Yeah, I've been texting since BEFORE emojis, that's how TERMINAL I truly am lmao. It's amazing I can even understand English at this point lol. XD

Here's all the text-speak I know off the top of my head; call it a brief guide for parents when snooping around on your children's cell phones lol:

Omg ... (Oh My Gosh)
Gtg ... (Got To Go)
Brb ... (Be Right Back)
Ttyl ... (Talk To You Later)
Btw ... (By The Way)
Fyi ... (For Your Information)
Idk ... (I Don't Know)
Idc ... (I Don't Care)
Wtf ... (What The F*ck?)
Gtfo ... (Get The F*ck Out/Off)
Lol ... (Laugh Out Loud)
Lmao ... (Laugh My Ass Off)
Lmfao ... (Laugh My Freaking Ass Off)
Rotfl ... (Rolling On The Floor Laughing)
Rotflol ... (Rolling On The Floor Laughing Out Loud)
Rotflmao ... (Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Ass Off)
Rotflmfao ... (Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Freaking Ass Off)
=P ... ( :p )
XD ... (😁)
=-) ... :))
=-| ... (😐)
='( ... (😢)
-_- ... (😑)
>:-( ... (😡)
3=-) ... (😈)
3:-( ... (👿)
I dunno...maybe that's just a '90s kid thing and I'm older than I thought lol. I'm 26 in a week; modern day teenagers are starting to make me feel old lol. I miss the days of giant flip phones and VHS and dial-up; things were simpler back then. =-/ (😕)
Lmao, first came short-hand, then came text-speech, then came's all so clear now: Humanity's slowly regressing back to Egyptian hieroglyphs. 😂
Well, it sure is more efficient lol; a picture is worth a thousand words as the saying goes. XD
you may not care but some of your posts could get DPF closed down then where would you be? no outlet for your fantasy's any more.
I'll always find an outlet for my fantasies, mwahaha! 😈

But I see your point; we can stop talking about it now lol.

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