National Patriotism Thread

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OK, she is no raving beauty, she is not a skinny model, But she is American, draped in our flag AND she has a GUN!
All in all she is beautiful!
(can she cook, clean, and spend a few hours to wear me out?)

Agree with you but her legs look kinda funky.
That picture just wouldn't be the same with a turkey.
Glad Benjamin Franklin didn't get his way.

Benjamin Franklin did NOT advocate the turkey as the national emblem, he sarcastically remarked to his daughter in a letter that the Continental Congress may have just as well selected the turkey. The Osprey is a more noble bird, the eagle steals other birds prey. Also, Betsy Ross did NOT sew the flag, it was a team of seamstresses and it was an officer of the Continental Army who showed up, not Washington. Myths are fun but too often are accepted instead of the facts. :(
Benjamin Franklin did NOT advocate the turkey as the national emblem, he sarcastically remarked to his daughter in a letter that the Continental Congress may have just as well selected the turkey. The Osprey is a more noble bird, the eagle steals other birds prey. Also, Betsy Ross did NOT sew the flag, it was a team of seamstresses and it was an officer of the Continental Army who showed up, not Washington. Myths are fun but too often are accepted instead of the facts. :(

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