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New Friend
Dec 3, 2013
I am new here on this forum and mainly came here to discuss some of the things I have noticed from watching the show. For instance one of the biggest things I see as a problem with most of what I see on the show is how often these people give up a lot of their lives and try to work and save for their families. They may in my mind be doing this all for not. The one failure I see is that they do it all alone. In the event of most long term disasters, people will be out in force to look for and take those things they need (food, water, medicine) If they can not find their own they will take yours. I don't think any one person or small family can have enough guns and bullets to protect a years supply of food.
I believe these people need to get together for security in numbers. When they need to bug out they need to go to where there are other groups not to another lonely isolated location and hope not to be found.
Kabayan, Welcome! We kinda take that show with a grain of salt here. We don't use it as a basis for prepping. I, myself, began prepping after Ondoy although it was with small steps and more focused on finding a location for our residence.

Then this year, I found this site and have been here learning from and sharing with everyone. Bunch of nice and friendly folk here aside from the usual Internet Trolls that come along.

I have a group here in the Philippines and we are made up of people from Metro Manila, Davao, Bacolod, and Cebu. Where are you from?
I am in Cebu, I actually live in Cordova. So do you believe that one person can take steps to put food and supplies away for a disaster without the worry that when the day comes, those without will use force to take them away. I think it may be better for a group to plan together instead of individually.
Oh there is no problem with group prepping as long as they are people you trust and that trust you. As for being worried about people taking my preps? they gotta know i have them first! You never advertise to the public that you are a prepper because i can guarentee you will be amongst the first to get hit when the SHTF!
ken got it right when he said you will be amongst the first to get hit when the SHTF if you let others know that your prepping..and joining up with a group is a good/great idea if you and the others can trust each other,and know that each of you have each others back when needed.some folks here have actully bought land thats hard to get to after shtf.pluse thier learning diffrent ways to protect whats thiers.
I am in Cebu, I actually live in Cordova. So do you believe that one person can take steps to put food and supplies away for a disaster without the worry that when the day comes, those without will use force to take them away. I think it may be better for a group to plan together instead of individually.

Hi Duane, will check my records on our members in Cebu. Yes, a group would be a good option to ensure survival. Doomsday Prepper Philippines on FB, ThirdWorldPrepper, and Benedict of Preppers Exchange Philippines are meeting up with me one of these days to plan for 2014. Others will be joining us also. We are based in Manila but will keep you posted.
Welcome. To clarify, to my knowledge, this forum is not linked to the TV show. Having been on a reality TV show before (not Doomsday Preppers), I do know that you are only seeing a small, and edited portion on TV. Also, the folks on the show aren't really fixated on one thing...they just do that for their own show format. Like it was mentioned, take the show with a grain of salt. Most true preppers simply want to be more self reliant, and better prepared for ANY emergency that could threaten their way of life.

I agree with your group mentality. The only thing that can stand against a group is another, well-fortified group.
We're in Mindanao and our 12Ha. mountain property is not easy to find, we are 13km/8miles from the coast at 1500 Ft high and nearest city is 25 km away, so I don't expect many looters, but if they want to try we'll give a warm welcome?? We are not visible from the rural road that passes by our property and only a few locals know that we live there. We are thinking of starting a small community so we get people with different skills to live here. We have several Cave homes inside the mountain, fresh spring water all year and starting to grow organic food and small animals for meat source? anyone want more info contact us at cavemanjoe65 at gmail dot com, Joe

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