New member and I've been a ham since 1989.

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I got my tech about 9 yrs ago
Congrats. It's a great hobby. I even made a career out of the microwave part of the spectrum.

When I got my ticket, I took the Novice and Technician tests on the same day and also passed my 5 Words per minute code test. This was before the No Code Tech license existed. When they dropped the Code requirement to 5 words per minute for General, I upgraded to General in 2006. I'm currently studying for the Extra class.
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Wow! You did great! Never learned code, but I appreciate it. Husband has his general. KF5LEF and I'm KF5LEG. (we tested together that day). We moved a few years back to our farm and he hasn't set up his big stations since moving. We have an outbuilding with a ridiculous amount of antenna and radios in it. One of these days when he's feeling better. Just use the handitalkies on occasion now.
Wow! You did great! Never learned code, but I appreciate it. Husband has his general. KF5LEF and I'm KF5LEG. (we tested together that day). We moved a few years back to our farm and he hasn't set up his big stations since moving. We have an outbuilding with a ridiculous amount of antenna and radios in it. One of these days when he's feeling better. Just use the handitalkies on occasion now.
I'm kind of in the same boat. Moved a few years ago and haven't set up my station at home. I have a mobile station that works all bands up to 440 MHz. Also some HTs. 73 DE N9HTZ.
welcome from another grumpy old engineer LOL
( I am now a farmer, former engineer)

My brother does the ham radio thing , if you want to chat with someone in France I can ask him what his id or number or whatever you go by is. His English is decent
welcome from another grumpy old engineer LOL
( I am now a farmer, former engineer)

My brother does the ham radio thing , if you want to chat with someone in France I can ask him what his id or number or whatever you go by is. His English is decent
I've known a few engineers that retired into farming.

I retired, they kept asking questions so I went back as a part-time consultant. So, I'm a semi-retired Grumpy Old Engineer.
I'm sorry folks. I was incorrect. I've had my ham ticket since 1988.
I Would bee Grumpy if I hadn't got my Honey Baked Ham since 1988, that's a Long time to have a Ticket for one...?!?

I'm working on a portable 40m nvis rig now for more reliable point-to-point communications.
You will get Used to that ^^^...!!! 🤣
Cool! Please post the details in its own thread. I'm interested.
Will do! I just need to find the time to build the antenna. I've got all the parts I need (I might need a feed line, but there's probably one kicking around here somewhere). Photos, description, prices and results to follow!