Sometimes, it's hard to figure out where to get started.
My usual recommendation....
1. Put together a Get Home Bag. Whatever you'd need for getting home from work on foot, if something were to happen.
2. Focus on replenishable resources. (water and food). The initial mindset is to hoard food. But, since most bought food is good for a year to 5 years, this can be a waste of time and money. Also, you want to only store foods you actually eat. That said, there are some foods that CAN be stored for a long, long time, but you'd need to learn these (mostly rice, dry pasta, dry beans, etc.) and how to store them properly. Growing your own food, and even getting some chickens, is a good way to ensure you always have some basics. Water is a bit trickier, but rain catchment is good too.
Military training as a rifleman is certainly a big PLUS.
Really, a lot of it is just about making your home safe...because really, the big threat will be your fellow survivors, come SHTF (another prepper thing, acronyms). Sh*t Hits The Fan..... Security, Food, Water...anything else is just gravy.....