New pasture advice

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Dec 25, 2022
Central Indiana
Working on clearing an acre or two in the woods for new pasture. Hoping to start out with a few sheep and some chicken tractors for this year. I have my work cut out for me, but am off to a good start so far. Any recommendations on what to plant that will take off to a good start? Willing to take any advice that anyone is willing to give. Below are a few pictures so far.

No expert here but I can share what I would do (right or wrong). I'd scratch the ground an inch deep, clear it well and plant clover to get the nitrogen levels up for the first year. Then plant whatever grass is best for your area and for sheep.
Looks like you'll need shade tolerant grasses. 2acres in the middle of a hardwood forest is going to be heavily shaded much of the year.

Here in the south Bahia is the shade tolerant grass I use. But it will suffer if too shaded.

Also, I have about 5acres thats partially shaded. I have bahia there along with clover. Clover is usually gone by the end of may, early spring forage. But under those big trees clover would keep growing well into July.

But, I was producing beef. I have no idea what goats/sheep eat.
Some of that is big enough to saw lumber out of. You should be able to find someone to cut it for half. There will be plenty of firewood out of the rest.
The sheep n chickens will help in adding nutrients. Just don't overgraze them. There is a lot of stuff there that you may not see. If you are adding grain to their diets your seeding the place.
If you want to bare pasture add animals.
Dynamite those infernal stumps! :) Seriously ... I almost broke a rib one time whilst box-blading with a tractor. BANG!!! int the steering wheel ... That hurt... Arrrrgh. Could barely breathe for literally days. (admittedly I was dumb for not wearing seat belt)

@Pearl terrific mention of the Ag service in your area. At least where I'm at, they're terrific.
Dynamite those infernal stumps! :) Seriously ... I almost broke a rib one time whilst box-blading with a tractor. BANG!!! int the steering wheel ... That hurt... Arrrrgh. Could barely breathe for literally days. (admittedly I was dumb for not wearing seat belt)

@Pearl terrific mention of the Ag service in your area. At least where I'm at, they're terrific.
Another you'll have that moment