New police radars can 'see' inside homes

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Awesome Friend
Mar 8, 2013
Washington State - between 2 mountains and a river
"WASHINGTON — At least 50 U.S. law enforcement agencies have secretly equipped their officers with radar devices that allow them to effectively peer through the walls of houses to see whether anyone is inside, a practice raising new concerns about the extent of government surveillance"

"Agents' use of the radars was largely unknown until December, when a federal appeals court in Denver said officers had used one before they entered a house to arrest a man wanted for violating his parole. The judges expressed alarm that agents had used the new technology without a search warrant, warning that "the government's warrantless use of such a powerful tool to search inside homes poses grave Fourth Amendment questions."

that dont surprise me at all..matter of fact,and i wont swear to it..but it seems like i heard about one similar to that one,a few years back...
if it TRULY helps the LEO's to get the bad guys and gals,think it's okay...we should have those here too,atleast you don't have to guess how many are inside and where.
The problem though, is that it sets precedent. Our laws are based on precedents. So, five years from now, when the picture they see through the walls is clearer....if this was already ok, then now we've got a serious privacy issue. You shouldn't have to worry about cops watching you and your old lady go at it on anniversary night, etc. Catch my drift?

Just a tongue in cheek example, but I think you can see what I mean.
"WASHINGTON — At least 50 U.S. law enforcement agencies have secretly equipped their officers with radar devices that allow them to effectively peer through the walls of houses to see whether anyone is inside, a practice raising new concerns about the extent of government surveillance"

"Agents' use of the radars was largely unknown until December, when a federal appeals court in Denver said officers had used one before they entered a house to arrest a man wanted for violating his parole. The judges expressed alarm that agents had used the new technology without a search warrant, warning that "the government's warrantless use of such a powerful tool to search inside homes poses grave Fourth Amendment questions."

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I want one! Hell, I don't even know what I'd do with it but it's cool!!
haven't police had this for ages? I mean our police helicopters have been finding criminals through heat signatures for years, surely this is just an upgrade of that?
haven't police had this for ages? I mean our police helicopters have been finding criminals through heat signatures for years, surely this is just an upgrade of that?

Yes FLIR has had these even in handheld devices but this is supposedly better though at $6000 a piece I don't think we will see any preppers doing a field comparison between this and the FLIR variance on youtube
...time to line the safe-room with lead, tin foil back on the windows and going back for visits with the psycho doctor for the feelings of being watched.... and the government just can't figure out why people are paranoid, mistrust and hatred towards them I know, an old argument.
I'll just wrap my head in tin-foil,can't afford lead with my study budget... at least they don't see my thoughts ;)'s so shiny...

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