These are animals that weigh over 1000lbs. They could easily cause you grievous harm. They aren’t horses or puppies. Treating them that way only causes the animal harm in the long run.
They instinctively have a certain level of fear/respect of people. You don’t want to remove that but don’t want to increase it either. So its a balance… and its situational. These are beef cattle, not milk cows. You would want a milk cow to more docile and used to being handled.
Working around 50 or 100K pounds of beef is a lot different than a herd of milk cows. Selective breeding over 1000’s or years have produced both to have different temperaments. Cattle are also individuals, no two have the same temperament… again, it’s a balance.
So, in answer to your question… I don’t need a milk cow and I already have a dog. I'm not going to interfere with a calf's natural temperament until I see what that temperament is... It may need adjustment, hopefully not.
Got 8 calves in the pasture now. Only 7 in this pic, went back out and checked an hour later and number 8 had showed up. Must have been napping so his mama left him for a bit.