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Brent S

Awesome Friend
Oct 10, 2013
South East US
Wow, just saw on the atlanta news a daycare owner encountered a burglar at her business, she dialed 911 and was told the police were too busy to respond. They never showed up at all! Now who's paranoid for wanting to own guns!

sounds like someone needs a new dispatch person..and i wonder if that woman is sueing them...
I know several cops and they will all tell you they usualy get there intime to investagate the crime not stop it . Where I live I could expect them to arive in 20 miniutes if the headed straight here from the time they got the call . I tell everybody that is a fence sitter on gun control what to expect when seconds matter .
Anyone who still thinks the cops are going to protect them from all dangers ... is a fool.
I really feel like ranting against the cops right now but will try to restrain myself. I'm trying to realize that they are people with family's and are doing a really dangerous job. It's tough though, with all the really bad people out there they would rather go after low risk targets, like jaywalkers!
I actually have some close friends who are cops. Most are pretty decent guys, but yeah, like any group, some are bad apples.

That said, I live in a rural and unincorporated area. If we get a prowler or horse thief, it would take an officer probably around 20 to 30 minutes to respond at best.

Here's the funny thing though. Legally, it is better that I shoot and kill an intruder vs. firing a warning shot. Why? Because in the latter case, he could sue me and charge me with attempted murder EVEN though he was breaking and entering!
yup we have good cops to that what they say make sure the theif he has to be in side we've wait up to 50 minute for them to get here the cops i referd to were some city cops ive delt with wen i live in city there good cops there to but lot of bad ives seen bribes
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I actually have some close friends who are cops. Most are pretty decent guys, but yeah, like any group, some are bad apples.

That said, I live in a rural and unincorporated area. If we get a prowler or horse thief, it would take an officer probably around 20 to 30 minutes to respond at best.

Here's the funny thing though. Legally, it is better that I shoot and kill an intruder vs. firing a warning shot. Why? Because in the latter case, he could sue me and charge me with attempted murder EVEN though he was breaking and entering!
We live in a messed up world! It really is messed up when criminals have more rights than us. All I'm sure of is if I have to pull a gun on someone, I'm emptying it.

exactly.i can probally deal with killing a intruder better compared to the low life takeing me to court for attempted muurder..

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