Ok, what a about making a faraday cage out of a shipping container. It would be large enough to hold most vehicles, if you get a 40ft. It would give you extra room for other conveniences as well.
Yes. An aluminum foil faraday cage would pretect against solar EMP.
My point is that a nuclear weapon triggered EMP lasts the smallest reasonable fraction of a second.
A solar EMP can persist for days, weeks, perhaps even a month in some cases (although--as a well-rounded amatuer astronomer--I must say that weeks and/or months is possible, but highly, highly, unlikely. I can't give you odds, but I can say that the risk of an alien invasion is probably much more likely than weeks or months of a constant solar flare).
The concern ist that people will remove electronic devices from protection before the solar EMP subsides.....perhaps because they'll think of EMP only in a nuclear weapon context.
There are ways to test if an EMP even is still in progress.
I would take hundreds of cheap, pocket, battery-powered calculators in Faraday insulated foil envelopes.
Every six hours, I remove a calculator and try to use it to see if it's getting electronically fried.
P.S. If you're interested in EMP, look up project Starfish in the early 60s. It will make your skin crawl if you carefully think through all of the ramifications.