Since we live in 'hurricane-land' and can be in a SHTF condition for 30 days or more at any time, we just rotate our non-perishables.
If you actually consume what you store, you find out real quick what is delicious, and what would be just more punishment in an already-bad situation.
@TheKETOguys: I can't go Keto, I'd have to give up beer!
I'll park the Little Debbie oatmeal cakes if I get desperate. (fortunately, my weight is under control the last 3 years)
@Meerkat: We need to get avatars for @Caribou and @Woody . It's like people walking around with no pants on.
If you actually consume what you store, you find out real quick what is delicious, and what would be just more punishment in an already-bad situation.
@TheKETOguys: I can't go Keto, I'd have to give up beer!
I'll park the Little Debbie oatmeal cakes if I get desperate. (fortunately, my weight is under control the last 3 years)
@Meerkat: We need to get avatars for @Caribou and @Woody . It's like people walking around with no pants on.