North Ga nuclear hit parade.

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The Shaman of suburbia.
HCL Supporter
Dec 13, 2017
Look behind you in that dark corner.
And so... I have a 75% chance of living to see the 2nd strike. YAAY!
so screwed.png
And so... I have a 75% chance of living to see the 2nd strike. YAAY!View attachment 95519
Now waitadangminute!
Why are they gonna waste a valuable nuke on Thomasville Georgia? :dunno:
They got nuthing but some peanut farms and less than 20,000 people down there.
I'm gonna have to throw the bogus-flag at Ki4u for just trying to sell their silly KI pills:mad:.
Now waitadangminute!
Why are they gonna waste a valuable nuke on Thomasville Georgia? :dunno:
They got nuthing but some peanut farms and less than 20,000 people down there.
I'm gonna have to throw the bogus-flag at Ki4u for just trying to sell their silly KI pills:mad:.
Maybe this?
Hell, Dalton, just over the hill makes carpet, there's not a federal anything within miles and its on the 2nd strike list.
No doubt the site is selling products, but there is a lot of good information there. Everybody probably has at least one target in their state, and the prevailing winds will make sure the fallout hits the entire country.-
I used to haul truckloads of carpet out of Dalton for USX, lol. In his book STRATEGIC RELOCATION, author Joel Skousen breaks down all threats, including nuke threats, earthquakes, volcanoes, crime, etc. I'm no shill, but I highly recommend this book to anybody who wants to "see the big picture" when it comes to threats of all kinds. He offers national, regional and state maps depicting threats, and each state in the Union has its own section wherein he breaks down all the problems (or advantages) in that state. He even has a 'Corruption' index for every state, check out the California page I included, lol. Moi, I have a nuke threat at Holloman AFB, but I'm actually 10 or more miles from that installation, and I might dodge any fallout depending upon the weather and winds at the time. :rolleyes:

Anyway, I'm throwing in shots of Georgia & Alaska, since I know some site members dwell there. This is the 3rd Edition of Skousen's book, he already has an updated 4th Edition in print, so bear with me if this one isn't quite current. Funny thing, I couldn't find a single copy of this book on library shelves throughout San Diego County, Skousen has been blacklisted due to his anti-gubmint views, despite the fact that he served honorably as a Marine fighter pilot, and went on to become a leading authority on secure & self-sustaining homes. He even designed and built bunker complexes for dirty globalist swine, so he has seen all sides of the proverbial coin, including the edge, lol. Here ya go, anybody interested in buying this book can simply search for "STRATEGIC RELOCATION by Joel Skousen" and find out where to buy it. I think I paid around $45 for it nearly ten years ago, and it was worth every penny. ;)











Gotta love the 'Corruption' index, lol. The regional maps (which I did not photograph here) show preferred areas within each state, usually tucked away in mountains & woods... Joel Skousen thinks the 'Intermountain West' offers the best chance of survival in the Lower 48, but he highlights areas like the Ozarks and mountain ranges in other states, since they offer greater overall security. Interesting book, the sad thing is that somebody actually had to compile it, aye? :(

Edit: Those clusters of primary nuke targets seen in Montana, North Dakota and the area near Cheyenne, Wyoming, indicate nuke silo fields, though the number of nukes actually present has probably dropped thanks to those fraudulent Clinton & Obama scumbags, the traitorous trash. :confused:
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Yes, there's a whole heap of information in that book. Here's a sample of the regional maps showing recommended areas outlined in yellow... hopefully you can see them well enough. Red dots (not arrows) indicate population: the more dots, the more people.





I threw in the Texas map for Pearl, hopefully her pool float time will not be disrupted when the SHTF, lol. Here's a bit on Alabama for my friend Peanut:





Bummer, the state only gets two stars out of a possible five, lol. Idaho and Wyoming get a full five stars each, if I remember correctly. Lots of good retreat areas, low population in many areas, etc. :cool:
Hey sentry, I got to ask:
"I'm gonna have to throw the bogus-flag at Ki4u for just trying to sell their silly KI pills:mad:."
What are you talking about? I photochopped that from online maps, I'm not selling anything. ()_()
I wasn't talking about you, I was talking about Ki4u.
Most of the maps are made by 'somebody' guessing about where nukes will fall.
Some places are obvious givens: like NYC, D.C., Los Angeles, Hotlanta.
When the map ends up saying: "Everybody is in danger! You all gotta buy our pills!", I tune out. :mad:
Interesting, but who updates the ICBM? Do they know the Fernald feed materials plant is a wildflower meadow now? Cincinnat Milling Machine Co/Milacron is a Target store?
I figure it like this:
ONE EMP and we'll wreck ourselves.
6 cities rule America, take out DC, NYC, Atlanta, Chicago, LA and Sanfagsisco, and we're toast. no need to wreck the planet hopefully.
I have watched many of Joel Skousen's videos on You Tube. I think he is very knowledgeable and agree with most of what he says. I will also give him the benefit of the doubt that most of what he says is true. He seems to do all the the due diligence to research his topics, and give an honest assessment. IMHO strategic relocation just isn't ever going to happen for 99.99% of us. I would go so far as to say it isn't even feasible.

I would be much more interested in focusing on what I can do to survive where I am, and doing it on a reasonable budget.
I have watched many of Joel Skousen's videos on You Tube. I think he is very knowledgeable and agree with most of what he says. I will also give him the benefit of the doubt that most of what he says is true. He seems to do all the the due diligence to research his topics, and give an honest assessment. IMHO strategic relocation just isn't ever going to happen for 99.99% of us. I would go so far as to say it isn't even feasible.

I would be much more interested in focusing on what I can do to survive where I am, and doing it on a reasonable budget.

True... most folks are anchored by their jobs, kids in school, etc., but for retirees or those with money set aside, it can be a viable way of removing themselves from threat areas. Even if one can't move for whatever reason, the book offers some insight into what's going on in this country today, and also offers tips for increasing safety no matter where one lives. Moi, I had a little leeway, some choice in the matter, when I left Kalifornia with $100K in the bank, so I decided to give rural living a try, ya know? I'd already been in the Big City too long, and I was ready to make the change. :oops:

I used what info I could from the book, and I'm thankful to ol' Joel for enlightening me in many ways, since I had never been a "home moaner" before. I helped pay off that home in Coronado, but I got less out of it in the long run because we had to chop the estate nine ways. In other words, when the home sold for $1.3M and the dust settled, each of us got $127K, thanks to diligent work by my brother the estate attorney. I'm thankful to him as well for doing such a good job with the estate sale. Anyway, I struck out on my own for the first time in my life... meaning I was away from family & friends. :confused:

I didn't do too badly in Arizona, even though I wound up flipping two homes... not what I intended to do when I left Kalifornia in the rearview mirror. But I lived well and made good money off the flips, and I learned a lot about living in the boondocks, which has helped me greatly on my spiritual journey during these fraudulent times. The way I see it, folks can make the transition to rural living, but they still need to be close enough to a town of some size for resupply purposes. Plus, if one is too far out in the boondocks, then commuting & high fuel bills become negative factors. :(

The homes I bought in Arizona were on the outskirts of town, as this one is in New Mexico. I can thank Joel Skousen for informing me that property taxes are generally much lower in county areas than they are within town limits. Ideally, for those who may be considering such a move as I made to escape from the Big City, a property outside of a town, with rural (county) water or well water, is a big step in the right direction. Also, check zoning laws to see whether you can raise chickens, goats, and other livestock. I can do all of those here... a horse if I had the money and were so inclined. 🤠

Anyway, Skousen has written other books on secure & self-sustaining homes, with excellent tips throughout those books. For instance, he recommends steel doors instead of wood, as they are tougher to break down and they can't be burned with conventional arson methods, lol. Little things like that all add up to increase home security. As with other books, I take what I can use from Skousen's works and do the best I can with it. And I'm not in a bad home right now, despite being at least 10 or 12 miles (as the crow flies) from Holloman AFB, possibly 15 miles... I'm off to the south of Alamogordo, outside the blast radius of any nuke, and I'd probably dodge the fallout given my location and prevailing winds. So that's a plus... 😏

Also, in taking Skousen's advice over the past 6 or 7 years, I've always lived near wilderness areas where it'd be easy to intentionally get lost and live off the land if necessary... plenty of wildlife in the Sacramento Mountains, as well as the Dragoons and the White Mountains of Arizona. That was another factor important to me: to be near undeveloped wilderness areas where I could also enjoy some recreation. Having all these trails to ride through the forest is nice, and they're only minutes from my door, not hours like in the Socialist Republik of Kalifornia. I don't miss those "escape drives" from the Big City in San Diego County, lol. No traffic here to speak of, which is another huge plus! Cheers!!! :cool:
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Thanks, Dade! :cool:

Yeah, unless we can 'Make it' to our Super-Remote BOL (way-up Northern CA, sadly.. Maybe once my Son is down here / Out of NorCal, himself, we can look at selling / Buying something more 'Local'..) we're likely Toast, still.. o_O Oh well, IF we can 'get enough warning', we Do have a couple solid 'MAG refuges' / agreements with two Solid Families to be able to 'hole up' for awhile, Well out of town, that look like they'll be fine..

At Least we finally made it Way-out of the LA Basin - that Whole Area is gonna be One Giant 'Glo-Stick', for sure.. ☢️

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The whole nuke thing is hard to get my head around even tho I grew up in the era of the backyard fallout shelter.
The major cities like LA will be untenable after a nuke attack or just a lack of electricity for a short time. The people factor is the big one for me.....also the 800 pound gorilla of those 50 nuke plants along the mississippi with highly active "spent fuel" in the cooling ponds serviced by electric pumps.
I am betting on some sort of false flag or attack before the november elections. We have the motorhome loaded with freeze dryed food and ready to head south.

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