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Aug 5, 2021
been registered awhile but just never posted. I got kinda burned out, had some medical issues, and just wasn't in the mood to do anything homesteady. I'm back to me now though. A little older and slower but me. New chickens in the coop just starting to lay and going to get more in February. Got an adult son still in school and at home and that boy can eat some eggs! Plus dh wants eggs and so do I lol.
Today I cleaned the chicken coop out, cleared some garden beds out to plants soon, and pulled a bucketful of weeds that the chickens love ( I forget the name) to give them. Got three quarts of bone broth canned and started some beef fat rendering. That's my new endeavor, I'm saving all my beef fat, hamburger grease, and such to give it a try. If its not edible for us I figure the chickens won't mind it with some scratch grains and mealworms.
so anyway hello all and I hope to post some here and there.