Now this is one creep I would love to hunt

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oh yeah,he should be hunted and killed slowly....very slowly,have a way in mind which involves fire,a big rat and a steel pot and that dude streched on the ground with 4 poles...
These jerks give anyone with a gun a bad name. Most hunters are highly responsible and understand their role in wildlife conservation and in population control.
Here's the thing. he's not a hunter in the truest since of the word, he's a trophy hunter that kills for sport that should and needs to be separated from the truest form of hunter gatherer! Anyone that takes game needs to do so for purpose of supplying food for the table or in defense, animals are here for a purpose not a sporting event to later hang on a wall, I have no use for these people. I never have nor ever will kill game for the sure thrill of killing and bragging rights, I'm far from being animal rights tree hugging psycho though I do have my limits and a line I won't cross, trophy hunting is one of them. I am happy to supply my own meat and very much enjoy the outdoors though I am never happy over the kill.

God put some of these animals here to feed me and I take with thanks and sorrow.
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According to our news he shot it with an arrow then had to follow/stalk it for FORTY HOURS before finishing it off with a gun.

Bad as it was IMO that makes it even worse.
He's definitely regretting it now.

His practice has closed indefinitely. He's hounded everywhere he goes, and has basically gone into hiding.

He claims it was his guide who advised him wrong. Even if that's the case, he should have vetted the guy a bit, no? Basically, they enticed an animal out of the protected reserve, and even tried to destroy the GPS tracker put on it, so any claims of "accidentally" targeting Cecil just don't fly.
Turns out this isn't his first such questionable hunt. Had probation after a bear before too. This guy is just a tool.
I don't care either way. I don't care about Zimbabwe, the so called hunter nor the damn lion. In fact I'm sick about hearing about the fricken lion.
And its not Americas problem its Zimbabwes and Zimbabwe should deal with it if it's illegal.
But no one has the right to threaten to burn his house or practice down to kill him and his entire family. Which by the way he's getting hundreds of them a day.
And that's what I find the sickest part of the whole thing.
And BTW hyenas kill by far more lions yearly then so called big game hunters
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And too all of you who only say hunting for meat and only eat what I hunt. Honestly your missing half the picture. You have to keep the predators down and their populations in check otherwise you have no animals to hunt and eat. Cause as we're seeing in states in the USA with high coyote bear and twolve populations the deer populations and other producers population have dwindled to the point of possible suspension of their hunting seasons. In order to maintain good healthy populations and diversity both ends of the spectrum have to be managed.
And too all of you who only say hunting for meat and only eat what I hunt. Honestly your missing half the picture. You have to keep the predators down and their populations in check otherwise you have no animals to hunt and eat. Cause as we're seeing in states in the USA with high coyote bear and twolve populations the deer populations and other producers population have dwindled to the point of possible suspension of their hunting seasons. In order to maintain good healthy populations and diversity both ends of the spectrum have to be managed.
And too all of you who only say hunting for meat and only eat what I hunt. Honestly your missing half the picture. You have to keep the predators down and their populations in check otherwise you have no animals to hunt and eat.

While I don't disagree in keeping predators down, trophy hunting is the wrong way to go and luring off a game reserve is wrong on all levels. The point is not missed! there is a distinct difference between a hunter and a trophy hunter, trophy hunting is not part of conservation nor part of putting food on the table!
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I don't care either way. I don't care about Zimbabwe, the so called hunter nor the damn lion. In fact I'm sick about hearing about the fricken lion.
And its not Americas problem its Zimbabwes and Zimbabwe should deal with it if it's illegal.
But no one has the right to threaten to burn his house or practice down to kill him and his entire family. Which by the way he's getting hundreds of them a day.
And that's what I find the sickest part of the whole thing.
And BTW hyenas kill by far more lions yearly then so called big game hunters

No, its not America's problem and obummer was wrong in requesting the US Fish and Wildlife enforcement division to investigate with it strictly being based on emotion, in my book that's mob-rule! Zimbabwe needs to deal with it and do what it thinks it needs to do, staking out the docs place and threatening the doc's residents with destruction then those people need to be dealt with and from what I seen and read he broke no American law so again Zimbabwe needs to deal with it without US pressure! Here in Washington and Alaska I have seen too many so-called trophy hunters waste meat by taking only the head, we had an issue in the 90s when 9 elks was taken leaving the bodies with just the heads missing, when I was a warden up around Northeast Washington we had a elk hunting party that caught a herd of elk corralled in an area that was fenced in on 3 sides, all the hunters surrounded the elk and it was a turkey shoot, several of the elk where missing the heads as the meat laid waste, no, I had my gut filled with trophy hunters! You take a moose in Alaska only taking the head you will pay for that choice very heavily.
No I agree trophy hunting is not the right way of doing things. But as long as its legal we have to deal with
it. Are we sure he baited off the protected land 100 percpercent? Or is that something the media added to enrage people? Because we know they enjoy baiting people. And that's
how we hunt our bear up in my
neck of the woods. So baiting can be legal and in some cases its encouraged. What gets me the most is all the morons who look at these big cats and dogs as friendly loving animals which need to be protected. Were dealing with these idiots in Minnesota. Our timberwolve population has exploded and the DNR put seasons on them and these big dog animal rights lovers blew up and has been during and attacking hunters and the DNR for opening up hunting. These are the very seem people giving death threats to this guy. These are not cute cuddly creatures. They are ruthless vicious creatures. But they refuse to acknowledge that.
The timber wolves have started to be known in the state to attack and kill people but still they fight the managed hunts. My cousin personally watched a twolve take down a healthy big mature buck. So they don't just kill the sick and the weak. We raised sheep growing up. We had a group of coyotes come through a ripe apart 9 of our best breeding ewes . They didn't bother to try to eat them. Just had fun killing them. But they didn't even do that. Just left them to suffer and slowly bleed out. So even the predators do that. Idk the numbers have to be kept down. But yes do it legally. But this uproar is insane
No I agree trophy hunting is not the right way of doing things. But as long as its legal we have to deal with
it. Are we sure he baited off the protected land 100 percpercent? Or is that something the media added to enrage people? Because we know they enjoy baiting people. And that's
how we hunt our bear up in my
neck of the woods. So baiting can be legal and in some cases its encouraged. What gets me the most is all the morons who look at these big cats and dogs as friendly loving animals which need to be protected. Were dealing with these idiots in Minnesota. Our timberwolve population has exploded and the DNR put seasons on them and these big dog animal rights lovers blew up and has been during and attacking hunters and the DNR for opening up hunting. These are the very seem people giving death threats to this guy. These are not cute cuddly creatures. They are ruthless vicious creatures. But they refuse to acknowledge that.

The luring was proven by the reserves warden, luring is legal though it was shown the guide with the hunter driven the vehicle with meat in tow onto the game reserve dragging the meat back to the land the hunter had a license to hunt on though it is unclear wither the hunter knew the vehicle crossed into the game reserve though ignorance of the law is no excuse, I fear this whole thing is going to end up being resided by emotions and not facts as obummer has just proven to be the case.
Sorry about my long rant. Anti hunters just get my goat. The point I was making is they wouldn't care if the hunt was strictly by the book they'd still want his head simply because he hunted. They just use the possible illegal activity as fuel. And they interviewed a guy whose been to that reserve on the radio and he said you couldn't tell the land lines from the reserve from local land owners land. Cause their aren't even dirt roads seperating the land owners land and the reserves land. So idk.
The guy on interviewed on the radio also stated he isn't necessarily for hunting in Africa either. He personally went and photographed this particular lion. But he also stated everyone up in arms over this is missing the the entire point. He said the more pressure the governments put on landowners and antis put on land owners bout not allowing hunting on their properties in Africa. The more damage they are doing to the animals. He stated there's 2 countries that have banned hunting in Africa due to these factors. And he knew one big land owner their personally and after the ban went in place he immediately sold out to the attractive offer china gave him for his land. So apparently China is trying to buy up Africa for it mining rights. Which is the worst possible outcome for everyone involved. I'm sure strip mining won't help the animals.
I wish only half the people taht are so butt hurt over a lion being killed in africa would be as offended about the things that happen right here infront of our houses. In our towns, in our cities.
I had to stop to pump gas in a shady area the other day and witnessed two! drug deals in bright daylight. "Called the cops and gave them the plates. Whatever they gonna do with em".
People are getting offended by way too much these days and loose the sense of reality...
it's the same here,at the railway station,supposed to be the so-called parade ground...addicts do their business and our police don't even bother to get out of their cars,they sell it..they use it and law doesn't care..

perhaps the outrage is that that lion was ambushed cowardly,by someone claiming to be a hunter..which he's not..just my thought
Fortunately for the Survivalist and Prepper community as soon as a real collapse or major disaster occurs most of our local neighbourhood druggies are going to OD on lead and copper.

I wish only half the people taht are so butt hurt over a lion being killed in africa would be as offended about the things that happen right here infront of our houses. In our towns, in our cities.
I had to stop to pump gas in a shady area the other day and witnessed two! drug deals in bright daylight. "Called the cops and gave them the plates. Whatever they gonna do with em".
People are getting offended by way too much these days and loose the sense of reality...
jonttewhay st: 74749 said:
it's the same here,at the railway station,supposed to be the so-called parade ground...addicts do their business and our police don't even bother to get out of their cars,they sell it..they use it and law doesn't care..

perhaps the outrage is that that lion was ambushed cowardly,by someone claiming to be a hunter..which he's not..just my thought

Ambushed? So what do you consider hunting then? Here in my neck of the woods that's how we hunt. We have pretty much all put little house on poles. Put a heater in our little house and just sit still, be quiet and wait. Its more effective. Or do the same with a ladder or tree stand 20 feet in the air although it gets a bit nippy in the late fall and winter. Spot and stalk is all but dead. But how couldn't it be when every few hundred yards you have someone else's property line.

Cowardly is pretty much a complete personal opinion. Especially with an animal on that size range and your own the ground and you wound and it finds you. You are dead no other way around that.
sry,friend...ambushed was probably the wrong expression,that happens to me every now and then when I translate from my mother tongue to english..I'll try to be more precise next time..but hunting that lion,well in my books it's not hunting..just my opinion. still think it was a rotten thing to do. hunting for food is totally different,then you use whatever means you have at your disposal to ensure you get food on your table and tyhat meat is 100% organic as it can be.
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No, it was the right term....but it is true. Man's intellect is how he is the hunter, vs. the lions teeth and claws.

Ambushed? So what do you consider hunting then? Here in my neck of the woods that's how we hunt

Yeah, but this guy and his guides did quite a few unethical things.

First, they enticed it out of a protected sanctuary. That's just crap.

Second, a true hunter tries to use as much of the animal as possible. This guy took a head, and left the rest behind. Sick, sick, sick.

Third, when they discovered the GPS tracker, they knew they screwed up and tried to disable it (didn't work).

You may have seen Ted Nugent come out and defend this guy, but in Ted's case, when they hunted Cecil's grandpa, they were true hunters and used all of the animal for starters. So it's apples and oranges.
First of all luring an animal is NOT illegal. And anyone who has ever used an animal call or animal scent or a decoy is guilty of luring an animal so that I find a weak excuse.

And the guide took the carcass. So how do you know they didn't use the carcass? Just because all it isn't used doesn't mean its wasted either. Just because the meat may not be used doesn't mean a death is taken for granted. Heck animal skins make good blankets and clothing that's what our ancestors did. And even if you do harvest an animal too eat doesn't necessarily mean you can sometimes the meat can become tainted and inedible.

Third its not against the law to harvest an animal with a tracking caller either.

And just because the whole animal isn't used. Which it never is BTW. We don't use the bones and generally avoid the fat and glands etc etc. How is it simply wasted? Nature makes full use of what's left behind. Watch what happens to a dead carcass. It doesn't just lay their it rots and nutrients go back in the soil and makes food for a lot of other animals and insects. But by your logic all the animals that die of natural causes are they wasted too?
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Zimbabwe were fast enough to pocket his money weren't they? he had all the permits and stuff,as far as I can what he did was legal if not ethical. with a government run by Mugabe its a bit like being run by Al Capone.

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