Now this is one creep I would love to hunt

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Were it not for Hunters intrest in Africian wildlife there would be none left . As well as here in the U.S most of the conservation is financed by Hunters .
As far as this high profile case I think the guy was mislead by his guide looking for a quick $ .
Fortunately for the Survivalist and Prepper community as soon as a real collapse or major disaster occurs most of our local neighbourhood druggies are going to OD on lead and copper.
cant happen soon enough, we've had a family of well known druggies move into the next street, their back garden backs onto ours(sideways), they are also alcoholics, so the drunker they get the louder they get, none of them work or have ever worked, I see them in the local shop buying their ciggies and booze-never seen them buying food!!!! kid(about3) spends all day(12 hours at a time) running about the back garden in all weathers, naked, and screaming!!! they'll be the first to go come SHTF-I guarantee it!!!Shoot
Whether you like trophy hunting or not, the fact is that trophy hunting is the only thing keeping a lot of African animals from going extinct. The Northern White Rhino used to be plentiful, especially in Kenya, but began a slow march to extinction when Kenya outlawed trophy hunting. When South Africa got the Southern White Rhino off the protected list and started allowing hunting, the population soared. It's too late for the Northern White, they are slated for extinction with only 4 still alive, and they aren't breeding.

Whenever a big game hunter bags a trophy in Africa, the meat feeds a village. I once had no qualms over hunting the Big 5, but could only afford to hunt them with a camera ("bagged" all but leopard in Amboseli, Kenya.) But I have to admit I now would have problems killing any of the Big 5 except Cape Buffalo.

I haven't been paying close attention to the Cecil debacle, but from what I understand, the story was typically mangled beyond recognition by the press to gin up controversy and sell stories.
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Not my style of hunting either But neither is sitting in a tree stand waiting for a deer to walk up to a feeder. I've hunted my entire life, but don't have a single "trophy" hanging on the walls. I do however, have a lot of fur rugs; wolf, wolverine, fox, bear, coyote, lynx, beaver, etc.
I sure found my halloween costume for this year.
