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This is what the USA and France got from liquidating Gadaffi, Libya is now a swamp where different gangs have the say and everything of value or other wanted things like uranium is sold on the black market.

Gadaffi was an idiot that is so, but under him, the country worked and there were no Islamists and terrorists in Libya, they were liquidated directly by Gadaffi's authorities.

Where the uranium is now, you do not have to search long, the Russians have it certainly not, they have enough of it, I personally tip on Iran or North Korea, we will soon know.
This is what the USA and France got from liquidating Gadaffi, Libya is now a swamp where different gangs have the say and everything of value or other wanted things like uranium is sold on the black market.

Gadaffi was an idiot that is so, but under him, the country worked and there were no Islamists and terrorists in Libya, they were liquidated directly by Gadaffi's authorities.

Where the uranium is now, you do not have to search long, the Russians have it certainly not, they have enough of it, I personally tip on Iran or North Korea, we will soon know.

Gadaffi was looking to sell to the highest, not a whole lot of difference there.
Gadaffi never sold, he knew if he did it would be his death sentence, he was a fool but he was too much in love with his public office.
If Gadaffi had publicly sold the stuff to Iran or something, or if he had wanted to do that, his country would have been bombed into the ground by NATO a week later, even Gadaffi knew that, otherwise he would have done such actions a long time ago during his long presidency.

Since NATO liquidated this despot Gadaffi, Libya has become a new Somalia, before there was infrastructure in this country, today it is a failed state where terrorists are in charge.

A very good example of an own goal that the West has scored, nothing has gotten any better in Libya, everything has become shittier and Europe has been flooded by tens of thousands of African migrants since then, really a top NATO work. 🤮🤮🤮
Gadaffi never sold, he knew if he did it would be his death sentence, he was a fool but he was too much in love with his public office.
If Gadaffi had publicly sold the stuff to Iran or something, or if he had wanted to do that, his country would have been bombed into the ground by NATO a week later, even Gadaffi knew that, otherwise he would have done such actions a long time ago during his long presidency.

Since NATO liquidated this despot Gadaffi, Libya has become a new Somalia, before there was infrastructure in this country, today it is a failed state where terrorists are in charge.

A very good example of an own goal that the West has scored, nothing has gotten any better in Libya, everything has become shittier and Europe has been flooded by tens of thousands of African migrants since then, really a top NATO work. 🤮🤮🤮

From the article and according to Wikileaks/Snowden info

US officials feared that Iran was trying to buy Libya’s uranium. According to a diplomatic report published by WikiLeaks, the main person in charge of the civil nuclear program of the Gaddafi government tried in 2009 to reassure the United States on this eventuality.

“Underlining that Libya viewed the matter as a commercial matter, (the official) noted that prices of yellowcake uranium on the world market had risen, and that Libya wanted to maximize its profit by timing the sale of its reserves. .,” said then-Ambassador Gene A. Cretz.

Bad intel? Possibly, but, it seems Gadhafi OR his people, were interested in selling when they felt they could "maximize profits"..
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It is clear that certain circles in Libya are interested in the sale, which politician today does not want to optimize profits?
Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden also optimize their profits, the laptop of Hunter has proven yes, he and his dad had enough dirty business in the corrupt Ukraine with Poroshenko and Zelensky are also two corrupt dogs and one hand washes the other.
If you want to say that Joe doesn't do that, well, I wouldn't believe you.


Gaddafi had of course various scams going on and he was so to speak an ugly despot, we are probably of the same opinion, but Libya was predictable at the time when he was in power because you could buy the guy, now Libya is a gray area where various clans have the say and they are no longer with money to keep under control.
Bad starting position for us, especially for Europe, and I notice that every day when I look at what is going on in my country....
Guys this potential for world war 3 has reached the point teetering between probable to immanent . As for as the U.S expect all the eastern states bordering the ocean to be submerged in a tsunami as the Russian underwater drone has now disappeared beneath the waves . Expect a complete power grid destruction from EMP attacks . That will likely be only the beginning of the conflict . A new world appears to be awaiting us . -- I decided to not post sources as some that have difficulty accepting what is happening will only claim the source is no good and go through their day in denial . It is what it is and is something many in the prepper community have been warning and getting ready for , for years .
Proud Prepper , I don't know how free you are to travel but you might want to think about evacuating Lusiana and moving to your higher ground retreat in the Ozarks , as Gray Ghost and I already have . -- I am not sure why the military guys think the east coast of the U.S. will be the target for the tsunami but I wouldn't bet my life that they have their target right .
Creating a catastrophic tsunami is much more difficult than you think. "Tsunamis" created by underwater atomic tests were insignificant.

Here is a video of the so-called "massive tsunami" created by an underwater atomic explosion which reached a height of 2 meters (6 1/2 feet). Natural waves at Hawaii's Bonzai Pipeline routinely reach over 12 feet.
As of right now , there are two families that share the same survival grounds that adjoin my property , are in the process of evacuating the state of Texas and getting their belongings moved to the Ozarks . Their secluded survival ground has two creeks and abundant wildlife .
If I had the money, I would move to northern Arkansas or Missouri. I don't know their homeschool laws, but they are so beautiful.
DrHenley could be right as I am not nowhere near a nuclear scientist , but am only reacting to information gathered . However one of these information inlets have the underwater drone was capable of producing a tsunami 1,600 feet high . Now that would put it going inland a long ways in most coast lines . In other words if this is correct people living below 1,600 feet below sea level would be effected unless they were sheltered by a natural levee . Researching this came upon Russia perhaps have several of these devices in position and they are waiting silently on the ocean floor waiting for an remote control order to complete it's mission . --- If it matters the link I provided was referencing a warning put out by NATO. -- I repeat where the truth lies , I can not say . --- It appears my source failed to take . I will go back and try to put it below .
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Here is a video that some will find informative and also confirms the link on the above post . I will say though , we are talking about a weapon that has never been used so I doubt anyone , including " Putin " can be sure of the devastation level .
Sure if you detonate a massive nuclear bomb in the water near a city, you can splash a lot of radioactive water all over the city making it uninhabitable for many decades.
That's not the same thing as a tsunami though.
The bomb in the video I posted made a big splash out in the water which destroyed ships and rained down radioactive water on a lot more ships. They tried to salvage the ships that had not sunk but the radioactivity was way too high and so they scuttled them. But the wave that reached shore was only 2 meters high.
I readed something today they wanna Ursula von der Leyen shall replace Stoltenberg in the NATO as general secretary.

For the German Bundeswehr she only needed 2 years to transform an well organised army into an 4th class boyscout club without working hardware.

How long she needs to destroy the NATO? I'll listen the bets.
I readed something today they wanna Ursula von der Leyen shall replace Stoltenberg in the NATO as general secretary.

For the German Bundeswehr she only needed 2 years to transform an well organised army into an 4th class boyscout club without working hardware.

How long she needs to destroy the NATO? I'll listen the bets.

But I'll bet she never misgenders any soldiers!
For the German Bundeswehr she only needed 2 years to transform an well organised army into an 4th class boyscout club without working hardware.
To add a bit of info as to the stupidity of the dumb woman...I am wondering how the soldiers in the Ukraine are going to react to the latest advances and changes of the Leopard II-Main Battle Tank of the "pantsy-assed" Bundeswehr...namely...Van der LYING introduced the changes of the tank TO ACTUALLY BE DRIVEN BY-----TAAADAAAAA!!!!! PREGNANT WOMEN!!! (or maybe even the newest versions of PREGNANT MEN???)

BTW: we have now found out why the Russian soldiers have been taking all of the washmachines, microwave ovens, smartscreen televisions and Javelin anti-tank rockets from the occupied areas of the Ukraine...they are dis-mantled in Russia to get the advanced technology out of them by reverse technology of the eletronics and chips inside which evidently was not available to them until now somehow...
Highest, Lowest, and Mean Elevations in the United States --- Just for fun decided to post the elevation from the sea of each state in the United States . True or not Russia claims it can create a 1, 600 foot high tsunami with their underwater drone of which they have several and some suspect have already been placed into position . If it doesn't work then Russia has wasted an awful lot of money , so regardless as to whether our members think it will work or not , it appears the Russian government thinks it will .
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We are above that level where we are. Who knows what they have? I don’t want to find out…although I wouldn’t mind DC getting wiped of the face of the earth!
No doubt Russia's war planners have been eyeing the sea level of DC at only 410 feet above sea level . The rats scurrying to their well stocked bunker , actually may be too stupid to realize the possibility of the bunker not being water tight .
Does Russia realize that if they take out DC they would be doing the rest of us a huge favor.
For this reason, Russia has probably not yet declared war on Europe or the USA. Russia is waiting for Idiot Joe and the Idiot European leaders to de-industrialize our countries and we're killing each other in the streets, why should Russia come here when our "heads of state" are driving our countries to the wall...?

If the west is then by our governments in the ass and we have no more jobs and our prosperity is at the end, then Russia can save the fight, then we have made ourselves economic suicide and for that at the end no Russian soldiers had to strive against us.
The Russian will say to himself why complicated if it is easy, at the moment time works for Russia, see Europe...

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