1.) Where? What country are you going to move to? I was suggesting (a) a substantially neutral country unlikely to be targeted, and (b) a country located outside expected fallout zones...namely, south of the equator.
2.) Have you ever been there? Do you really know what it is like or is it just checking boxes? Fleeing to a country you have never visited certainly seems like a bad idea unless disaster is already happening.
3.) What are the immigration laws? You may want them, but do they want you? I have heard even Canada has very restrictive immigration laws. Also a good question. Some countries let you "buy" your way in. Others will allow you to come if you have enough savings (or income), and you can show you won't be a drain on them, and that you may even bring money to their economy, they will let you come.
4.) Where are you going to work? Are your skills transferrable? Will you have to learn a new language? Can you get ant kind of job? Do you need work visas or sponsorship? I have international business experience. If I decide to work, I would seek out a similar job, possibly helping a company do business in the US, and let them handle the work visa issues. But, I'm close to retirement. This would be an important consideration for others, but not me.
5.) Money/Logistics. Are you independently wealthy? How long can you survive without working? Are you going to buy a new house and all new furnishings? I think you may have difficulty packing up all you belongings and heading to who knows where. Think you are going to be able to sell your existing house? Now is a great time to sell a house. I'm not independently wealthy in the US, but US wealth goes a lot further in many other countries, such that you "become wealthier" by moving.
6/) Healthcare/Insurance? Can you even get it? Does it exist where you are going? Good questions. That should be a factor.
7.) Dependence on other countries? How much does the place you want to go import from countries that would be affected? They may not have gotten bombed, but their supply chain is destroyed. This is an important question if the nuclear risk never comes to fruition. And, I always say that we should prepare for good times as well. But, if the nuclear exchange occurs, I will take an alive family and a bad supply chain.
Yeah, we are riding it out here, too, even though I am quite comfortable in other nations. This really was just a casual question over drinks that I decided to bring to the forum. I have the ability to do this, but it is just a fantasy. We even discussed what we would do to the house if we won the lottery on that day.