My part time job to supplement Social Security is delivering parts for one of the largest nationwide auto parts stores.
At the moment, the motor oil supply is tightening up, especially diesel engine oil. We use full synthetic oil, and the only full, or blend, 15W-40 diesel engine oil i could find in our system to buy was in our Atlanta warehouse 350 miles away. Conventional 15W-40 is sold as fast as it comes in, to our heavy equipment customers.
Regular car/light truck oil is still available, but for how long?
If Putin invades Crimea, people who know about such things are saying oil could become $150 per barrel.
Motor oil will no doubt still be available to some extent. But the prices will reflect the market.
I have three oil changes out in the barn for the wife's Silverado 2500 Heavy Duty, and tomorrow there will be three for my GMC 1500.
Don't forget filters!!!
At the moment, the motor oil supply is tightening up, especially diesel engine oil. We use full synthetic oil, and the only full, or blend, 15W-40 diesel engine oil i could find in our system to buy was in our Atlanta warehouse 350 miles away. Conventional 15W-40 is sold as fast as it comes in, to our heavy equipment customers.
Regular car/light truck oil is still available, but for how long?
If Putin invades Crimea, people who know about such things are saying oil could become $150 per barrel.
Motor oil will no doubt still be available to some extent. But the prices will reflect the market.
I have three oil changes out in the barn for the wife's Silverado 2500 Heavy Duty, and tomorrow there will be three for my GMC 1500.
Don't forget filters!!!