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Feb 5, 2012
Communist State Of Kalifornia
I think your Facebook presence is wonderful. So many people are awakening to the impending doomsday that will someday come to be a part of our lives. We need to gather on here to support each other and Facebook can help us spread the word about your most helpful site. Thank you.
I think your Facebook presence is wonderful. So many people are awakening to the impending doomsday that will someday come to be a part of our lives. We need to gather on here to support each other and Facebook can help us spread the word about your most helpful site. Thank you.
As of last night at around 11:00 p.m. I had about 31 people who had clicked the "Like" Button for Doomsday Prepper Forums. I hope to get many more.
Clydesdale, Who won the contest? I have been struck with an ailment and have not been on your forum for a while. Hope to hear there was a winner and maybe even me. Regards!
Clydesdale, Who won the contest? I have been struck with an ailment and have not been on your forum for a while. Hope to hear there was a winner and maybe even me. Regards!
Krime won with 103 posts. You were 2nd with 87 posts!
I so do hope you are better.
How are things up your way?
What I have a life I don't know what half that stuff is my wife was talking about some twitter crap the other day I I don't use that ether
Fordrockd, don't worry, I thought a twitter was some sort of imbecile. Now I realise its a tool for many of them to use. I guess I'm just one of those who was on the technology train and decided to jump off a few years ago, though I do know how to use the internet, sorta.
Not that I dont want to support this sight but if I "like" DPF on facebook then everybody I know will know that I prep. I kinda defeats my purpose and sets me up as a target by everyone coming to my door when the SHTF. Only a select few need to know what I have, I just dont want to advertise it.
i dont do facebook either
I never went on it either, but not long ago I got curious and went to look at it, I learned you have to join to even be able to see what it is, so I left. I guess were the three left in the world that don't care to share everything with everybody. I'm not doing anything illegal anyways, but I love seeing court cases on the news where they pull up all your facebook postings and use them against you. A good rule in life, never take a picture or write anything that you would be ashamed for you mother to see.
what brent s said
A good rule in life, never take a picture or write anything that you would be ashamed for you mother to see
yup yhats true
well, unfortunately, google and bing rate sites strongly on their social network presence. So facebook is a necessary evil to gather the like-minded and promote DPF.

The good news to anyone who would like to support DPF is that you can use an alias when creating your facebook account and no one will be the wiser. Also, no one that you don't invite as a friend can see your info if you choose 'private' (you're prompted).

Once you have an account you can "like" all the prepper networks out there and you get free streaming information on prepper related topics.

I fought Facebook for a long time, but now I find I get a lot of good, free information there as well as a good laugh daily.

Clyde, I supported (liked) Doomsday Prepper Forums on Facebook
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I have a flip phone and a desk top with dial up but if I ever update to something new I will check it out .
I guess I'll have to look at it one day. Damn, I may have to get a cell phone again one day too!
Closed my FB account over 5 years ago as part of a process of reducing my online status
Well, I had to join the 20th century and get a cell phone again since starting the business. I hate to admit it, but now that I've had it for a few months, I'm completely dependent on it. Google driving directions, the Internet to answer any questions, even a flashlight. What's not to love? Facebook, still haven't gone there. Being addicted to this site is bad enough....
Well, I had to join the 20th century and get a cell phone again since starting the business. I hate to admit it, but now that I've had it for a few months, I'm completely dependent on it. Google driving directions, the Internet to answer any questions, even a flashlight. What's not to love? Facebook, still haven't gone there. Being addicted to this site is bad enough....

Yup I too finally succumbed to modern technology, I've had a Samsung Galaxy Core phone for a year now, and I can finally do texts :). Google Street is good as are the map apps and internet search. Not keen on the voice search thingy though, not to comfy with yelling " Where is the nearest gun shop/ survivalist supply shop?" into it in the middle of a crowded mall :)
I got me one of those LG smart phones,with all that stuff,a few days ago.and yes I'm. Addicted. To it.lol..matter of fact.that's what I'm. Using right now..I've. Even used it to do a couple of web searches for my mom with it..we were in a target store the other day.we were having a difficult. Time finding a item.i used google for our location.then the target store phone number.in which.i called it.a employee helped us find what we needed.
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Do remember that the Feds can track every cell phone sold in the US, so if TSHTF Turn it off and leave it at home.
I have FB but only for kids and family, I think I posted in FB private messages more than on the wall and the things I have posted on my FB wall deals primarily local things and no political nor prepping stuff with everything security (laughable) set to friends only, any pictures I have posted are benign in nature, now my Wife on the other hand has over 2600 friend though most are job related/science/kids/grandkids and dogs not political nor any type of prepping stuff in other words benign.

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