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Do remember that the Feds can track every cell phone sold in the US, so if TSHTF Turn it off and leave it at home.
I know that it's a gps and everything is being recorded. I think though that in a shtf situation the Feds are going to be too busy to give a crap about monitoring a cellphone. Even now, since I'm not doing anything illegal I'm not worried about the FBI. Now, the artificial intelligence thing does creep me out a little. It's always listening, and is constantly asking me if it can help with something. I can't stop thinking about sky net....
I got me one of those LG smart phones,with all that stuff,a few days ago.and yes I'm. Addicted. To it.lol..matter of fact.thats what I'm. Using right now..I've. Even used it to do a couple of web searchs for my mom with it..we were in a target store the other day.we were having a difficult. Time rinding a item.i used google for our location.then the target store phone number.in which.i called it.a employe helped us find what we needed.
Home Depot has an incredible online resource. It will tell you what isle a product is on and how many are there. Awesome IT work.
I have FB but only for kids and family, I think I posted in FB private messages more than on the wall and the things I have posted on my FB wall deals primarily local things and no political nor prepping stuff with everything security (laughable) set to friends only, any pictures I have posted are benign in nature, now my Wife on the other hand has over 2600 friend though most are job related/science/kids/grandkids and dogs not political nor any type of prepping stuff in other words benign.
I guess that's why I've never done Facebook. I'm just not interested in leaving a record, forever, of everything I post. All the criminal cases where the lawyers pull up Facebook info to paint a picture towards whatever image they want to portray of you comes to mind.
I know that it's a gps and everything is being recorded. I think though that in a shtf situation the Feds are going to be too busy to give a crap about monitoring a cellphone. Even now, since I'm not doing anything illegal I'm not worried about the FBI. Now, the artificial intelligence thing does creep me out a little. It's always listening, and is constantly asking me if it can help with something. I can't stop thinking about sky net....

I like SOME aspects of modern technology BUT WITH CAVEATS, I dont want to become reliant upon it, EG I will use GPS but will never give up my maps and compass. I save lots of documents from day to day living like bank dealings, receipts, guarantees, prep articles, e mails etc but the important stiff I still always print copies. I dread the thought of becoming reliant on such vulnerable media.

Slightly more paranoid I wont buy books on prepping subjects online unless I have to, I dont use libraries, Loyalty cards, wont join a political party etc and I spread my bulk shopping around multiple stores.
I wish my Lowes did that. Instead, I drive halfway across town and "hope" they have what I need in stock. Seems simple enough to me. If you have a POS and inventory software system, then there is no reason that info couldn't be kept in a cloud-based environment and be updated in real time (or least every few minutes) via API to a user ended app on their phone. (kind of my industry, lol).

(funny how many rednecks are nerdy)....

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