One Second After

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A two way radio at close range has a much more "robust" signal than a cell phone. No, it's not foolproof by any means, just a better indicator than a cell phone, which is what you were asking for.
I shall have to try my metal trash can idea with this
One Second After is a great book, I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. I have recommended it to several people and almost everyone that read it had a sit up and pay attention moment.
Yes any metal container will work and yes it should be grounded because it absorbs the pulse energy which is electricity pretty much in static form flowing through the air and it has to go somewere once contained.
Am also reading this book now and am at page 170. Reminds me of Stephen King's The Stand....

Am just surprised at the way that he portrays that society's collapse would happen in so short a time.
If we lost the grid, for ANY reason, it wouldn't take long at all for society to collapse. More importantly, if we lost the grid, and people KNEW it wasn't coming back on anytime soon. THAT is the big difference, a global thing vs. local crisis, and the time needed to resolve it. After 3 days, it would start. After a full week, spotty anarchy, but still a functioning military. After a month, total chaos.
i liked this book. I had the audio book too and listen it on my long walks round the reservoir near my home
i have it down loaded on to my nook.and i've read very little of it.and what lil bit i did read,i found intresting..
We have had Grid collapses island wide* that would last a week or more and things were pretty normal still. Although this wasn't based on an EMP scenario wherein even the vehicles were down.

The last major one was in 2007 when we had no electricity for about 1 week for the whole island of Luzon (which is made up of about 5 regions).

* We are made up of two major islands and a whole bunch of smaller islands

In simple terms, we are just used to having a poor power infrastructure. and if an EMP does hit us, we would still have transportation since a lot of the vehicles on our roads are also old (particularly the jeepneys and some buses)
The important part though is...knowing it isn't coming back soon. If people KNOW it won't be back soon, THAT is when the panic kicks in, and it all goes to hell. If people know it will be back on soon, they will maintain order, for they know other communities are helping, and that any crimes will face eventual punishment.

With that hope removed from the equation, and that certainty gone, THAT is the catalyst for the anarchy.
Here in the Philippines, we are a hopeful people and the impact of the whole thing would not sink in as quickly as in the modern countries since we are already used to hardships.

Like what you said, it is when HOPE is removed and there is no more available infrastructure (which will take a while for a lot of people to realize here) would there probably be panic. I would say that this would happen in about after more than a month.

In One Second After, in the latter part, they found that there is still a government (sorry for the spoiler) yet crime and violence has set in. I like the way the community bonded together to hurdle the odds.
It was a very good book
Didn't read that one, I plan to though. I rea founders which comes after that and survivors. A little bland and no real plot development till the end, but still not too bad :)
Amazing book along with 77 Days in September... Really makes you think and also picked up some handy tips!
I looked for the book 77 Days in September and there didn't seem to be one. Is that the real name of it or am I saying it wrong?
Just started reading Patriots: A Novel of Survival in the Coming Collapse i will check that one out when i am done with this book

Couldn't really get into the audiobook as it sounded like it was narrated by a robot. What did you think?

Yeah, that is one of my favorite books. The 'Life as We Knew It' series is good too.

Thats one ive not heard of may have to give that series a try
I just started reading the sequel, 'One Year After', which seems to be an interesting continuation of the plotline, so far. I write a bit myself, and one of my fiction books, called 'The Fifth Horseman', is about a circuit-riding preacher in post-collapse Northern Arkansas...kind of like a cross between 'The Postman' and 'Pale Rider', lol. It's not the first or only post-apocalyptic book I've written, but it is the only one that deals primarily with the catastrophic effects of EMP, more than my 'Hasten The Day' trilogy does.
Took me a bit to find your book because of other books by that title. I finally found the Kindle version on Amazon and bought it. I'll let you know how I like it!
Just started the last A.American book in that series . I recommend the series to everyone.
Dr. Henley, I'm not sure which of my books you picked up, but here is the link to my best-selling fiction trilogy in Kindle format, since that's your preferred edition:

That would be cheaper than buying all three separately. And, if you prefer non-fiction, here is a link to one I wrote of particular interest to the prepper and survivalist community:


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