On topic. IMHO Lone wolf and small family / couple will not survive past the first two pases of a nation wide SHTF event. The need to stand guard prohibits the quality sleep needed to function properly. The logistics of just trying to survive = food collection --grow, scrounge, scavenge. etc. are against this group. So the Mini-MAG is the next option and again it is logistic vs. wishes. As Rellgar pointed out, each person in the group MUST have the three qualities, relationship has nothing to do with the qualifications except for your family wards that ARE your responsibilities. Last but not least is the Community MAG. This is a double edged sword. If and that is a very BIG IF, it is structured correctly and with the right people leading (notice I did not say in charge) this is a good option. With the wrong structure and the wrong people in charge, this is the first step to creating a Warlord or Neegan.
Off topic, You may want to have a sociopath or two in your group. Their lack of empathy will allow them to make and follow the difficult decisions. Do you want somebody that just really loves children guarding the gate when a mysterious starving child shows up or do you want the sociopath guarding the gate. We, er , they have their uses. :ar15: