Other then, DON'T........What is second safest way to open a door.......??? To your KILLER...???

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Mar 17, 2018
In a cabin, on a mountain, in "Wilderness" Alaska.
I keep running drills about opening the door to an unknow to me killer. One of the uglies is "Delayed Attack". I got it down fairly flat, if the attack comes instantly.
The fatal flaw is if the attack is delayed for 15 or 30 seconds. They calm you with a confusing question, (is that your car they just hit accidently) and now you have dropped your guard, and it happens.
I keep running drills about opening the door to an unknow to me killer. ...

I mean.. Setting aside all the Obvious 'Why in the WORLD would you Let someone Get that close', etc.. Why would it Not be as simple as:

a) Have a 'buffer zone' / kill-box of Some sort, ie: Outer Gate-Door / Outdoor vestibule ('Boot cleaning area', etc) / Inner Steel-Gate Door - Then - yer 'House door'... and..

b) Have that 'Inner Door' open Outwards (so it Cannot be 'kicked' / rammed-IN on you..) and...

c) Greet your 'Visitor' with a Min of a double-barrel of 12 ga. 00 (preferably a Semi-Auto, with Slugs to 'make yer Point' at the end, if need be..) so IF they're gonna 'play a card' - they've Got to 'show down' immediately - or Bail on thier poor judgement..

What am I missing, here? 🤔

Deliver the following instructions through the door:
  1. Place your hands behind your head and lock your fingers together
  2. Turn around and face away from the door
  3. Back up until you are up against the door in the center
Then carefully open the door and put your gun against their spine between their shoulder blades (keep your finger off the trigger).
Grab them by the collar (with your free hand) and gradually pull them into the room.
Close the door behind them (with your foot) and then frisk them - with your free hand.
Bring their hands down to the small of their back and cable tie them.

The whole time you have the door open, you have a helpless bunny for cover.

But most people won't like you doing all that to them......but that remains the safest way to do it.

If they are carrying a pizza ......then I guess the first step would be to get them to put the pizza on the ground.
Deliver the following instructions through the door:

Further, best use Some sort of 'Intercom', so that you're Not delivering those 'instructions' standing directly Behind the door (presumably, the Homeowner in this situ would Have some sort of 'live CCTV', so they could Actively / instantly monitor the person's movements / behaviours, etc, but.. IF some how, Not, then Any sort of 'offsides' comms solution would be Ideal, Imo..)

ie: At Our place, there's a Similar set-up to what I described above - an 'Outdoor open-air Airlock' of sorts, so Entry - to the Only front-side Entryway - is Monitorable and Controllable. :cool:

..Above, from the 'Attic' is an attic vent, that is large enough / louvered just right, so someone can - from 'Up there' - see All of what's going on In that area (and out to the Street..), and If need-be, even Shoot from it (and I've Got steel / aluminum plates (from my Old machine shop..) Against that outer wall, In case someone spots the 'nest' / shoots first..

Anyway, there's Also a 'Bullhorn' (got that during the 'Summer of Love', in case any of those 'Peaceful Protests' came into our old 'hood in Cali, there, and IF anyone started to enter Our property line - I could Commandingly let them know to 'Get Off the Lawn.. or Get Shot!) ;) - That I modded with a 1/4" audio plug-in coiled-cord 'extension' for the hand-mic - So that - the Bullhorn could broadcast instructions - whilst I was 'safely Offsides', via the Mic / extension - So that, In case someone 'shot At the sound-source - I won't be Directly Behind it.. :cool:

This is all, of course, 'second line' (ie: If the Cams are shot-out, etc) Those, actually, have a built-in 'PA', as it is, so.. We'd issue instructions thru Those, first..

If they are carrying a pizza ......then I guess the first step would be to get them to put the pizza on the ground.

Aye - a "pizza box" would make an Excellent 'assassin's ruse' - Easy to conceal a suppressed [something] therein, with the "box supporting hand" able to quickly access / engage / fire, from Underneath. 🤔 (and If the target says 'Well, I didn't Order a Pizza', then the line is 'Oh, So sorry, Wrong address!... *Pop Pop Pop*, etc.. No doubt that's Been Done, before..

First you need a door that will stop small arms.
Have a feed that will let you see what outside without opening your door.
Then as for id to be held up to a camera, all this is recorded.
Opening the door after nine o'clock at night is a no no.
If they want to kill you & it is personal, a sniper from a build can do it.
If it is a home invasion, have some one call 911, if the person or persons will not leave your yard.
I NEVER HAVE TO OPEN THE DOOR. they can bleed out on the porch.

I agree. I used to open the front door, and speak through a locked strom door. Now, at my wife's suggestion (the way she always did it) we never open the front door. We have a bay window adjacent to the front door. If it is a stranger we talk through the bay window.
This is tricky because if someone is able to make it to my front door, which is no easy feat, they are likely wearing wind breakers or SWAT gear. This means that somehow the dogs are dead and my place is probably burning to the ground with me inside as CNN announces that I am a radical fundamentalist who sleeps with pan sexual furries, doesn't believe dogs go to heaven and has a history of ripping tags off of mattresses. But at least some patriot out there will make some memes and t-shirts in my honor.

My point is that it very difficult to make it to my front door and even harder to get through it.
I don't know, nobody ever rings our bell...
Our place is walled and gated. There is a Ring at the gate, and a tasteful "No Solicitors, No Trespassing," sign. Anyone found on my side of the wall, will be found at the base of our cliff in back, after the dogs are done eating. OK, that's not really true. I don't actually have any dogs. I'll eat you myself... ;)

If you don't have my phone number or we aren't expecting you, you probably don't need to be at my house. Here's how it works around here. We may or may not answer the Ring depending who is on camera. I can't remember the last time it rang.

Oh, I forgot, it did ring. Nothing ever happens around here, maybe ten cars and the UPS truck go by on a typical day. I got complacent and started leaving the driveway gates open when I was in and out on errands. Our drive isn't long, about 50 ft, but the gates stop people from turning around in it.

One day the doorbell rang! The one at the front door! WTHeck?!! "Stranger Danger!" The cat took off like her tail was on fire and ran to her room to hide. My wife was working online in the den. She stopped. We were trying to figure out what the bonging sound was.

Our windows have a mirror reflective film. So I looked out and there was someone standing in our entry. The gall! I determined he was either a solicitor, who ignored my sign. Or the undercover point man for a death squad, sent because of something I posted on Facebook. I didn't see any throwing stars or machine guns, so I opened the door.

"Hi, I'm from Acme Solar, we were in the neighborhood..."

I asked if he saw the sign? "No."

"Well go read it."

And I shut the gates once he was out. That was our closest call, so far.
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If you actually make it to my front door, you will be greeted from behind!
Bingo!! We have a winner.

If someone is at my front door, that means they climbed over a locked gate clearly marked with No Trespassing signage. So, ol' RPD, sneaky vet that he is, slips out the back door with shotgun and approaches around the side of the house.
In Alaska "ALL" doors in any building used by humans must open in. I suspect it is same in all northern states. Not just residence dwellings.
In Alaska "ALL" doors in any building used by humans must open in. I suspect it is same in all northern states. Not just residence dwellings.
All my doors open out. Every single one.
I keep running drills about opening the door to an unknow to me killer. One of the uglies is "Delayed Attack". I got it down fairly flat, if the attack comes instantly.
The fatal flaw is if the attack is delayed for 15 or 30 seconds. They calm you with a confusing question, (is that your car they just hit accidently) and now you have dropped your guard, and it happens.
So you’re saying never let your guard down. That way if you get shot, with adrenaline pumping,… you won’t know you’re shot until the perp is dead?
Most prison cell and room doors in mental institutions open outwards.....so the occupant can't control the door or hide behind it.
Pros and cons to everything.

If a door opens in, it can not be blocked by an outsider. If it opens in… can be kicked in…

A person does actually have more control with an open in door. Given that person is prepared for anything that may come thru that door.

Stay tuned for common sense 102
The reason doors must open "IN" is because of snow dump.
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In Alaska "ALL" doors in any building used by humans must open in...

Yah - There - that certainly factors..

:eek: ;)

Pros and cons to everything.
If a door opens in, it can not be blocked by an outsider. If it opens in… can be kicked in…

Sure, but Why Not Both? 🤔 An Outer 'Open-Out Only' Steel Gate-type (that, if someone was either trying to pry or cut-off-wheel-Thru, would give Ample 'warning' / Time to flank / perforate / trap, etc..) and an Inner - that Opens In - but Super-Fortified / 100% Un-kick-innable? 🤔

Could Also go with the 'Get Smart Approach'...


LOVE the 'Last-portal to the Real (subterranian) Lair', tho.. Great idea. 👍


Still one of my All Time Favs.. :cool: Such a great flick (Of course, certain 'unrealistic creative-liberties' forgiven, but.. Gotta do that with pretty much All Hollyflicks tho.. 'Blackhawk Down' (Another ATFav..) Apocalypse Now, Hacksaw Ridge, and even 13 Hours being some of the more Notable exceptions.. :cool: But León is always a Solid watch. 👍
