Must Read Our Constitutional Republic is at war!

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Proud Prepper

Prepper of all thing's
HCL Supporter
Mar 13, 2017
Top secret location in S. Louisiana and Arkansas
The United States is in a Civil War. You can call it a cold war, a luke warm war, a one event from all out shooting war, but it hasn’t gone full blown hot, yet. The outrage from the communist Democrats every day is not due to Donald Trump, no it’s aimed at us, the common man, the Deplorable, the Dreg of Society. They hate us and everything we stand for. They despise that we won’t bow down and let them rule over us.

The mask have been off of the Democrats, the Deep State, and the never Trump Republicans for some time now. They hate America and what we stand for. They hate you for not obeying them and thinking for yourselves. They hate that they have lost power and cannot rule over you. They hate that you put an outsider into the Whitehouse who cannot be controlled. Bottom line is they hate you.

There is no way for the political situation in the US to become better. Let me repeat this. THERE IS NO WAY THINGS GET BETTER. It is total war at this point. It is a war of attrition at this point. There is no scenario where everyone starts liking (or even accepting) everyone on the other side. The Left was so close to actually sticking a fork in us if Hillary had won. Trump awakened the common man, the deplorable, the dreg, but it doesn’t mean that we will win. It only means that we will either prevail or we will go down fighting. No middle ground. This will be an elimination event. Either we wipe these Marxist/Communist from the face of the earth or they wipe us out. There is no other way. We cannot coexist with these evil people.

We are no longer one country and haven’t been for some time now. The US, at least in the way the founding fathers had envisioned it, is no more. The communist Democrats and Deep State Republicans in this country consider us their inferiors. Don’t believe me just listen to the way they describe us. Watch their actions. The point of compromise has passed. You don’t compromise with people who wish you dead and think the world would be better off without you and your way of thinking.

We are under attack. This Civil War/Revolution/Communist takeover is well under way. We are getting punched in the face on a daily basis and it seems all we can do is talk. Our side is being arrested for defending their lives and property, while the other side is free to do as they please without any apparent consequences. Their side is threatening us with Civil War if our President does his duty as stated in the Constitution and appoints a Supreme Court Justice to fill Ginsburg’s seat. While no one wants war, at this point, it is acceptable to me. Evil must always be confronted.

Our Founders were willing to die for the rights espoused in the Declaration they crafted and signed at their own Peril. Their document boldly proclaimed our Right to Live in Freedom, freedom to be protected, not threatened, by the rule of the government. The fundamental rights and freedoms enumerated in the Declaration of Independence included the right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. These rights were God-given and could not be eliminated, and the communist left despises this. I believe it’s time for us to pledge our Lives, Fortunes and sacred Honor, to provide a better future for the generations to come.

This Country is done! What replaces it is up to us. The seeds have been planted for the next American Civil War. The second one is going to make the first one seem like a High School shoving match. Pick your side. Choose wisely. Prepare for the most brutal war that this world has ever seen. It’s coming. I don’t think anything stops it now. Hopefully we can set things right if we win, or at least die trying.

In closing, I think an ominous question exists that every person capable of rational thought must ask themselves. What kind of country are we leaving to our children and grandchildren? What will you say when they ask what YOU did to stop the tyranny and destruction of our Constitutional Republic?

May God have Mercy on us all.

Wes Rhinier
WE THE PEOPLE need to stand and let our voices be heard , then if that don’t work , it’s time to stand up and take arms just as the constitution states. tyrants blood must be shed to save us all from becoming that third world country we all see in the news, I never want to live like that and would go out fighting .
I'm on the side of our Constitutional Republic which gives us the means to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

A few of you here may not believe this is the reality of our country. I pray by the time you take your head out the sands of denial, its not to late for you and your family.
I would say that this is not only an American problem but a global one. The same problems are happening all over Europe too. The main issue is that the majority of the mainstream media is controlled by left wing liberals and their propaganda machine is winning. If the conservative portion of the population want to prevail they will need to start by taking control of the media.
There is no 'taking control of the media'. How would you do such a thing? You can take them out. In my life, I have. Haven't watched CNN in years, maybe decades (other than snippets). Don't read NYT, definitely do not use or google for news. Don't watch national TV news (ABC/CBS/NBC or Fox). Ok, I'll look at the local stations to see the weather updates. But otherwise, places like , , (in times past, youtube channels, these are the 'media' that I listen to. And I make sure my purchases support the manufacturers that support my media sources, even going out of my way to avoid supporting those companies that support the fake news networks.
There is no 'taking control of the media'. How would you do such a thing? You can take them out. In my life, I have. Haven't watched CNN in years, maybe decades (other than snippets). Don't read NYT, definitely do not use or google for news. Don't watch national TV news (ABC/CBS/NBC or Fox). Ok, I'll look at the local stations to see the weather updates. But otherwise, places like , , (in times past, youtube channels, these are the 'media' that I listen to. And I make sure my purchases support the manufacturers that support my media sources, even going out of my way to avoid supporting those companies that support the fake news networks.

I stopped going to All the MSM including CNN and Dredge Report, I don't watch Fox but I do read online news that appear on NewsAmmo, below is the only news sites I frequent.

Idaho Report
The Daily Caller
The Baze
The Daily Wire
We do have a couple news stations that I will watch. . Newsmax and One American News (OAN). These are both Conservative stations and I still like Hannity and Tucker on FOX.
This election is our Battle of Lepanto! It will decide if our Constitutional Republic continues or we lose it and we become a democratic socialist Tyrannical country, controlled by the Marxists Globalists.

Don Trump is our Don Yuan. He is our very imperfect leader that's committed to doing the right thing. He is chosen by God to keep our country out of the control of the godless Globalists.

We must fight against these enemies by every means our Constitution gives us.
Every American that supports our Constitution is in danger by our corrupt FBI.

The alleged kidnapping plot was, by any rational assessment, completely peaceful. The alleged kidnappers didn’t burn down any local businesses. They didn’t assault federal officers with blinding lasers. They didn’t set police cars on fire, and they didn’t shoot innocent civilians. No, all those things were carried out by Black Lives Matter and Antifa, two domestic terrorist groups that the FBI is utterly ignoring, if not protecting.

The FBI routinely stages fake terror attacks across America to psychologically traumatize the nation
“Instead of actually investigating Russia-gate players for the biggest political scandal in U.S. history, the FBI is busy staging fake terror plots to entrap and ensnare unsuspecting militia activists,” observes Big League Politics.

“Several members talked about murdering ‘tyrants’ or ‘taking’ a sitting governor,” the FBI wrote.

Wait, what? They talked about it?

So while BLM and Antifa are actually burning down America’s cities and literally murdering innocent people in the streets, some chest-thumping boasters in Michigan talked about wanting to get rid of their treasonous governor?

Geez, what other horrific things might they have said?

“The group talked about creating a society that followed the U.S. Bill of Rights and where they could be self-sufficient,” reports the FBI.

Say it isn’t so! How evil! Self-sufficiency? Bill of Rights? These people are obviously dangerous, demented individuals, at least according to the FBI.

But to the rest of America, talking about removing a treasonous, lawless governor is no doubt very common. And working towards self-sufficiency to live under the Bill of Rights is a tremendously positive and productive idea. To the FBI, however, any talk of living within your means, under a system of self-responsibility and personal liberty is some sort of “extremist” philosophy. But burning down retail establishments, assaulting police and attacking people because they’re White is all a-ok.

The FBI even paid its honey pot informers who were obviously enticing participants into the entire “kidnapping” plot. As BLP reports:

The Detroit News noted that “those present included an FBI confidential source who recorded the meetings” and that “the source has been paid $8,600.” The anonymous coward took 30 pieces of silver to commit this frame job on behalf of the federal jackboots.

Michigan State Police Col. Joe Gasper confirmed that state law enforcement is fully on board with the FBI’s war against 2nd Amendment supporters.

Big League Politics reported earlier this year on how the fake news media and veteran deep state criminals were bragging publicly about their intentions to ensnare white patriotic Americans in these sort of promulgated terror stings to deprive them of their life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.

All this underscores the greater truth in all this: The real terrorist front group in America is the FBI, which took a lead role in an illegal, treasonous coup attempt against President Trump… and now continues to terrorize America with its outrageous, treasonous schemes that are engineered to feed the media’s mass hysteria against conservatives.

It makes me wonder: What evil plot is the FBI working on next?

Mike Adams
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I've considered the establishment of a militia unit for just such an emergency. However I'm unsure of the best way to verify that perspective members are committed to the cause when & if the time comes. I'd welcome any suggestions from the group if anyone would like to share. Thanks

Don't take anyone that comes to you. Or comes to another member to join.
I've considered the establishment of a militia unit for just such an emergency. However I'm unsure of the best way to verify that perspective members are committed to the cause when & if the time comes. I'd welcome any suggestions from the group if anyone would like to share. Thanks

Honestly I've thought a lot about Militias as of late, especially from all this Political nonsense. BLM, Liberals, these "Protesters" burning down whole cities, talks of a new Civil War. I feel like Militias might be making a come back if 2020 keeps going the way it is.

But yeah I'd have to say be careful finding people to join your cause, never know what sort of "Spies" or what not may join.
If our POTUS Trump wins reelection, our enemies only play is to cause chaos with a war. The Democrats will try and succeed in California and other communists states. Gavin Newsom is in bed with the Chicoms. He has already committed treasonous crimes against the Constitution, one of which is declaring a sanctuary state against federal law. Michigan's, New York, Verginia, New Jersey governors have also broken many federal laws.

We the people need to be prepared to arrest all these traitors if we want to keep our Republic.
The first order of business is to terminate the MSM for sedition. Censorship will be the end of America. The FIRST GD amendment is Free Speech! I haven't been posting because I am afraid of what I might say, and I know this place is monitored. A civil war MUST happen if America is to survive this attempted coup for socialism. The FBI needs to be defunded. CLEARLY they are an arm of the DNC.

good to go
A civil war MUST happen if America is to survive this attempted coup for socialism. The FBI needs to be defunded. CLEARLY they are an arm of the DNC.
There are still original WANTED posters in circulation of the arrest of John F. Kennedy for treason. He wanted to make friends with Fidel Castro to keep the Russians out of our backyard AND he found out the CIA was making its own laws and money with all possible means of smuggling of drugs and weapons in Southeast Asia and wanted to end the Vietnam War before all those involved had "made enough money". He also did cut the CIA yearly budget by over 40% to try and "defund" and weaken the CIA to a controllable level.
We all know from history, what happened to him...
When even the POTUS can be scratched off, who are we? And now even almost 60 years later, they have more technology, motivation, initiative and hate for those willing or able to blow the whistle. Beware of quiet dogs fellow preppers.
Live free, GP
The first order of business is to terminate the MSM for sedition. Censorship will be the end of America. The FIRST GD amendment is Free Speech! I haven't been posting because I am afraid of what I might say, and I know this place is monitored. A civil war MUST happen if America is to survive this attempted coup for socialism. The FBI needs to be defunded. CLEARLY they are an arm of the DNC.

good to go

Ive missed you on here and very glad to see you are ok. Totally agree that we Must Act against the MSM, socialists/communists and tear apart the freaking FBI, which is more corrupt I think than even biden!
“Whose Ever Got the Guns Can Win- Let’s Take Over the Buildings!” -WOW! Lisa Fithian, BLM, Radical Leftists Are Working with Federal Workers For Post Election Mass Violence (Video)

Fithian is an anti-capitalist revolutionary.

Police use gas to push back World Trade Organization protesters in downtown Seattle on Nov. 30, 1999. The protests delayed the opening of the third WTO conference in Seattle. (Indymedia)

And this revolutionary is now plotting violent takeover of Washington DC next week following the presidential election.

Win or lose the communists are going to rip this country apart next week!
Be warned.
Be prepared!

Millie Weaver 🇺🇸 (@Millie__Weaver) Tweeted:
Exclusive footage!

Leftist protest groups plot election day coup aided by the Democrat Party, Federal employees & Intelligence contractors.

- They plan to shut down & take over Washington D.C. starting Nov. 4th until inauguration day to force Trump out of the White House.

"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free. - Ronald Reagan"
"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free. - Ronald Reagan"

The problem today is that we are 1 election awy from freedom going extinct. It was true in 2016, it is true in 2020.
Freedom.. was never FREE. It has to be paid for to be kept, not just once, but over and over to those who know the value and know how to cherish it.
Charlie Chaplin once said, you only need POWER if you have something evil planned, for the rest in life, you can accomplish with LOVE.
You must live and love your freedom MORE than THEY hate it. You must be ready to pay for it in order to let your children INHERIT it. We KNOW the price is high, but the price of losing it and having to get it back again IS MUCH HIGHER. LIVE FREE; GARY

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